Monday, September 24, 2007


Please post your comments about town issues.



Anonymous said... 1

I am overwhelmed by the 9/23 8:59 poster for including me in the austere company of
Bernstein, McNally and Lasser. However, that elevation is only 8:59's mind. As a retired Army Captain, I'm not even a field grade officer, no less a general.

To set the record straight, I have as much power as he may have, wihout the creative imagination,of course. I too want a village, having spent much ofmy adult life in Ardsley and thus being aware of the many advantages a village offers. From my non-insider reading, however, a goodly % of Edgemont residents DO NOT WANT A VILLAGE. As to Bob, Michelle and Jim, they are but three voices in an Edgemont with thousands of other voices. This is far from a lock-step community.People here are not sheep to be herded in one direction or the other.Take for exmple the latest primary. Edgemont split between Berger(ladies first) and Feiner. That seems to indicate (pundit hat in cleaners) To a lowly Captain, that some of the paranoia in Town Hall is mistaken, misplaced, misdirected and missing the target.

To all you "Hate Edgemont" posters( especially the gutsy ANON tribe) please treat us like individuals and not a monolith.

If you can't understand that, RANT ON, no one really gives a S--T. Sometimes it's difficult keeping The Bronx outta the boy.©®

Anonymous said... 2

Dear Ed,

You have nailed the "led" on the head. Thank you.

Edgemont really is not a monolithic community and I have been seeking to provoke such a response for some time. Hopefully others will come forward and say that they're "not" with Bob or Michelle or even Jim who by necessity is taking a back seat.

It is long overdue that the myth be imploded that Edgemont is really represented by a handful of people who, while legitimately leading their respective organizations, in turn these organizations do not speak for all of Edgemont.

Edgemont residents have allowed those with loud voices to flourish and like the overrun nations of Europe, the silence of the many has allowed the few, vocal and media savvy exploiters to fill the void.

Hopefully there is a new alignment of power at Town Hall. One which will not fall captive to those that would claim to lead the masses. I don't care whether these faux "leaders" hail from Edgemont or Fairview or elsewhere; hopefully the new management will be able to resist those that claim to have only the good of their people at heart. Such is seldom the case; nevertheless their weapons of choice are not those of a lethal nature but instead are votes cast at election time. And their line of attack is to send some expeditions to fill the seats at a Town Board meeting.

It is time to recognize what Feiner has always known: that the vociferous visit Town Hall but the voters bide their time until summoned to the polling place.

The only true measure of support is that which is documented when the votes are counted. Almost everything else is like life, just cabaret.

The Primary was just one example that rejected the notion that Edgemont would vote with singular solidarity against Feiner. What the actual results suggest is that Edgemont residents are also not supporting any movement to incorporate. An upright apple cart is still the reality.

With this in mind, be wary of those who claim to speak for all.
Instead believe those who speak for themselves.

In Ayn Rand we trust.

Anonymous said... 3

I'm with Hal

Anonymous said... 4

Living in Edemont truer words were never spoken other than Krauss and Samis.
I think it's about time that Bernstein,McNally and Lasser take a hike .
They never represented us and never will.
I would rather give my donations intended for the civic assoc,to a bum on a street rather than send it to them.

Anonymous said... 5

not with bob

Anonymous said... 6

Samis is right, as usual. But don't bet on Super Bob taking the hint or learning from the election. He will pontificate at Wednesday's Town Board meeting. If he doesn't a new day has truly arrived.

Anonymous said... 7

The real question is will we be subjected to Michelle McNally's twenty minute rants on issues pending before the various boards. She certainly spends alot of ime writing these speeches. I wonder if she realizes no one cares anymore what she has to say?

Anonymous said... 8

To those of you who hate Edgemont -
Back your anonymous words with your actions - refuse to accept tax revenues from Edgemont!

Anonymous said... 9

To the blogger who said that those of us who are sick and tired of the demands made by Bernstein and McNally that we should back up our words and refuse to accept tax revenues from Edgemont, I ask: What kind of an ass are you? Do you really think that because people in Edgemont pay taxes that thay are entitled to any more than those in other parts of Greenburgh who pay taxes? The problem with the Edgemont mafia is that they think that they are special people with extra rights, and now they know that they are not.

Anonymous said... 10


"I support Clinton Young, the party nominee. I am the chair of the Democratic Party. How can I not support the party? Both are my friends, and I supported Davis (in the primary) because he was the party designee."

Memo to Suzanne Berger: THAT'S how a Democratic chair is supposed to act! If you do not plan on supporting the winners of Greenburgh's democratic primary on Sept. 18 then you need to resign your chairmanship immediately!

Anonymous said... 11

Could this be the end of an era for Bernstein,McNally,O'Shea and Lasser.
We all hope so.
Town,zoning and planning board meetings have become the most sicking with the outcries of the above.
Their demands will not be heard anymore because we will not stand for it.
They thought that they ruled Greenburgh,but now is the time to get our government back.
Stay home instead of making asses of yourselves.

Anonymous said... 12

rumor has it that unincorporated greenburgh is facing a huge tax increase. near zero increases over the last two years are a budgetary gimmick (sounds familiar?)

is the B budget now out of money?

Paul Feiner said... 13

I will be working hard to keep any tax hike as low as possible. There are two reasons why we won't be able to have another zero percent tax hike this year. 1) The library construction. The library construction was approved by the voters in 2005. This is the year the impact will be felt. 2) The Board cut deeply into the fund balance last year - to have a zero percent tax hike.
I am requesting the Board approve a fund balance policy--I don't believe in budget gimmicks.

Anonymous said... 14

EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it!

Big news from gblist-

Sir Frantic the Duck, aka the Talking Mule, now the voice of the Town Board, has announced that he will nominate Ms. Arlene Gordon Oliver for the 3rd Judge position in Greenburgh.

Thank God for Sir Frantic. His leadership on this issue is unsurpassed. Let the least amongst us lead. Even though he is less than two years on the Board, he has shown us the light that God has shined on all of us, but more specifically on him.

I am sure that the future Judge Oliver will so appreciate that Sir Frantic, in all of his grandeur, has come down from his exalted thrown to us the "little" people to bestow his blessing.

Let us all genuflect, and thank the heavans that we mere mortals can bask in his glow.

We look for many, many more pronouncements that mirror the annointment of Judge Oliver. Who would want any one else to sanctify his or her nomination, but the hand of Sir Frantic? I ask who?

Certainly Ms. Juettner, Barnes and the ill-fated Bass, must must be so proud that they are again left out of the loop.

Just goes to show, whomever gets to their keyboard the quickest, gets their message across first. But who, in their right mind, would want to deprive Sir Frantic the honor of proposing the Judge?

The Shadow Group LLC!

Anonymous said... 15

...that can't be Ed Krouse posting, can it? I served in the infantry with Big Ed, as he was known then, and he never made it above buck private!

