Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am contacting the TZ Bridge Environmental Review Team, Governor Paterson, members of the NYS Legislature and will be encouraging them to follow up on Mayor Bloomberg's suggestion that windmills be placed on NYC bridges and skyscrapers. This is a perfect time to study the feasibility of placing a windmill on the TZ bridge. NYS is currently studying vvarious options for the bridge--either major rehabilition or a new bridge. If construction of the windmill takes place at the same time as construction or rehabilitation of the TZ bridge there will be little inconvenience to motorists. Placing a windmill on top of the bridge will send a constant message to the public--how important it is for our nation to become more energy efficient.
The following is an e mail I sent to the project team of the Tappan Zee bridge study group. I will be writing similar letters to other state leaders and environmental activists.
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Feiner
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:11 AM
To: ''

To: Project Team, Tappan Zee Bridge Environmental Review
Michael Anderson, Project Director

Dear Mr. Anderson:
Mayor Bloomberg's proposal to place windmills on the city's bridges and skyscapers as part of a major effort to develop renewable energy motivated me to write this letter to you --to encourage the NYS Tappan Zee Bridge team to study the feasibility of placing a windmill on the Tappan Zee bridge. Your team is currently reviewing a number of options. These options include major bridge rehabilitation and the replacement of the existing Tappan Zee bridge with a new bridge.
This is a perfect time to study the feasibility of placing a windmill on the Tappan Zee bridge. If construction of the windmill takes place at the same time as construction or rehabilitation of the TZ bridge there will be little inconvenience to motorists. If a new bridge is built - putting a windmill on top of the bridge will send a constant message to the public -- how important it is for our nation to become more energy efficient. The new TZ bridge will be a bridge of the 21st century!
Mayor Bloomberg's proposal is a bold initiative that can help generate significant electricity for our region. Wind power is clean. You are currently study the TZ Bridge options. Please explore this option as part of your study.
Greenburgh Town Supervisor


Anonymous said... 1

Cute idea, but would you also spend a moment to direct your staff to current basic town matters such as street-sweeping and weed-wacking along our major roadways. I know it's nothing fancy like windmills, but you're paid to manage the everyday operations of the town.

Anonymous said... 2

GREENBURGH'S BOND RATING WAS INCREASED TO AAA, THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE RATING--a rating that less than 3% of municipalities enjoy.

Anonymous said... 3

Let's use our AAA bond rating to install wind turbines in the chambers of our Town Council. Perhaps they will generate enough wind to power our excuse for a government.

Anonymous said... 4

Could this suggestion be characterized by the Supervisor as a wind-wind?

Anonymous said... 5

Could this suggestion be characterized by the Supervisor as a wind-wind?

Anonymous said... 6

How about combining blog topics?

Should the band Solar Punch play atop of a windmill on the TZ bridge to an audience of dogs while Robert Dam measures the carbon dioxide given off by the cars caught in the ensuing traffic jam?

We know that River City's gotta have a boys band; how things are in Glocamorra; that everything's up to date in Kansas City; that New York's a helluva town; that if you're going to leave your heart, wear flowers in your hair in San Francisco; that every home's a palace in big D and that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas BUT
what does the 80th best place have to woo travelers and voters?

Maybe these visions of our local Bali Hai will will call out to you across a crowded blog.

Another double digit tax increase (as in 22%), an "undelivered" Hartsdale Flooding Study, a Library "on budget" and "undelayed", a Fortress Bible decision, limiting public comment at Town Board meetings, a 9/11 memorial wall, raindrops on windows and warm woolen mittens...these are but a few of my favorite things.

So climb every mountain, cross every stream, follow every rainbow...time to WAKE UP, Taxter Ridge still won't be open.

Anonymous said... 7

hal - where is taxter ridge?
do you know the way?

Anonymous said... 8

a better place for a windmill farm would be taxter ridge.

wind wind indeed

Anonymous said... 9

Paul! Are you for real? Have you run out of things to fix in Greenburgh and have so much time on your hands, you immerse yourself in this? Does Greenburgh bore you? It seems that way.

