Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tappan Zee bridge study approved...

If the Tappan Zee bridge is replaced Greenburgh (villages/287 corridor which includes unincorporated Greenburgh) will be impacted. The state is moving forward reviewing various options. Before plans are finalized by the state we want to make sure that our quality of life concerns are addressed. the Greenburgh Town Board voted yesterday to appropriate $30,000 in the 2007 budget to retain the services of a consultant to assist us in the review. The vote was unanimous.
Hopefully, since we are being proactive, some of our concerns could be addressed by the state before final plans are announced.


Anonymous said...

We all have to spend some time analyzing the TZ bridge options and the impact these options will have on Greenburgh.

Anonymous said...

I am pleased that you are working on this before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

Huh?! I hope you mean that the $30K will go towards a consultant who is a lobbyist and municipal communications expert. Heck, a panel of high school seniors could simply "assist us in the review."

Kindly explain further what you mean by "a consultant to assist us in the review," and how this amount of $30K was determined.

Anonymous said...

And still no Central Ave morotorium.

thnks for nothing

Anonymous said...

SECOND REQUEST: Kindly explain further what you mean by "a consultant to assist us in the review," and how this amount of $30K was determined.