Just check the record, 1st Army, 3rd Division, 15th Batallion, Easy Company, Fort Sam Houston. It must be the same guy, because we bunked together and he was bald even then, he was from the Bronx, and had a lisp! Remember me Ed!

Cpl U.N. Knowne

Anonymous said... 16

The Greenburgh results were certified by the Westchester Board of Elections. There were some slight changes with Kevin Morgan increasing his victory margin over Eddie Mae Barnes by 50 votes to a margin of 120+.

There were some other slight changes that reflect tiny adjustments.

The campaign for November proceeds forward and The Feiner Team, with Sonya Brown, Kevin Morgan and Judy Beville, will continue to actively campaign.

Over the weekend the team made stops at various community events and we are preparing our literature and position papers for public dissemination. Will be announcing endorsements at coming press events!

Richard J. Garfunkel
Campaign Chairperson

9/25/2007 12:26 PM

Anonymous said... 17

AnonymAss at 8:46 -
Edgemont would like as much consideration as is shown to say, Fairview, nothing more nor less. We are not your private piggybank and when Mr. Feiner announced, at his re-election celebration no less, that no one should have to pay taxes for things they don't use, a lot of people were very excited. Not paying for what you don't ue means that Edgemont and Hartsdale should be excused from paying for the TYCC and Taxter Ridge. Of course Fairview shouldn't be paing for Taxter Ridge either, that should fall squarely and solely on unincorporated Irvington - Danny, hope you've invested your commissions wisely....

Anonymous said... 18

Dear Shadow Group LLC,

What your posting missed was the the Town Democratic leadership led by Ms. Berger chose to bypass a more qualified individual and one who has recently stood before the the Democratic voters of the Town in the primary, namely Judge Walter Schwartz. He was selected approximately 2,800 times. His qualifications are beyond question as his campaign material showed. If you dig enough, you will find that this was engineered some time ago. Question - Why wasn't Judge Hubert's replacement named in July or August? Sickening.

Anonymous said... 19

From the Democracy in Westchester Blog! September 17, 2007


You will not find many places which republicans have lost control of local elections by such large margins that they do not even consider challengers as in Greenburgh. But in Greenburgh it is Democrats beating on Progressives and this is how it looks:

Dear Fellow Progressive Democrats:
This Tuesday's Greenburgh Democratic primary is important to those of us in the villages because it may have a significant impact on our town taxes if Suzanne Berger and her slate is elected.

On the tax issue, see the letter below signed by elected officials in all six villages. On other issues in the campaign, there are letters by Kevin Morgan, Sonja Brown and Polly Rothstein.
For anyone concerned about a woman's right to choose, the literature of the Bass and Barnes campaign, with the backing of Catherine Lederer Plaskett, current chair of WCLA, is very damaging to the credibility of WCLA and its effectiveness in fighting for women's rights in Westchester. Polly Rothstein is very offended by the actions of this campaign. Polly Rothstein is a highly respected national leader on women's rights who founded WCLA and led it for 20 years. If you google her name, you will find a long list of her achievements. Just today, emails from Plaskett are making the rounds distorting a private email from Polly. I am very disturbed by this since the same tactics were used to defeat me when I ran 2 years ago. After the election, the Fair Campaign Practices Board found that their literature on this issue was unfair, but now they are using virtually the same literature again 2 years later.
This type of swift-boating has no place in a local race and is bad for our Party and our community.

Be sure to vote on Tuesday. I hope you will join me in voting for Paul Feiner, Kevin Morgan, Sonja Brown and Judith Beville. Please forward this widely.

Dear residents of Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington and Tarrytown

We are writing to you because the election next Tuesday, September 18th will have a significant
impact on village residents. Vote to help prevent a large rise in our Greenburgh town taxes.

Edgemont lawyer Robert Bernstein is suing to make village residents share the cost of unincorporated
Greenburgh's parks and recreation, even though village residents pay their own parks and
recreation costs. He is also maneuvering to have village residents pay for sidewalk construction
and repair in all of unincorporated Greenburgh, for Greenburgh's engineering department, and
other costs for unincorporated Greenburgh which do nothing for the villages, all of which will
increase our town taxes even more.

The current Town Board is working with Robert Bernstein who is actively campaigning for
Suzanne Berger, Steve Bass & Eddie Mae Barnes. Kevin Morgan and Sonja Brown are independent
and will put fairness to the villages first.

On September 18, join us in voting to re-elect Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner -- the only
town official who is fighting for fairness for our villages.* It is critical that you also vote for Kevin
Morgan, Sonja Brown and Judith Beville, so that we have an independent and fair Town Board.

Robert Williams, Mayor of Elmsford
Joe Bova, Mayor of Dobbs Ferry
Mark Mildner, former Trustee, Ardsley Peter Swiderski, Trustee, Hastings Richard Livingston, former Trustee, Irvington
Tom Basher, Trustee, Tarrytown

Journal News August 31, 2007
“Feiner said he would fight for fairness for village residents, so they would only pay taxes for the town services they use. Berger said this was a “dangerous principle”…

This is what the Journal News said on August 28, 2007

[Journal-news clipping] …controversial Edgemont attorney Robert suing Greenburgh to make the town’s six villages share the costs for town parks and recreation.

Right now, only people living in unincorporated Greenburgh, including the Edgemont neighborhood pay for those services.

If his lawsuit is successful, people in Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington and Tarrytown could see their town tax bills triple.

From: Kevin Morgan
September 12,2007
Letter to Editor:
I am campaigning for Town Board with energy and optimism for the job ahead. During this campaign, I have spoken with hundreds of Greenburgh residents and listened carefully to their concerns and problems. I believe in open, transparent government. I believe in enacting laws that improve the quality of our environment and the quality of the lives of our residents. I believe taxpayers’ money should be spent wisely and I believe in fairness.

I am running for Town Board because I stand up for what I believe in. Therefore, I must set the record straight about the gross misrepresentations of my opponents. Steve Bass and Eddie Mae Barnes knowingly disregarded the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Board by publicly repeating outrageous statements about me that the Board ruled unfair. I AM and always will be pro-choice. By declaring to the contrary, Bass and Barnes thumbed their noses at the Westchester Fair Campaign Practices Board. This behavior reveals the kind of politicians they are. They claim credit for policies they oppose and make up lies about their opponents simply to win. How can they now be trusted to keep their promises?

