Monday, February 26, 2007


An article in today's edition of the Westchester County Business Journal ( has a headline: "CEO confident hospital can be saved". Some good news about a meeting with state health officials & the CEO of the hospital regarding the future of the Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry.
If the hospital is saved, I think much of the credit should go to our new State Senator, Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Senator Cousins has worked very hard arranging meetings with key state decision makers and arranged for the Minority Leader of the Senate to tour the Hospital with elected officials and hospital representatives.


Anonymous said... 1


Anonymous said... 2

Paul, Why do you keep bringing Senator Cousins name up? The election is over. The State might have a change of heart because of all the letter writing to the officials who have a say in the matter, that is going on.

Anonymous said... 3

Cousins,uncles or aunts thank you for your letter writing.

Anonymous said... 4

I applaud every effort to keep CHDF open-in any capacity, but am still saddened that it may close as an in patient facilty. If it provides emergency care-what would happen then-a transfer to another hospital?-not cheap and often difficult on the family/patient. The CHDF has a low average for days spent in hospital-and they care for some of the sickest-maybe it is because they are doing something right like excellent nursing.

Sue Feir