I'm starting to become very, very afraid............

Anonymous said... 10

Good idea Paul.
We need these windmills to help us with our electric bills.
With house heating oil sky high together with the electricity we are being knoced for a loop.
We need assistance and we need it now.
Good plan follow it through.

Anonymous said... 11


Anonymous said... 12

Dear 5:22 -
After studying Greenburgh and Paul Feiner the DSM has added a new diagnostic code: MAD (for Municipal Attention Deficit).
Not much chance Feiner will follow through - he never does.

Anonymous said... 13

"Good plan follow it through."

It's a good idea, but way beyond the realm of the Supervisor job description to "follow it through." He made a suggestion; very nice; period. His primary job function, however, is to supervise Greenburgh municipal matters. Please don't encourage him to become more distracted with cute tangents.

Anonymous said... 14

I guess this wouldn't be an appropriate time to remind readers of the inspiration to open a hydrogen fuel station on Central Avenue in Edgemont.

A potential Greenburgh first!

An almost disaster in White Plains was avoided by the quick response of the Fire Department which extinguished a compressor fire before it spread to the fuel tanks.

Shell Station or shell game; you be the judge.

Anonymous said... 15

Nah, just the poor innocent civilians being shelled again - or is that hosed?

Anonymous said... 16

The bond rating was raised before the first of the 20%+ tax increases was necessary.
Without a significant fund balance, chances are good the ratings will be reduced. Can't wait to see how Feiner spins that bit of news.

Anonymous said... 17

Actually that damage control effort is already underway. By blaming Mike Kolesar for telling "secrets" the Paulists are redirecting the voters away from the real issue. When the bond rating is adjusted the cry will be that Kolesar released information to the rating agencies without Council approval - and the Supervisor is blameless.

Anonymous said... 18

Would you rather be a policeman in boring NYC or in Greenburgh, #80 on Money's list?
Would you rather walk a beat in NYC or drive a police car in Greenburgh?
Would you rather pay higher rents, more for food, dry cleaning and other daily consumption items in NYC or less for them in Greenburgh?

And who pays it's police officers more? Why Greenburgh, of course.
We follow the rule, the less difficult, the less dangerous, the less costly standard of living...the more pay.

Today's announcement that under a NEW contract, NYC police officers will, upon ratification, at $41,975and rising to $76,488 AFTER 5.5 years may make taxpayers see the light. Under the old, existing contract, after 4 years, officers earn around $84,000 in Greenburgh, something that would normally be increased without raising anyone's attention. Until now.

Competition is good says the Town Board. Especially Francis Sheehan who crowed about all the benefits that would be bestowed upon the implementation of the two year old cable franchise agreement with Verizon. Thanks to his concern and effort, we are all enjoying the fruits of that tough negotiation. Or not. And some would even say that, what we have as the result, is that we have rotting fruit from both Verizon and Cablevision.

But since we know from Francis the Fallible that competetion is good and will pay off for taxpayers, let's assume that those who want to become policemen (new hires) will offer their services to the welcoming arms of either the Westchester PBA (a good friend of Richard Brodsky) or the NYC PBA.
Let's see which municipality provides more allure and welcome.
Here is competition at its healthiest and wealthiest.

Let's be big about it. We may have to face up to reality and acknowledge that we are going to lose new recruits to NYC because of the LOWER PAY, the GREATER RISK and the MORE COSTLY standard of living.

In the past, this has been an automatic signal to raise the bar for Greenburgh Police Department compensation.

Maybe this year, someone in our Government will wake up.

Anonymous said... 19

Solar panels were installed on the roof of Town Hall has there been any analysis of their performance? Has energy consumption been reduced?

Anonymous said... 20

The much vaunted solar panels produce enough electricity to light a 60 watt bulb. Apparently it is viewed by the Town as a "demonstration project" and was never intended to reduce energy purchases. The cost of actually installing and maintaining a solar power system was much much more than Feiner expected - so he limited it to just a publicity stunt.

Anonymous said... 21

Tell me did not the rest of the board vote yes on these solar panels. Why blame Feiner alone.