The Scarsdale Inquirer said about me that I am “earnest, sincere and we believe a straight shooter.” You will hear no lies or see me take credit for things I voted against. I will seek your input on all issues and vote for what I believe is right for Greenburgh. I will serve you with energy, diligence and integrity. I am optimistic about our future!
Kevin Morgan

From Sonja Brown
Original publication: September 15, 2007)
Brown: Opponents' charges are 'lies'

Mommy, why is this girl crying and why is your name on this paper?" In my daughter's small hands was a flyer from Greenburgh Town Council members Steve Bass and Eddie Mae Barnes. It said women and their loved ones should fear me and my running mate, Kevin Morgan; that we would deny the crying young woman access to legal abortion (see Thursday story, "Opponents assail Greenburgh incumbents' flier as 'lies'"). I did my best to explain to my 8-year-old daughter that only the most despicable politicians would knowingly lie and try to scare innocent families. "Honey, remember when mommy said that sometimes people say nasty, untruthful and harmful things about others when they are afraid? Well, that's why they lied about your mommy." I could tell that my 8-year-old's sadness was quickly turning into anger. "It's not nice when people lie to hurt nice people."

Unfortunately, this is only one in a parade of bold-faced lies from Mr. Bass and Ms. Barnes. For example, they falsely accused me of having ties to developers. Then, they fabricated a story that I am against the closing of Indian Point. Today they accused me of trying to "line my pockets" by proposing an SAT/college summer camp initiative.

Allow me to describe the real Sonja Brown. I am 100 percent pro-choice. I have never linked myself with any developer. I have never said I want to keep Indian Point. Lastly, I have and will work tirelessly and selflessly for the people of our community.
Sonja Brown
The writer is running for Greenburgh Town Board in Tuesday's Democratic primary

From: Polly Rothstein
To the Editor:
Greenburgh voters deserve more honesty than they've been fed in this overheated Democratic primary for town board.
The Feiner team has not aligned itself with any anti-abortion candidates or point of view. Suzanne Berger's board candidates sent out a scurrilous and untrue mailing, too late for refutation by mail, all because Kevin Morgan got petition some signatures for Republican candidate Devlin. He does not support Devlin's anti-choice position, allegedly given to WCLA two years ago. I spoke in 2005 with Kevin Morgan and established his strong support for abortion rights (and after 30 years of practice, I know how to smoke out anti-choice candidates), and spoke for him when his position was dishonestly presented (for which the Fair Campaign Practices Committee publicly chastised the now-Berger team).

Today, again, Kevin's position on abortion rights is being distorted with scare tactics unworthy of Greenburgh voters. Kevin carried a few petitions for Devlin, but wasn't aware that WCLA had deemed him anti-choice two years ago; Kevin has known him as a judge for years, and likes him. It didn't occur to him to query Devlin on abortion rights and didn't realize his lack of awareness would be used to attack him for being anti-choice. isn't something most candidates would automatically have thought of. The Barnes-Bass team knows they are doing wrong in again falsely accusing Kevin of being against abortion rights. In fact, when I interviewed Kevin and his opponent, Francis Sheehan, last year, I found that Kevin understood and articulated the case law on abortion rights far better than Frances Sheehan, who told me he was pro-choice and refused to go further. I'd have rated Kevin Morgan higher on the pro-choice scale than Sheehan.

I'd hate to see this out-of-control primary election won -- or lost -- on false premises. Kevin Morgan is solidly and unequivocally pro-choice, period. I vouch for him.

Polly Rothstein
President Emerita, Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion

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Anonymous said... 20

Thank you 9/24 11:00 PM for your accolades. However I did not mean to imply I was for or against Bob, Michelle and least of all mydear friend Jim.

I was simply trying to say Edgemont is not about a handful of vocal people, well intentioned or whatever they may be. It is about a community of diverse and decent people unworthy of the flack directed at them, broad brush style by "heros" hiding behind the anonymity of pointed whites covering their cowardly faces, then, or the contemporary black hooded terrorists who chop ofinnocent peoples' head. No need to ask them to come out ofthe shadows, because when the light comes on the cockroaches scatter.

As to Cpl. U.N. Knowe, officers NEVER bunk with enlisted men, Fort Sam was never an infantry Fort, rather a training area for medics, and your recitation of army,division,battalion, company tells me whatyou already knowe! You never served in the army, either because you punked out and fled to Canada- nah you don't have those kind of guts- or you were too young andcame of age after the draft was ended.
If you continue your humorless rip on me, the least you can do is spell my name correctly. God only knows you can't spell yours correctly. It's K-R-A-U-S-S.

Anonymous said... 21

Our new Judge gave Berger a $250 campaign contribution. Pay to play?

Anonymous said... 22

Yes, Ed Krauss, Edgemont is a diverse community and has many people with differing views.

So why are Bernstein and McNally trying to appear to be speaking for all of Edgemont. It would be helpful if other Edgemonters raised their voices in opposition to the demands and accusations that Bernstein and McNally make.

Anonymous said... 23

Dear Anonymous 7:53PM,

Thank you for your posting. I went to the New York State campaign disclosure web site and sure enough, on 6/21/07, Ms. Arlene Oliver, 46 North Road, is in for $250. I wonder how many delegates at last night's Town Democratic meeting were aware of this. Should Ms. Berger have recused herself from chairing the meeting? Is she ethically challenged?

The Democratic voters in Greenburgh really made the right choice on September 18th. What a shame for Judge Schwartz? Want to start a write in campaign for him for November?

Anonymous said... 24

does the contribution have to be returned by Judge Oliver according to the new ethics laws?

Anonymous said... 25

No, it doesn't have to be returned. The new ethics law applies only to incumbent town officials and employees. Berger was only a candidate. It hasn't been labeled the "Get Feiner Law" for nothing. Now you see what Feiner meant when he said that the law was full of loopholes.

Anonymous said... 26

Well, tonights the night. Will we see Super Lawyer Bob and his Consort Michelle spewing their typical venom or have they learned to play nice since their side was wiped out in the elections?

Will K-R-A-U-S-S make a return to Town Hall and bring that unsightly hair piece along?

Will Jim Lasser EVER stop whining about this and that?

Does Madelon still think she runs Greenburgh?

Tonight will be the first Town Board Meeting after the elections (Eddie Mae, Do You Know You Lost?) and tonight is also the first installment of "How Edgemont Turns." Watch as the Edgemonters who are so used to getting their way have to grovel in front of the Supervisor and his team. Watch as the Edgemonters try to form some type of power base after their humiliating defeat.

Anonymous said... 27

Memo to Sheehan:

The wispers are out there. The Greenburgh Democratic Party is blaming you for their titanic defeat. You have managed to aggravate people in all sections of Greenburgh with your bullying style and clearly demonstrated an insensitivity toward Jews by first callinf for a meeting on Rosh Hashanah and then compounding your error by EXCUSING Steve Bass from attending. The handwriting is on the wall, you are finished.

Anonymous said... 28

The old-time Athletic Director at Notre Dame was Ed "Moose" Krauss, and the soldier at Sam Houston knew Ed "Baldy" Krouse, and there is a guy posing to be from Ardsley, who says that he was Ed Krauss who also says he was a captain, and there was somebody else who said that Krauss went to school in Brooklyn. One guy posting afew weeks ago had him going to Stuyvesant HS, and said he was a buck private. Who is the real Ed Krauss and why does anyone care?

