Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Library might be able to save $400,000 with flat roof

Some residents are suggesting that if library construction bids exceed estimated costs that the Town Board reject the bid and consider a flat roof instead of the proposed sloped roof. This could save as much as $400,000. In addition, a suggestion has been made that if the town pursues a flat roof that we consider a green roof construction--planting of grass on flat roofs in 4 inches of soil. Maintenance would be minimal. There's an interesting article in an on line publication about green roofs: www.metropolismag.com (read green roof timeline..charting our progress. view from bridges, etc..)
Bid alternates--highlighted in my last post--are called by some: library construction cuts. How can the town make sure we're getting the maximum value for our dollar? Should we approve bid alternates and have less of a library than we originally anticipated or should we have a less expensive flat roof that will be more energy efficient and avoid the design alternates? What do you think?

On another matter-- I have approached a realtor and am trying to find a larger temporary library location for the library to use during the 2 years of construction. Currently, the Board plans to use satellite library locations (the cafeteria at Town Hall..a meeting room at Town Hall..a room at the Multipurpose Center) as a temporary library. More than 70% of the current library books will be placed in storage while the construction takes place.