Anonymous said... 22

Because Feiner insisted on doing the project and threatened to label anyone on the board who was opposed to this waste of tax dollars as anti-environment. Village residents, particularly in Hastings, who don't pay much in town taxes, really eat up these Feiner-led pro-environmental publicity stunts. They might have a different view if Lee Kinnally tried to do the same thing at the Hastings village hall.

Anonymous said... 23

Sorry again one needs three votes to pass a resolution and I think they had five.

Anonymous said... 24

Sorry, but that doesn't make the effort any less idiotic and certainly doesn't entitle Feiner to a pass. This was his doing entirely. The others were too intimidated to oppose it in fear of his "villages first" re-election theme which seem came to pass.

Anonymous said... 25

Dear 11:19,
So, what you are saying is that it is ok for the Town Council members to be concerned about pleasing voters from the Villages but it is not ok for the Supervisor.

Whether it is just three votes or five votes, it is not just Feiner.

The way to neutralize Feiner is control the four Council votes.
It can't get worse than five votes.
The first attainable effort will be to replace the two members who first come up for re-election, Juettner and Sheehan.

Anonymous said... 26

The best way to neutralize Feiner is to defeat him in the next election. The last time we were asked to vote to neutralize Feiner was three years ago and we got Sheehan and Juettner. It just doesn't work.

Anonymous said... 27

The best way is to defeat him?

Like that hasn't been tried before?
Got a dedicated, funded and voter friendly candidate in mind?

Give it up.
Focus your energies on those that are interchangeable and easily replaceable.
In two election cycles you can have three if not four votes and if Feiner is content to sit on the dais paid to be a figurehead, then so be it.

Anonymous said... 28

hal - where did you hear that silent diane is running again?

word is in the supermarket aisles that juettner is way past her sell by date.

Anonymous said... 29

Hal, give it up, Feiner already has two of his favorites on teh council. Everyone can see through your desire to have only Feiner friendlies on teh concil

Anonymous said... 30

If the solar panels at Town Hall don't function what do they demonstrate?

Anonymous said... 31

Profligate waste by an irresponsible chief executive operating unchecked by an equally irresponsible town council.

Anonymous said... 32

See today's New York Times

"The Energy Challenge: Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid's Limits"

Anonymous said... 33

RE 8.43am - The NY Times article is well worth reading because we need alternate energy sources - but we need wind to really work on the grid so that we don't have the economic problems (high food prices etc.) that jumping on the ethonal bandwagon has given us. Take a minute to inform yourself. Your pocketbook will thank you. Unfortunately, there is no free lunch.

Anonymous said... 34

yes there is if you live in fairview.

Anonymous said... 35

The grid problems are an issue when wind farms are far from where electricty is needed. Like out in North Dakota. Windmills at Taxter Rdige or the Tap would not have thisproblem.

Anonymous said... 36

Who was arrested with drugs found driving a car belonging to Sonja Brown a few weeks ago?

Anonymous said... 37

Wind turbines (which is what we are speaking of - NOT windmills) need to be 30 feet ABOVE any object (like trees, buildings, or bridge infra-structure) within 300 feet. Huge, open, flat remote lands provide best profit opportunity for the companies willing to invest the large sum of money needed for start up of a wind farm.

Then there needs to be power lines to carry the incresed electric power. NY State has not built a new power line in twenty years -because the State knows that these lines are very expensive items to add to current tax payers bills.

Anonymous said... 38

call in t boone pickens - he claims to have a plan.

Anonymous said... 39

9:02 do tell -- an employee of TDYCC???

Anonymous said... 40

Don't know the guys name. It was kept hush-hush. Not the 1st time she's been connected to this sort. You would need to ask Greenburgh police for more info. It's there all right!

Anonymous said... 41

Anything to smear this womans' name.
I thought black people always stuck together.
Are you the one that applied for a job at the center and was turned down because you were drunk?
Or could you be the one that smelled of the happy cigaretts ?
Clean up your act and maybe you could find a job some where in town.