Anonymous said... 29

The PAULitburo character assassination team is homing in on a new victim - Ed Krauss, former Feiner friend and supporter, once a pillar of the Ardsley Democratic Party and now a traitorous Edgemonter.
Greenburgh is headed towards another first - our own religious police to insure we all bow our heads and face Hillside Avenue five times a day. The prayer chant for true belivers is "Feiner, Feiner, Feiner". All others are infidels and traitors.
Extremism in the defense of libertartianism is no vice!

Anonymous said... 30

anony at 8:18AM: don't even start with the Rosh Hashanah insensitivity to Jews nonsense, unless you are going to point out that the Board is having a meeting tonight on the first night of the Jewish festival of Sukkot (yes, it is a major holiday - equal in status to Passover). At least the Board is consistent.

Anonymous said... 31

Mr. Sheehan's fingers were all over the Berger/Bass/Barnes campaign. He has practiced an egregious form of local politics, and it has failed "his side" spectacularly.

Mr. Sheehan's days, bluntly, are numbered. He will serve out his term and will be promptly and decisively turned out by the same electorate who tired of his colleagues. He can return to the benches and continue with his bile, but in five-minute chunks instead of during the whole meeting.

Anonymous said... 32

he must have short fingers because there was no campaign esp by berger other than mailings.

a successful candidate for supervisor has to start now and develop some grassroot support - this candidate has to have some government experience - and have a reason to run other than not being the current supervisor. the candidate has to look the part, be credible that they really want the job (thats feiner's strength - he wants the job) and be a good communicator. you call or email feiner and he gets back to you (even though his answers are rarely satisafactory and there is little follow-up but hey, this feiner). berger was notorious for not getting back to people esp in a place like greenburgh where people are used to feiner's high touch approach. finally, the candidate has to run with some fresh faces, not incumbents who have been asleep at the wheel for nearly two decades. it might help that the candidate has some real ideas about how to improve greenburgh.

thats a tall order and probably why feiner will be supervisor for the next four years even if his fundraising from developers and others with active applications before the town has been curtailed somewhat and even if some of the lawsuits against the town succeed.

as for sheehan, the voters will probably want to keep a check on mr feiner so sheehan, who has made many mistakes (he is a rookie) can probably hold on. the veteran board member (juettner) is now batting in the bottom of the 9th and has been in a slump of late.

prediction - this is her last term.

Anonymous said... 33

Sheehan will not win his re-election. He will have no conributors. He has no personal campaign warchest. He is being blamed for this years debacle. Too many people can't stand him. Investigations into his past wrongdoings will probably cause an uproar amongst the electorate for him to resign. In any event, Sheehan will never win re-election.

Anonymous said... 34

regarding sheehan:

who is blaming him for this debacle? an anonymous blogger?

the blame belongs solely on the candidate who failed to be a candidate.

the honeymoon with feiner and his slate will be over soon. sheehan will be the loyal opposition.

juettner (a nobody) won handily two years ago without feiner and his war chest.

investigations mean nothing

again - the voters (and the villages) know that feiner needs to be watched - they gave him a blank check and it was a disaster - its not happening again so fast

remember - feiner almost lost 2 years ago - so we are 2 years away from the election and there is no candidate who can easily match sheehan's record - barnes overstayed and bass had no strategy - if sheehan runs as the independent voice against feiner's excesses, he will stay in office

Anonymous said... 35

Investigations mean nothing? Hmmm....Lets see when the voters find out that Sheehan broke laws and violated peoples' rights.

Anonymous said... 36


Anonymous said... 37

feiner ran under an ethical cloud for questionable campaign practices

westhelp was exposed as another con

did anyone care? not really.

sheehan is certainly vulnerable but if the lawsuits go against feiner, sheehan will look fine as he had nothing to do with either the taxter ridge purchase or the fortress bible church problem

plus unincorporated is now facing a big tax increase - 2 years is a long time - join us here on planet earth

Anonymous said... 38

To "9/26, 9:29 AM:
The more you write the more I begin to know about you.Your fixation with baldness and hair pieces tells me you are probably a gay (yet with an unhappy life)worker in a gay men's hair salon. I know it's too much to ask, but if you give me the address (entre nous, of course. I swear it will be our secret) I'll come by and let you fit me with a less "ratty" hair piece.

Keep it up my over abundant feminine-sider trapped in a man's body. I can only imagine the frustration of being ugly at heart (and probably of face), cruising every night... unsuccessfully.

Generally, I feel sorry for tragic characters like you, but your untalented yet venonous nature stops me from being empathetic.

If per chance you become successful one night,just think about this, "I've been a failure all my life with men, so how come this guy with blotches all over his face and neck is allowing me to take him home?" Some forms of STD's can'T be fixed with penicillan.

Anonymous said... 39

To the Moose-

I don't know who the hell you are, but that is one of the funnier and more pathetic and silly pieces I have read on this blog.

I suggest you forget about your critics, who must know you better than I, and get a life.

Ella Presier

Anonymous said... 40

Gee I really don't think that Ella Preiser, who doesn't have internet access, would misspell her last name.

But look, now we have evidence of blog forgery.
Do we need to ask Chief Kapica to investigate if the blog's security has been compromised?

I always thought that some of those anonymous posts were not written by the real anonymous.

But tomorrow I shall report on the Town Board meeting broadcast tonight in braille in deference to the passing of Marcel Marceaux.

Let me just post a few coming attractions:

read about the "he said, he said" show between Feiner and Sheehan, a return to those thrilling days of yesteryear before the Primary.

read about famous lawyer and his concerns about the Town DISPOSING of an asset with negative value without first discussing this with the residents and why this is different from the Town SPENDING $2 million for the Dromore property through his Agency without first discussing this with the residents OR since we already know better, buying it himself.

read about how a proposed hire by Feiner of professional cpa services at $75 per hour capped at $5,000 was changed into a Request for Proposal. The proposed hire is a Village resident and frequent critic of how the Town (and Feiner) does its bookkeeping and was proposed to work alongside of the Acting Town Comptroller in preparing the 2008 Budget. The Town Board converted this proposal to hire by Feiner's into a delaying mechanism to request other bids. In the past, the Town Board has retained (with justification) "professional services" outside of the RFP process and $5,000 is a trivial matter when viewed against the problems anticipated in the forthcoming budget. Certainly, this matter is not one of the epic scope of the Bryan Cave retention so the Town Council has, as usual, over-compensated.

And, in part suggested by a Village resident, let me direct your eye to >>>>> 91 and 825
What are they? You've all heard the line "Your days are numbered";

Dear Town Council, these are the numbers. Sort them out yourselves.

See you tomorrow.

