Monday, June 01, 2009

greening greenburgh

Greening Greenburgh: Workshops is a new series beginning June 23rd at the Greenburgh Public Library.
This is a monthly opportunity for folks to learn how they can save $$ and energy as well as network and join others in Greenburgh creating a more sustainable lifestyle.

June’s topic is a NYSERDA (NY state energy research and development authority) workshop for Building Trade Professionals.
Please click on the ‘Greening Greenburgh’ link at for more info.

There are other exciting topics lined up such as: Funding options for home energy efficiency projects, Film Nights, Intro to Low Carbon Diet, Solar Punch, etc…

What do YOU want to learn about….any Green/Eco/Sustainable interests, topics, concerns that you wish to know more about??!!
Your input is crucial for the planning of further Greening Greenburgh Workshops.
Please email Deann Cartwright at with any ideas or comments.

I look very forward to hearing from you.

Deann Cartwright
Conservation Outreach Coordinator
Town of Greenburgh
177 Hillside Ave
Greenburgh, NY 10607

Be a part of the action, be a part of GREENING GREENBURGH. Greenburgh was One of 10 communities chosen nationwide as a Spotlight Conversation on Climate Action on Earth Day! Click here to read the recap:


Anonymous said... 1

Greenburgh is green enough you have to put some green back into our pockets.
How about looking into a windmill farm that will help us with our electric bills.

Anonymous said... 2

Right on our bills are going through the roof.
We who have all electric homes are in serious trouble.
Those who heat with fuel and have all electrical appliance for example stoves ,air conditions and whatever needs to work with electricity have double trouble.

Those that have gas heat are also in trouble.
Some of the bills would be less if we had windmills where we can get cheaper rates.

Anonymous said... 3

This is nice, but I would like for Greenburgh to focus more on basic township responsibilities - consolidating some of its departments, collecting outstanding debts, calculating sewer bills correctly, street cleaning, weed wacking, etc.

Anonymous said... 4




Anonymous said... 5

The questions concerning EMS call should be directed to the founder Kapica. This is his baby.

Anonymous said... 6

Hartsdale does not respond to EMS calls because their fire chief does not want to. He is leaving shortly. Complain to the Fire Board of Hartsdale.

Anonymous said... 7

The Hartsdale FD do respond to EMS calls, when they are called.

fat pension said... 8

Taxpayers are now contributing 7.5 percent of the payroll costs to the fund for most workers, and about 16 percent for police and firefighters, whose pensions are more lucrative than those of other public servants. Contributions from workers and profits from the investments pick up the rest of the tab.DiNapoli said a "ballpark" figure of the higher rate in 2011 is 11 percent for most workers. He'll announce the final figure in September. A similar increase for police and firefighters would drive up the cost to taxpayers to more than 23 percent of what those workers' salaries are.

Anonymous said... 9

I'm waiting to see what the supervisors answer is to windmills to help the homeowners with another means of getting electricity.

Anonymous said... 10

Windmills are you serious. You would be spending money to put up these windmills and there won't be enough wind to make these windmills turn. Do yourself a favor shut the light switch off when you leave the room.

Anonymous said... 11

All of you people complain about these cell towers going up and how ugly they look. Do you have any idea what these windmills look like? Well they look worse than these cell towers.

Anonymous said... 12

Placing windmills in the Supervisor's office and in the Town Board chambers should cover much of the electricity necessary for municipal operations in Greenburgh.

Anonymous said... 13

The rest of the Town's needs can be covered by putting windmills at the meetings of the Library Trustees and the meetings of the Democrat Party.