Friday, May 30, 2008


In 2007 the Town Board authorized the funding of the dog park at Rumbrook Park. On Wednesday night the Town Board unanimously approved the contract. The dog park will open this fall.


Anonymous said...

It seems that the dogs get treated better in Greenburgh than the residents.

Is this dog park really necessary??
Is this dog park at the north end of town?

Why not build homes in some of the parklands??
How much will you charge the residents that bring their dogs to this park?
Is this park paid for by the unincorporated part of town..
If so nonresidents must be chargesd a fee to bring the dogs there.

Anonymous said...


I can't believe that soon after we got a dog park at Ridge Road Park (county money), we go and spend money to build one at Rumbrook.

Why does Greenburgh need 2 dog parks?

Anonymous said...

And are dogs from the Village area allowed????

Anonymous said...

The dog park will be open townwide, so that dog owners in the villages may use it too and, thanks to Feiner and his rubber stamp town board, the cost is being funded entirely by taxpayers in unincorporated Greenburgh.

Liability costs will also be funded entirely by unincorporated Greenburgh taxpayers. Use of the town's dog park will be free to all town residents, including village residents, at no cost to village residents whatsoever.

Dog owners from the villages were very much in favor of the idea of having unincorporated Greenburgh foot the bill because none of their village governments were interested in putting up the funds.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that unincorporated area solely pays for many of the things in Greenburgh.
Is there not a way to fight this in court since we have taxation without representation.
The villages have representation but we don't.

With all our good legal minds living here could anyone of you come up with an explanation if anything can be done.

I know what some would say is to start your own village,but there has to be some thing that we are all missing into the interpetation of taxation without representation.

Samis and Krauss you are not lawyers but you both have tremendous knowledge to come up with some answer.
We the taxpayers need help and you know dam well this council will make us drown.

Anonymous said...

When will the other parks have dog runs.

You have Harts park where the dogs run all over the property.

Is there not a piece of land that is privately owned so why is it not fenced in.
The land owned by Greenburgh should have it's own entrance and exit and it should be fenced in.
You have to pass a law stating that all dogs must be on a leash and not loose.

Veteran park needs a dog run also,for the residents of lower Greenburgh.
Did you forget about the ones that pay for these parks???

May I ask what kind of a contract was awarded for a dog run. Your own park employees could do the work themselves.But you never thought of this.
Oh poor us what this town is coming to.
I do hope that we have enough time to run before every penny is extracted from us by taxes.

Anonymous said...

If I take my pit bulls to the park do I have to show that I carry accident insurance or do you have enough insurance to cover my dogs and all the rest in case of an accident.

This is something we all should know.
Will my pit bulls be allowed into the park or will they be excluded?
I'm a resident and I should have all the answers to the above questions.

Anonymous said...

Ridge park does not have a dog park.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea but not woryj the price tag.

Anonymous said...

I am pleased that Greenburgh offers us this amenity. Dogs rule!

Anonymous said...

Typical Greenburgh park - the top dogs are in the villages and get to use the facility -
Unincorporated not only gets to pay for it, but clean up the **** as well.

Anonymous said...

To 1:58, there are no dogs in the villages. The dogs live in Edgemont.

Anonymous said...

I find it really amazing. There are good and bad reasons for a dog park, but all anyone seems to care about is whether village residents can use it, with some writers assuming that it is for village residents and that village residents are behind the decision to create a dog park.

Where does this paranoid reaction come from? I watched Wednesday's meeting, and there wasn't anybody from the villages asking for the dog park. I imagine people from the villages don't have to come to this dog park to walk their dogs, since they have plenty of their own facilities.

It is really scary the way some residents sit in wait and jump in with their assumptions that the villages are out to take us. It is really weird also. I don't see village residents in the parks that I use, and I wouldn't care if there were village residents there anyway. I want to have the parks to use, I get enjoyment from them.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Dog parks are popular all over the country. Glad to see that Greenburgh's government is offering this program.

Anonymous said...