Anonymous said... 41

Mr. Rosenberg,

You can go the New York State website,

to find currently licensed CPAs

Anonymous said... 42

Of course Hal Samis has again pinpointed some of the aspects of last night's long, long evening. I found it quite interesting that at the end of the evening the proposed "grant" was disqualified because of the nature of the Cabrini offer to take over the Dobbs Ferry property. The Supervisor was quite correct when he retorted back to Board Member Sheehan, that even though the Board had casually supported his effort to have Cabrini take over the condemned property, he could not speak for the Board until they were ready to committ to a vote.

Of course the Supervisor's statement and endorsement of using the Main Street property in Dobbs Ferry is quite admirable. He sensibly would like to turn the property over to Dobbs Ferry, and avoid the future liability of its maintenance. Of course, the building is being currently propped up and it is totally uninhabitable and a danger. The Supervisor understood immediately that the "grant" would not have a chance of approval without the Board's vote to back its use for affordable housing.

With regards to this 3rd public hearing, it was certainly prolonged by the contant nitpicking by Board Member Sheehan. We certainly seemed to have quickly morphed back into the pre-Primary unpleasantries as Sheehan constantly questioned the Supervisor over his meeting in Dobbs Ferry.

But, again the bottom line is this, Cabrini wants to take over the property and the Supervisor wants a committment from Dobbs Ferry to use the property for affordable housing, and he wants to remove the property away from Greenburgh's resonsibility.

The irony or ironies was that at the end of this long series of three hearings, Robert Bernstein, started to put in his two cents over the property, and questioned the process.

All of a sudden, according to Bernstein, the Supervisor is doing something wrong! He wants to give away "valuable" property. He seems to forget that it is going to cost someone $400,000+ to tear it safely down. In fact, the whole idea was to get a grant to pay for the demolition.

But this is post-primary politics, and Hal Samis has touched on this issue in his above piece. By the way his name was spelled Marcel Marceau, and he was taught by the great Jean-Louis Barrault who starred in the remarkable film "Children of Paradise." I ams sure there is a copy in the Warner Library! It would take years to find it Greenburgh's.

Richard J. Garfunkel

Anonymous said... 43

Anonymous at 12:38 must be Bernstein or a clone, since there were very few people left at the late hour in which the discussion of Mike Kolesar came up. Bernstein, who never ceases to attack, said that Kolesar is not now a certified public accountant, a statement designed to discredit Kolesar -- a person who has more knowledge and smarts about budgeting than anyone on the Board can dream of.

So what? Kolesar was a CPA when he practiced public accounting. When he stopped practicing public accounting and went into the corporate field he didn't renew his certification -- something, by the way, he could do at any time if he chose.

Compare. If Bernstein were to change professions, and instead of practicing law, he became a real estate developer (as hinted in the Troy affidavit) and therefore didn't renew his law license, he would not be entitled to practice law. But he would be no less a capable lawyer that he was before not renewing his license. It is the same with a CPA license.

What Mr. 12:38 demonstrates is that Bernstein and his crowd have learned nothing from the recent election. Their currency continues to be character assassination. They think that attacking anyone who lives in a village is enough to impress, but the only impression made is showing foolishness and desperation.

Anonymous said... 44

gaffe-funkel fails to note the reversal of the supervisor on his promise at a work session to have a request for proposal regarding the hiring of an accountant to help with the budget. feiner wanted to appoint a supporter of his instead from the villages. turns out the person feiner wanted may not even be a licensed cpa.

divisive, incomptent, corrupt - sounds like the feiner of old.

Anonymous said... 45

Mr. Kolesar is not entitled to represent that he is a CPA. If in fact he has been doing so, that is a violation of NYS law. If that is the case, I would think it would be very difficult for him to get re-licensed. He has said he left the corporate field a number of years ago, and now has a lucrative consulting practice. I would question whether either he has the consulting practice he says he does, or whether he has been telling clients he is a CPA.

Anonymous said... 46

Dear 1:33,

The only sound I hear from you is the sound of one hand clapping.

Please use this blog to list the CPAs that have served as Town Comptroller.

Kolesar may have seemed like a supporter of Feiner because of his recent letter but let me assure you that he is not. What he is, decidely, is not a supporter of Berger.

Mike's take on the budget is not something that will make Feiner overcome with joy. And it may also bring some concern to the Town Council which has coasted on the budget by dipping into the fund balances to defer bad news for taxpayers. Kolesar is not going to sign off on this game and they know it.

On the contrary, and this has nothing to do with my support for Feiner, I view Feiner's willingness to hire Kolesar, even on a temporary basis, as a positive and brave step forward for Feiner. Perhaps even an overdue step but one which will put things in order and create the systems that will not allow all the criticisms of the past. No square boxes will be jammed into round holes...However embarrassing this may prove to be, it is necessary to correct these matters before moving forward. That Feiner is willing to accept this is a signal that he wants to make things work the way they are supposed to do.

Feiner has been criticized because his job also includes the title, Chief Financial Officer. Everyone knows that he is not an acoountant and has to rely on those who have been the more logical choices to do the actual record keeping and balancing. This is the opportunity to respond to his critics on these issues and to show that he means business to make Greenburgh the best that it can be.

The fly in the ointment is, as usual, the Town Council. They have previously approved the hiring of "profesional services" (an exempt category) for the Library and other departments. The $5,000 amount is nominal and will be paid from the "found" money being the remainder of Heslop's 2007 salary so there will be no additional cost to taxpayers.

For those of you choosing to remain dense, the 2008 Town Budget process is already underway. Without addressing the capabilities of the Acting Comptroller (I have no opinion or reason to have one), the work load of the budget presentation is substantial and the Comptroller's department is undermanned. Even though it will appear that I am harping on the same example, it does illustrate an obvious problem that needs to be addressed -- this year's allocation of $310,000 to the Library for repairs and maintenance of a skeleton building was clearly a mistake. Kolesar will not abide these mistakes and the Comptroller's department needs someone who can wield both a red pencil and an eraser. That means someone from outside who will not perpetuate the business as usual of the past.

Kolesar is the man, especially the man in the few remaining hours until the Budget work begins in earnest. There is no time to start a search and there is likely little interest from qualified outsiders in rushing to snare the big, $5,000 payday that is being dangled.

Congrats to Feiner and congrats to Kolesar for being persuaded to take on this assignment.

Now it is in the hands of the just three votes: Bass or Barnes (91 days) and Juettner or Sheehan (825 days).

Clearly they intend to prolong the agony to their last allotted minute.

Anonymous said... 47


The point is not whether or not Mr. Kolesar is a CPA but whether he has represented himself as such, knowing he wasnt licensed.

Anonymous said... 48

What qualifications does Mr. Kolesar have, other than being a Feiner supporter?

Any previous employment in government accounting?

Any previous employment with a CPA firm that does govt audits?

