Friday, December 08, 2006


A few years ago Greenburgh became the 2nd municipality in the nation and first in NY to mandate energy conservation in new residential construction. Nikki Coddington, our energy conservation coordinator, proposed today that the town consider promoting energy conservation in new commercial construction over 5,000 sq feet. The suggested options: the town should require or incentivize applicants to build commercial buildings that meet ENERGY STAR standards. Development incentives could be offered if we do not require builders to build green buildings.
What do you think? Mandate...or provide incentives? If every local government promoted energy conservation we will not have to rely on foreign oil as much as we currently do. It's my hope that the Town Board will give serious consideration to this important issue.


Anonymous said...

energy conservation should be required.

Anonymous said...

YES! The town should do even more to discourage businesses from coming into the town!

Again, you show where your priorities are. Don't worry about attracting new business into the town, worry about how many more restricitions and laws we can place on them.

Paul Feiner said...

Energy conservation will actually save businesses money - not hurt the businesses. A big cost for every business is heat/air conditioning,electricity. If buildings are inefficient the commercial tenants will pay more.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with all the Town of Greenburgh has done to support energy reduction initiatives. Just now, by going to the town's web site, I found out I could elect Green Power from Con Edison (which I did) for only fractions more than the current electricity rate. The town should continue to lead the way in this and other initiatives -- any new construction should support the Energy Star standards. I commend the town for hiring someone to address these issues and set a standard for other communities in Westchester and elsewhere. Green buildings do not cost business more in the long run and do not discourage expansion. Keep it up!