Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am pleased to report that I spoke with the owners representative of the landlord that currently leases to the A & P on Route 119 (Crossroads Shopping Center). I have been advised that the landlord would be receptive to renting the space to another supermarket --provided the town allows for the expansion of the existing building. The A & P is going to close down the A & P on Route 119 in the middle of April. There is at least one supermarket that is very interested in relocating to Crossroads provided that they be allowed to expand from 38,000 square feet to approximately 55,000 square feet. Modern day supermarkets require more space than the supermarkets of the 20th century.
I am supportive of this proposal. Many senior citizens who reside on or near Manhattan Ave do not have cars and have walked to the A & P supermarket for years. The closing of the supermarket will create a significant hardship. Immediately after the town received notification that both the Pathmark & A & P supermarkets will close down in April (due to bankrupcy) I contacted every supermarket I could think of --inviting them to consider both locations. A special thank you to residents for your suggestions.
Town officials will be meeting to discuss this concept next week. What do you think?
IN THE MEANTIME--we are reviewing plans to offer limited shuttle service to residents who do not have cars--taking them to a supermarket. I have contacted area supermarkets and have asked them to reimburse the town for any costs associated with this service.


Fed Up With Feiner said... 1

This is the perfect example for why we need someone with real world business experience running our Town. These huge supermarkets come with a cost. They generally carry more than groceries - hardware & housewares, greeting cards & gift wrap, pharmacies, flowers, etc. You may be solving the need for a grocery store but you may also be putting other mom & pop operations out of business. There has to be a balance and there are certainly smaller scale supermarkets that may be interested in these types of locations (DeCicco, for instance or an IGA or other independent grocer). This is the same thing as your childish glee with making East Hartsdale Avenue "Restaurant Row" - you neglect however to analyze the infrastructure and whether or not it can handle all these restaurants; no consideration for garbage, ventilation to nearby multi-family buildings & offices, parking, deliveries by large 18-wheeler trucks, etc. You also give no consideration to what will happen when the market changes, as it always does. Restaurants have the highest failure rate of all small businesses. You'll have large empty stores that will be too expensive to convert to other types of uses. The problem with your type of management is that you've never worked a day of your life in the real world - you have no business sense and you surround yourself with others who are willing to simply rubber stamp your idiocy.