Oh, right "volunteer work"

Anonymous said... 49

Practicing a profession without a license and current registration is a felony in New York State.

Anonymous said... 50

Talking to some of these bloggers is like talking to the wall.

Kolesar has not presented himself as a CPA. He has said that he has been a CPA, and for sure, he has the education, training and experience. He does not practice public accounting these days and therefore does not need to continue his CPA license.

If any of these Bernstein clones, who seem to live only for character assassination, can show why Kolesar is not qualified, let them do it. But making and repeating false statements is not the way to do it.

Kolesar is not an unknown. He did great service on fiscal and budget matters when he was on the Ardsley Board of Trustees. (Oh, yes, now one of the well-known Bernstein acolytes who lives in Ardsley, will probably join the attack).

The irony, and Samis has pointed it out, is that this Town Council has no hesitation about hiring professionals without RFP's, when it suits their purpose. But not when Feiner needs a professional to fill a sudden vacancy. As I said, they have learned nothing from the election. They lost because of their record of obstructionism and they continue to practice obstructionism.

Happily, as Samis has pointed out, there are only 91 days left of this, and the town will survive.

Anonymous said... 51

Well then Mr. Kolesar should send in his resume. this is a simple matter to resolve. Either Mr. Kolesar has been unemployed for quite a number of years or has this lucrative consulting practice (which I suspect if true, has been telling his clients he is a CPA).

Anonymous said... 52

On Tuesday, September 25, the Appellate Division reversed the ruling by the lower court in the second Bernstein lawsuit that the village mayors, who are of course town taxpayers as well, not be permitted to intervene in the case and defend against Bernstein's allegations. The appellate court ruled that the lower court "improvidently exercised its discretion in denying the [mayors] motion for leave to intervene."

The court determined that the mayors "have a sunstantial interest in the outcome of the proceeding" and then said that the "Villages have an additional interest in this matter since the law on which the Town relies provided that the cost of a park may be imposed on village taxpayers only if the board of trustees of the village determines by resolution, subject to permissive referendum, that it is 'in the public interest of the residents of such incorporated village to use such public park. (L 1982, ch 891, section 3)'"

The law referred to is the Finneran Law. No village has adopted a resolution under section 3.

The decision involves a procedural issue -- i.e., the right to intervene -- and not the ultimate issue of the application of the law.

Anonymous said... 53

There seems to be a combination of misunderstanding and probably a desire to discredit me because I may happen to disagree with one or more individuals over one or more issues.

First, with respect to the misunderstandings. I hold a license from the State of New York, license number 30201, to practice as a Certified Public Accountant. This may be readily confirmed on line by anyone wishing to do that. My license has NEVER been revoked or withdrawn. My status is “Not Registered” because I am not nor have I been in public practice since September 1978, when I left the then Big Eight firm of Arthur Young & Company, now a Big Four firm, Ernst & Young, to work in the corporate / private sector.

If one chooses to go to the appropriate New York web site, one will find the following:

“If you are a licensed CPA or PA (as I indicated above I am) and (underscore "and") perform audit and or attest functions (which I don’t) or you are employed by a public accounting firm in any capacity (I am not), you are required to participate in Continuing Professional Education (CPE).”

To reactive my registration I would need to have taken 24 hours (3 days) of qualifying CPE in the 12 months prior to my request to reactivate my license. At the present time I have no need to reactivate my license as I don’t perform audit and or attest functions. My clients are well aware of my status.

What I do is provide accounting and financial advice to my clients. For example, earlier this year, I filled in at a $2+ billion public company as their Director of Accounting Policy, while an individual was in a temporary leave status. Prior to that I assisted the CFO of a $250 million privately owned entity restate and prepare its financial statements in order to comply with various loan covenants.

I have stood before the public in my community and passed their test. Too bad all the anonymous posters don’t have the courage to post under their real full names.

Anonymous said... 54

A typo. My license was issued in November 1972 not 1973.

Anonymous said... 55

According to the laws of the state of NY, you are not a licensed CPA. stop saying you are.

Anonymous said... 56

Dear Anonymous 4:22 PM,

Still have no courage to identify yourself. If you have a problem, I am sure that you know how to contact the State Education Department. Accouding to their public records I have a CPA license. I am not currently practicg as such. I stand behind my statement publicly, which is more than I can say about you and your statement(s).

Anonymous said... 57

Give those idiots hell, Kolesar. They are so biased that they don't recognize a fact when it is put in front of them. This sickness has a name -- it is called Bernstein-blindness.

Anonymous said... 58

Well folks out there in blogland, nothing changes. Four years ago when Paul Feiner beat Jim Lasser by a town-wide vote of between 2 and 3 to 1, Mr. Lasser was supported by these faux Democrats of the CABAL. Everyone knows their names. They were then, and are now, the authors of the 730 day campaign. I said it many times in those following days, and finally in 2005, when they broke through (in most part with their 11th hour "choice" slams)and replaced Ms. Weinberg with Francis Sheehan the Board then caved into to his machinations, and the CABAL moved to the inside. I am sorry that Ms. Juettner has associated herself with such a character. Funny about political bed fellows and strange alliances.

But the 730 day campaign persists. We all understand this, and we will try mightilly to solidfy our victory in September with a town-wide landslide in November.

All of you can read about how Michael Kolesar, who I have never met, is treated by the CABALISTS and their fellow-travelers. Herb Rosenberg has articulated this continuing saga quite accurately and well.

So let us not be surprised. Let us not be fooled, the opposition is still alive and kicking.

Last night's kubuki drama that was acted out by Francis Sheehan foreshadows more of the same to come, up and until November. He will attempt, in his cynical way, to place the blame for tax increases on the Supervisor and insulate himself. But his turn will come and the public will not be fooled by his continuing charade.

How ironic was it that Eddie Mae Barnes finally started to speak up after an incredible period of silence. Maybe she still harbors a faint hope that she will win in November. It was interesting that in the 2nd to last financial filing she had raised zero funds. Funny that a "valued" public servent, who has been in office for 16 years, had no backers! She was completely financed by her cohort Steve Bass, who probably tapped out his whole war chest on their failed efforts.

Of course, the next filing is due out tomorrow and we will see where it was all spent and what is left.

During the election our opponents called themselves the "real" Democrats. Today everyone knows the truth, they are hardly Democrats. It was also interesting to see how much Ms. Berger was financed by the Democratic Committees and power brokers around the County.

That type of fund-raising didn't seem "grassroots" to me and it shouldn't seem like that to anyone else. It was ugly old Tammany-style politics that should have gone out with Carmin DeSapio.

In January a new team will be in the lead, and hopefully the Supervisor's open government initiatives will start to bring fresh air into the Greenburgh Town government and the Dromore Road affair, and the influence of Robert Bernstein will be exposed to the light of day.

