Wednesday, August 20, 2008

response from state RE: TZ BRIDGE WINDMILLS

Dear Supervisor Feiner,

Thank you for your suggestion. This is an important issue and we appreciate your comment. The Department is committed to sustainability, and Commissioner Glynn recently announced a series of environmental initiatives to enhance the environment while reducing our carbon footprint and conserving natural resources. We also have created a Climate Change/Energy Efficiency Team to develop transportation policy strategies. We will be looking at a range of ways to integrate these considerations into the Tappan Zee Bridge project and look forward to continuing to work with you as the study progresses.


Michael P. Anderson, P.E.
Project Director
Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Environmental Review


Anonymous said... 1

See responses started in the section asking the question to which the state is responding...........

Anonymous said... 2

We do need alternate energy to service the people in New York.
We have some parkland that is of no use to the public that being Thaxter dump.
This parcel is of no use to anyone other than it being the back yard to someone who was thrilled with the purchase by The three ,the State,county and of course Greenburgh.
The mayor of New york city also seems to be going for a windmill plan .
We know what is needed but some people will not bend.
If it didn't cost too much money I would put a windmill in my backyard because my electric bill is hitting the sky.
There has to be something to help the home owners.

Anonymous said... 3

What about Taxter Ridge windmills???

Anonymous said... 4

the rivertowns are rather lacking in wind. its very difficult to fly a kite in the western part of greenburgh.

is there sufficient wind in taxter to merit a wind farm?

Anonymous said... 5

The rivertowns are not lacking in wind. Unfortunately the best places to catch wind in the rivertowns is along the (**gasp**) river. The Town has no access to the shoreline - and the rich white folks aren't going to let that happen, no matter how much they love Paul and his colleagues for the "village first" policy. Perhaps the turbines could be placed on elements of Kapica's navy - oh wait, that will block the scenic view of the rich white folks.

Anonymous said... 6

Guess the only place with enough guaranteed hot air is in the council chambers on Hillside Avenue.

Anonymous said... 7

Or when the "leaders" of Edgemont speak.

Anonymous said... 8

Maybe the windmills could power the library. You can install them on the ski slope..

Anonymous said... 9

Sorry the ski slope has to be used as a ski jump when practicing for the winter games.

Anonymous said... 10

See today's New York Times for interesting comments on wind energy.

"The Energy Challenge: Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid's Limits"

Anonymous said... 11

forget the state of new york - just hire the chinese to get it done.

see today's tom friedman column in the new york times

Anonymous said... 12

Oh well, I guess the blog has died. Just as Mr. Feiner doesn't care about supervising roadway cleaning, I guess he doesn't care for open government anymore.