Friday, May 15, 2009


If you are a commuter and have experienced difficulty obtaining commuter parking at a train station - please e mail me at with your experiences. I am the President of the Westchester Putnam Town Supervisors Association and will be comparing notes with my colleagues. I would like to determine if our region lacks adequate parking for commuters.


Anonymous said...

You must be kidding.

how many times were you told about the parking.
The school has so much unuseable land on the roadway along the railroad that could be utilized for more parking.

Anonymous said...

If you need to do a questionnaire about this, you are very out of touch.

Anonymous said...

Is the school going to donate the land? There is no shortage of commuter parking - I've been parking for over 20 years and have never had a problem getting a commuter permit.

Anonymous said...

You can get the information from the parking district. There is no waiting list and has not been a waiting list for commuter parking. Why don't you ask about 24-hour parking East Hartsdale Avenue residents - we have waiting lists as the district can't provide all the parking we need. We are paying taxes to the Town - the Town should be helping us with this issue even if it means creating a tax improvement district so that we pay for development of the parking that would specific to our neighborhood and not a tax burden on the entire Town. As usual, you're asking the wrong question to deliberately mask the real problems.

Anonymous said...

The "unuseable" land is just that - unuseable! The excessive steep slopes make it impossible to develop.

Anonymous said...

You've done enough damage...stay out of the parking. Try taking care of what's already on your plate.

Anonymous said...

Why are taking a survey? Isn't the district responsible for this? Why don't you take a survey on Town services? Afraid of the results?

Anonymous said...

Yikes, do you know what your job is?

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:32 on 5/16 -
The only land within a reasonable walking distance of Hartsdale Station isn't owned by the School District. The land along Aqueduct Drive (aka the Pipeline) represents the bottom of the backyards of homes up on Old Colony Road.
Of course if you are a Town Official posting anonymously, please continue to feel free to create your own reality as you go - just indicate your postings are fantasies.

Anonymous said...

If the land is needed for parking then take the land .
You have taken our services away when we said no so why not this too.
You went ahead to allow the cover on the water basin on Ardsley Road without our knowledge which proves to all of us that you do what you want.

Anonymous said...

The land in question belongs part to the Town and part to the homeowners above it. It's an excessively steep sloped area - probably not legal to develop and too far from the train station.

Anonymous said...

If it's too far from the station that is not a problem.
The commuters are looking for more parking space regardless of the distance.

They can build a retainning wall if the slope is a little too much.
There are so many remedies to this problem but it has to be done one step at a time and above all the right people should get involved.

Anonymous said...

Commuters need more parking? Where is this coming from? There is no shortage of commuter parking. There is a shortage of 24-hour long term parking for residents who live in the coops and rental buildings on East Hartsdale Ave - the Town needs to address this issue which they have been avoiding. You also can't willy nilly building retaining walls wherever you want - the Town has a code and prohibits/restricts development on excessively steep slopes. The area in question may also be in a wetland/watercourse area which is also severely restricted. You're talking about building parking in the wrong area and for the wrong audience. Commuters are fine - the Town needs to look at acquiring land closer to residential section and create a tax improvement district to acquire and develop that land for a specific use. The Town isn't 100% to blame - these coops and rentals need to participate in the process and be willing to invest in the creation of parking for their owners/residents. Town taxpayers and commuters shouldn't have to pay for it. It's a private property/property tax issue that has to involve the Town and the property owners. Until they can find a solution, they need to market the area as a walkable community with transportation and stop selling/renting to people with more than one car. These landlord/property owners have some degree of responsibility in this matter.

Anonymous said...

Dear 7:19 -
What do you mean "can't willy nilly building retaining walls wherever you want"? Go look at the Metz Reservoir. The Town and its preferred groups do exactly whatever they want to, wherever they want to, whenever they want to - and the proper permitting and studies be damned. Others are forced to wait weeks or months until studies are completed, plans written, rewritten and rerewritten to satisfy folks like Danny Gold and the East Irvington iconoclasts.
G-d forbid the Town should EVER think about the ramifications of its actions on school districts - just give those corporate contributors the certs they want, and let the school districts figure out how to educate more kids with less money. So what if the total assessments have fallen below what they were when the current occupants of Hillside Avenue took office - as long as they get re-elected the public gets what it deserves.
A real concern for "greening" Greenburgh would encourage parking the car and taking the train even to White Plains or Scarsdale - the service is convenient (every hour) but sadly not cheap enough, and there is absolutely no parking available at the station in Hartsdale. What about Mr Supervisor? How about championing a real green initiative for a change?

Anonymous said...

Don't know who you are or what you're talking about. There is more than enough commuter parking for residents at the Hartsdale Train station - there is no waiting list for commuter parking - call the District office or check out there web-site - there's no wait for commuter parking - it's in black and white!