Richard J. Garfunkel

Anonymous said... 59

Dear Mr. Garfunkel,

I just hope that in January the new Board launches investigations into:

1. The Troy/Dromore Road Meeting
2. How the Zoning Map was illegally changed.
3. The Gil Kaminer/Valhalla School Superintendant incident.

No one should be allowed to slide if laws were broken. We citizens need to find out the truth about the above issues. I just hope the new Board will follow through.

Anonymous said... 60

The Hastings Democratic Committee has urged Suzanne Berger to support the Feiner team or to resign her chair of the Greenburgh Democratic Committee.

Anonymous said... 61

Is there no depth to which these character assassins will dig to ruin a person's professional and private reputation?

And toward what gain? Obviously they are not vying for the position. It seems they are closer to "Philadelphia lawyers," than financial minds. Add in a scosh of passive aggressive personalities with a perfect outlet to vent...a blog on which they can denigrate with impunity via the "anonymous" non-attribution.

As a point of information, the current comptroller of NYS has no CPA nor is he or ever was he an accountant.

The only thing people should be interested in is WHETHER HE( KOLESAR) CAN DO THE JOB.

LIke one of our former state comptrollers- who restored the state pension plan to the black, when it was in a deep red hole- Mike Kolesar graduated from Queens college. He also has an advanced degree from Columbia University.

His work status, and his consultancies are inconsequentional. The only thing that matters is, can he do the job?

Whether he comes from a village , the unincorporated or outide of town is meaingless. One of our current Board members is a village resident and has done ZERO in over a decade and one half for the villages or ever for her own village.

Comptroller is, or should be, a staff position unimpeded by politics. Until very recently the NYS comptroller was from the opposite party than the governor. It was a check and balance. And it worked.

Once you pass your CPA exams, you're a CPA for life. THe only nuance is Active or Inactive, nevertheless a CPA.

Let's try to keep politics out of the comptollers office. It would be a refreshing start.

One last things. Mike Kolesar's offer to work for $75/hour for doing a very necessary undertaking at a very critical time, compared to Judge Fredman (who is a long time friend )accepting $400/hour for a "feel good" pre-arbitration arbitration which taken at its most serious, was hardly critical and in some corners unnecessary.

There is enough schmutz in Greenburgh to fill several blogs. So why can't someone start a "Character Assassins'" blog, and allow this one to be a town infrmation blog.

Anonymous said... 62

Ed, you are right. Francis and Mikes detractors are character assassins. They don't give a damn about the town. They want chaos. They want divisiveness. They want a budget that is screwed up.
Mike Kolesar could help Paul prepare a budget that will be devoid of mistakes. Mike can help Paul keep taxes low.
Francis wants a big tax hike. Francis wants the town to lose its credit rating. Francis wants mistakes in the budget document.

Anonymous said... 63

Heir Sheehan does not care how he spends taxpayers money.
Mike is the man we need to help with the budget.
Not only will we be saving money but the job will be done correctly.
Sheehan take a walk for yourself to the nearest pier and jump off.

Anonymous said... 64

Kolesar is too involved in politicss. We need a non-political comptroller.

Anonymous said... 65

A comptroller is a professional. He does not make policy. Don't fall for Bernstein's "pro-village" crap.

If Kolesar is qualified, and he certainly is, and if he knows budgeting, which he has shown he does know, then he is a good person to help out in this vacuum that Heslop's resignstion has created. It doesn't matter whether he is Democrat ot Republican, or whether he lives in a village, in the unincorporated area, or anywhere else.

Bernstein and Sheehan, who are experts at divisiveness, are at it again.

Anonymous said... 66

Sheehan is desperate. He needs an issue for his re-election two years from now. He will now re-invent himself as a budget expert. He wants a large tax hike so that he can blame Feiner two years from now. He wants mistakes so he can play his game of gotcha.

Paul, you should investigate whether or not you have some type of emergency powers to be able to appoint Koeslar without Sheehan's approval.

Anonymous said... 67

How does anyone know what the property is worth? Shouldnt it be put up for bids?

Anonymous said... 68

Feiner is asking the Bd to let him hire Kolesar for a couple of weeks. Not a big deal. Not very expensive.
Much less than Kaminer's hefty salary, which I hope will be eliminated in 2008. Sheehan had no problem creating a totally unnecessary job.

Anonymous said... 69

Mr. Kaminer extended far too much assistance in the primary campaign, working with Francis on behalf of Steve and Eddie Mae. If I could have photographed it, I would have. Francis and Kaminer were literally behind closed doors, working away. It wasn't right.

Anonymous said... 70

Is there any truth to the rumor that Bob Bernstein is now involved with the acquisition of the property on Main Street in Dobbs Ferry? Could it be that Bob and Michelle want this property so they can build a satellite Village Hall until they secure one in Edgemont?

Anonymous said... 71

It sounds that way to me.
Boy he must be loaded,to look into all these property acquisitions.
What is the name of Bernstein's and Michele McNally's company.
Bernstein maybe you could inquire about the old Treasure Island property.
This too would make a good town hall for your latest goal{Edgemont to become a village].

Anonymous said... 72

Bernstein and McNally deserve one another.

Anonymous said... 73

People who know me know that I have had a life-long aversion to Politics. Only since moving to Greenburgh had I even registered to vote -- as a Democrat.

I attend, sporadically, meetings of the local Greenburgh Democrat "club" and observed first hand some of the mechanics of running the party and how the quid pro quos are born. Overall their entire raison d'etre seemed to be to get each other elected, attend each other's fundraisers, carry each other's petitions and look for ways to make their presence known to Democrats higher up the food chain. I'm not offended by this and I don't suspect that Greenburgh is unique or that the Democrats are unique but the impression that I carry away from these meetings is that this is a hobby for some adults, a career for others and no better or worse than video games for younger generations or rooting for sports teams for many of all ages.

Thus when this year's campaign was in full throttle and Berger, Bass and Barnes promoted themselves as the Real Democrats, I thought what a clever non sequitor, not unlike real naugahyde or previously owned vehicles. What could Feiner, Brown and Morgan call themselves that would appeal to the Democrats whose votes they were also courting. The Berger crew had already sewed up 100% for their Choice sensibilites. To say that they were 100% Democrats would therefore have the same copycat effect that people felt when they saw Bass and Barnes ripping of the "I'm With" tag line, a really great creation which I wish I could claim ownership for but had 100% nothing to do with.

So, lacking the slogan power to describe themselves as some other phylum of Democrat, Feiner and his mates quietly set about to do what Democrats do best, travel amongst the people -- introduce themselves, elicit feedback and learn what's on the mind of the common man.