How about the skate park at rumbrook. That is just rotting away? Is it going to ever reopen? Is the dog park going to suffer the same fate?

Anonymous said...

One can see that this park is being held together with a bandaid.
It is in shambles.
Does the park belong solely to Greenburgh if so try to sell it to a developer for new homes.
Your commisioner of parks cannot perform a miracle with this park.It is what it is a rotting away dump.
How much more tax dollars will go into trying to make it look good.

Anonymous said...

It is starting to look like the dogs have been running Greenburgh and will do so to the end.
If other towns have one dog park Greenburgh has to have tow or three.
Why is it that Greenburgh always has to be up one above the others.
We the taxpayers are fools not to put a stop to their crazy spending.

The other towns have one library maybe one floor high Greenburgh has got to have a skyscraper.
The other towns may have one park Greenburgh has to have five or six.

The big difference is that the other towns are well kept and businesses in their areas are flourishing whereas here in Greenburgh we will be looking at a ghost town full of filth.
Yes Greenburgh is going to the dogs just take a ride up Central Ave.and you will see more vacant stores and those that are still there are barely making it.
The glory that was once in this area is gone. The civic associations could fight all they want about what they do want and what they don't want but nothing is going to help revitalize Central Ave.
It was a nice place but as we all say over and over again it's going to the dogs,.

Anonymous said...

Dog parks are popular around the country. Greenburgh dog owners deserve a park for our dogs.

Anonymous said...

Who was awarded the contract?

Also, could a contract be approved for a company to clean sewer grates and do weed-wacking throughout the town. I love dogs, but it seems weird that a dog park takes priority in the budget over street-cleaning.

Anonymous said...

Dog Parks??? Paul, these are the stupid Human Things (pardon my David Letterman pun) that politicians do that cause our taxes to rise 20%. You talk of a bare bones budget and then spend $400,000 on a park for dogs. Why are cats being excluded? How much for them, a cool million??

Anonymous said...

Why does it cost so much for the dog park? Go to any in the cith they are simple fenced in areas with gravel and a garbage can for the poop? What is Greenburgh doing that is costing 400K????

Anonymous said...

The biggest crime in Town is all the Free services for people and the low cost housing for these people in one area of town.
Start making these people pay the going rate for rent in these apartments(cops,firefighters, sanitation etc.making over $80,000)
living in Greenburgh housing and not paying the market rate is the BIGGEST CRIME!
How many crimes did housing police solve?

Anonymous said...

Don't you know that Greenburgh will be lining the ground with a plush rug and above all the fence will be lined with mink so the dogs do not get hurt.

You wont have to pick up the poop because they will have a dog butler picking up behind them.

Yes this will be the dog run of the future. Greenburgh has the rights to the construction of this
run soley.

If it is to be copied one must pay the contractor up front for his services.

This could have been done in house but as you know the town thinks that whatever they do has to be the first and the best.

All the waiting dogs are say woofwoof to the taxpayers in other words thank you.

Anonymous said...

You choose to live in Westchester! pay the increase in tax or go buy a house in Georgia. Stop whinning!

Anonymous said...

I do not mind paying taxes but I do mind as to where our tax money is going.
We voted in a new library for ninteen million plus now we hear that there is not enough money to finish the project.

Now they are looking to borrow money from the town and to pay the loan back to the town when they receive some grants.

Our new govenor said he will not allow any money to be granted for a while.
So tell me who are they [the library representatives]trying to fool
It's not the public but our town board members..

Anonymous said...

If fools try to fool fools, does one cancel the other out?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You could let the dogs run around in the new library, at least then people will go the library.

Anonymous said...

Have the dogs been yelping that they need a park as much as the residents have been yelling to get rid of some parkland.

Well It seems that the dogs won this round too.
Where will your next dog park be installed.
Are you going to make sure that all dogs are spaited.You know we don't want to see any accidents happen with our animals especially if they are thoroughbreds.
My dog happens to be a show dog and if something were to happen whom do I sue the town or the other dogs' owner.