And, this resulted in the victory in the Primary that mandated the Feiner team to be the candidates of the Democratic Party come this November. But that made me think.
If the "Real Democrats" hadn't won, that meant that either the Democratic Party itself was bogus or that those who called themselves Democrats had better hie thee hither and align with some other affiliation if they chose to seek self-ratification by relocating to the remaining Party voting lines that all canididates sign up for as insurance. But can you still be a "Real Democrat" when the Party has rejected you? Do you only have to change the "case" and call yourselves Real democrats? Do you manifest the symptoms of schizophrenia if you are running on another Party line? Does this mean that the Working Party or the Independence Party becomes the Democratic Party (AKA or DBA) by another name. Are these Parties then the "Real Democrats"? And if so, if the "Real Democrats" run as the candidates of another Party, then what does that make the Democrat Party, the home for 99 and 44/100ths percent Democrats? It just got too confusing to continue this debate with myself as audience so that is why I am turning it over to the blog.

But before I go let me raise this remaining issue. If Suzanne Berger is the Chair of the Democrat Party and she doesn't know whether she is running against her Party, how can that make any sense? I would even make the question more direct and wonder why she continues to be the Party Chair if she is uncertain of her loyalties. Going back to the beginning of my posting, I noted that I attended some meetings and came away with the impression that this club existed solely to get Democrats elected to office. So when I see that Ms Berger is still the Party Chair and hasn't decided to support the Party's candidates, I see this akin the to the Chairman of Ford, paid by Ford stockholders, spending his time running General Motors to the detriment of Ford.

And down the line, Bass and Barnes similarly don't know what their plans are? They are "mulling" over their choices and consulting with their "advisors"? Are these the same people who tell them what to say at Greenburgh meetings and how to vote? The choice seems simple enough: either get out of the Democratic Party or toe and tow the Party line.

I would think that this should be obvious to "Real Democrats".

Anonymous said... 74

One would have thought that Sheehan, having seen the results of the election, would have reverted to the thoughful person we thought he was before he came on the Town Board. Instead he has remained the obstructionist he became after he came on the Town Board.

His behaviour in the Kolesar matter is amazingly dishonest. His continued alliance with Bernstein really sad. He wil serve no useful purpose after January 1.

Anonymous said... 75

Sheehan was always a nut. Less we forget his video taping escapades. Its just that since taking over Greenburgh, the power went to his head and he became more of a nut job. Sheehan was recently in Las Vegas. Instead of enjoying himself, he sent out over seventy five individual e-mails concerning the Dobbs Ferry hospital. Only a nut job behaves like that.

Anonymous said... 76

Sheehan's response on the Greenburgh website is a disgrace. All of a sudden he cares about no bid contracts. He wasn't quite so eager to issue an RFP when Byran Cave was involved. This is a $5,000 expenditure which will go a long way to save money. It should be done. Sheehan and Bernstein do not understand that the public has tired of their antics.

Anonymous said... 77

The debate of who is a "real" Democrat (see the extensive writings of R. Garfunkel, et alia) is beginning to sound like an Orwellian prelude to a debate about who is a "real" American.
Apparently anyone with whom the writer disagrees is not "real" - and her/his rights should be abrogated to best serve the interests of the "real" people. That's pretty frightening.

Anonymous said... 78

scarsdale doesnt have partisan electoral politics.

there is no republican or democratic way to pickup leaves or garbage.

scarsdale also has term limits.

clearly scarsdale is a unique community and its model cannot be replicated everywhere but traditional democratic party politics in greenburgh has produced truly lackluster candidates and perpetual dead wood such as barnes (just 92 days away from r.i.p.) and juettner (just two years and 92 days away from being history).

Anonymous said... 79

To Anon 3:24pm

Thanks for the plug, but it wasn't I who coined the term "real" Democrats for this, or any other election. It was a sarcastic aside directed at the literature of the "party regulars" who are in lock step with the leadership and were resoundedly defeated. Supervisor Feiner is surely a Democrat! He was organizing young Democrats at the age of fifteen, but he has never been boss- controlled or dominated.

The modern Democrats in the post FDR period fought against Pendergast of Missouri, Hague of Jersey City and DeSapio of Tammany Hall. These independent, if one is allowed to use the term, Democrats brought real reform to the Democratic Party. Certainly Paul Feiner could never be accused of not being a "reformer."

Even FDR, of sainted memory cut his teeth against Billy Sheehan (another one), and the machine politics of NYC when he was a State Senator.

Therefore the issue you raise is not correct. I am for openess and transparency, and I believe in a level playing field, not dominated by boss-controlled monies. It was Suzanne Berger, who was the beneficiary of large sums of monies from the political bosses and their committees, from the Greenburgh Democratic Party's bank acocunt and judicial committees.

That is the on the public record, please look it up.

Richard J. Garfunkel

Anonymous said... 80

It is absolutely amazing that it has taken some Greenburgh residents 16 years to figure out there'sno work product forthcoming from Juettner. In fact, there's no nothing of substance at all.

For 14 yeardshe was a rubber stamp for anything Feiner did. Taking his financial support during her "campaigns."And ultimately stabbing him in the back. But that's not new for Diane the Diletante-who was paid to play act.A few years ago, the Democratic Party designated Francis Sheehan instead of Timmy Weinberg for the Town Council. Paul didn't like that arrangement, So he created a "rogue petition with Feiner, Juettner and Weinberg on it. Timmy was in the primary, not as a single candidate but as a member of the Feiner, Juettner, Wienberg team. Timmy won. Francis lost...screwed in part(large part) by Little miss goody two shoes.Four years later, she screwed Timmy in favor of Francis. Francis in his compulsion to get electd, he "turned the other cheek," and run-or rather carried- Juettner to her 8th term.Shows you what people will do to get elected.

So there is Juettner, unscathed by all the flack, which givers credence to :"if you're stupid keep your mouth shut, and you'll be the only one to know it. Open it up,and the whole world will know.

So many of you jumping ugly on Francis, and rightfully so. But at least he's a worker. Yet he doesn't deserve all the debits. It's never too early to vote for LVP least valuable politico. To me she's a first year eligible inductee. She's classic:she fooled all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but always ekedout at least 50.1%

Let's hear from all you Juettner fans, I'd like t know why you voted fo her, and if you'll repeat the same error.

Anonymous said... 81

Sheehan defeated Eddie Mae, Steve & Alfreda. The primary was a referendum on his obstructionist tactics

Anonymous said... 82

Does Sheehan realize how he has ruined his cohorts on the board in making them loose the election.
Thank you sheehan you finally did something right.
As some one said some time ago ,remember SHEEHAN,payback is sweet.Your day will come real soon,concerning the Dromore rd,picture together with Bernstein and McNally.
You and Juettner will have to face the music without Bass and Barnes.
Did you ever think along this vein that the two of you will have to take the blame for your illegal undertaking,cause they will no longer be on the board.

Anonymous said... 83

If one saw the printout today of the Edie Mae Barnes recent Board of Election filing, one could see her largest gift ($500) was from one Myer Sigal. Could this be the same individual who is the new chair of the Ethics Board?