Sunday, October 12, 2008


In recent weeks more and more people have stopped by my office seeking employment. Unfortunately, the town is experiencing the same economic problems that the rest of the world is facing - and is trying to avoid hiring new employees. HOWEVER, I would like to try helping unemployed Greenburgh residents find work.
If you know of any job openings in your business (clerical to management--any opening), please e mail me at I will share the info with residents who are seeking employment.


Anonymous said... 1

October 12, 2008
10:24 AM


Comptroller's Office
Employment Opportunities Print this page Email this page

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Employee Benefits and Forms

11 Olympic Lane, Ardsley, N.Y. 10502
(914) 693-8985


SALARYRANGE: $37,566 - $61,242 plus benefits

EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: Year round, 35+ hours per week.
Includes specific weekend and evening work

Under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, responsible for the administration and organization of recreational services, activities and programs for a major segment(s) of the Town’s total recreation program and do related work as required.

EXAMPLES OF WORK: (Illustrative Only)
· Plans, develops, implements and promotes a specialized activity phase of recreation on a community-wide basis.
· Administers a major segment/facility of the municipal recreation program.
· Administers a major segment/facility of the municipal recreation program.
· Plans, organizes, promotes and directs specific recreation activities and specific events.
· Assists in the administration and organization of the total comprehensive recreation program.
· Supervises trains and evaluates subordinate staff personnel.
· Supervise and assist with the maintenance of facilities and equipment.
· Prepares publicity/promotions for assigned portion of the program.
· Represents the Department at meetings with other community organizations.
· Prepares special reports for the Commissioner regarding needs and effectiveness of services in assigned area.
· Organizes the program of and directs a recreation center.
· Acts as Sports Official when needed.

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES ANDATTRIBUTES: Good knowledge of the theory, principles, practices and objectives of public recreation; good knowledge of the purpose, use and benefit of sports, games, arts and crafts, dramatics, dancing, music and other activities in a municipal recreation program, familiarity with the methods and procedures involved in public agency administration and personnel practices, interviewing and employment procedures; familiarity with planning and equipping recreation facilities and areas; familiarity with community organizations; ability to plan, organize and promote recreation activities/programs; ability to assess resources and facilities realistically; ability to supervise subordinate professional and non-professional personnel; ability to lay out and plan the work of others; ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; ability to exercise professional judgment in problem solving and evaluation; ability to work with others and guide subordinate personnel; creativity; reliability; physical condition commensurate with the duties of the position.

MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE:Either (a) graduation from a recognized college or university with a Bachelor’s* Degree in Recreation, Parks, or Physical Education and one (1) year paid experience in the conduct of recreation activities or operating recreation facilities; of (b) a Master’s Degree* in Recreation, Parks or Physical Education, or (c) a Bachelor’s Degree* in a closely related or allied field (i.e., sports management, leisure studies, therapeutic recreation, or other recreational degrees) and three (3) years paid experience in the conduct of recreation activities or operating recreation facilities; or (d) possession of a current Certified Park and Recreation Professional or Certified Recreation and Park Professional status conferred by the National Recreation and Park Association or one of its authorized and recognized affiliates and one (1) year of paid experience as in (a) above; or (e) a satisfactory equivalent combination of the foregoing training and experience.

NOTE: Credits completed toward the specified Master’s Degree* may be substituted on a month for month basis for experience in the conduct of recreation activities or operating recreation facilities. (30 credits = 1 year)

*Education beyond the secondary must be from an institution accredited or recognized by the Board of Regents of the New York State Education Department as a post secondary degree granting organization or the degree program must be accredited or recognized by the National Council on Accreditation.

CONTACT: Gerard Byrne – Parks & Recreation Department
Phone: 914-693-8985 X 106

When calling please make reference to the position



Anonymous said... 2

This job may not be filled. We are looking at hiring from within. PAUL FEINER

Anonymous said... 3

Wow, Kolesar I have never seen another department head behave so narcissistic. Definition-characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. I just had a chance to watch the 10/07/08 town board work session A. What a display. If you haven’t had a chance to watch yourself, you may want to take a few minutes out of your “busy day” and take a look see. Your behavior is embarrassing.

Kolesar you have clearly given your payroll clerk a raise without the Town Boards knowledge. Paul Feiner said and I quote, “Nobody told us”. Then you went on to conceal the raise. You said, he was promoted to Senior Payroll Clerk, but you didn’t indicate the promotion on your budget proposal with his new title. Instead of showing a separate line for Senior Payroll Clerk, you indicated that you had two payroll clerk positions and hid his increase, this is fraud and deceit. You were trying to hide it because you did not have authorization from the board. Along with this raise, your senior payroll clerk is still doing overtime.

You have a part time person coming during the day, and Debra Lawrence coming in at night for $40.00hr. According to what you said, Payroll busy days are Monday and Tuesday. So why does Debra come in on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday? What is she doing that somebody else cannot do for less? You said, she resigned in April, I can understand helping for a few weeks, but 6 months, who are you kidding.

Even more disturbing, you included more promotions in your budget for 2 of your data processing staff. I guess all that ranting and raving about the budget does not apply to your department.

Kolesar you are not trustworthy.


Anonymous said... 4

two town board seats are currently empty

morgan and juettner nominally occupy them

paul - im reporting two basically no show jobs

please take action asap - esp with regard to juetner seat.

Anonymous said... 5

well paul, if your looking at hiring from within.will someone need to replace the man moving up

Anonymous said... 6

parks & rec should have a dog park there,to go along with all the other S**T

Anonymous said... 7

In recent weeks more and more people have stopped by my office seeking employment

Of course they have. They have all heard that the town is paying $40. per hour to do clerical work. No background checks, don't come in if you don't feel like it and still get paid. No qualifications necessary.
This is why people are asking you for JOBS!

Anonymous said... 8

there will be job openings at TDYCC very soon watch for NEWS-12 and GPD no more friends + family sonja brown

Anonymous said... 9

This job may not be filled. We are looking at hiring from within. PAUL FEINER


Anonymous said... 10

This job may not be filled. We are looking at hiring from within. PAUL FEINER


Anonymous said... 11

Paul is right. Vacant jobs should not be replaced.

Anonymous said... 12

Vacant jobs will not be replaced instead the town will hire part time workers at 40$ an hour the town will save alot of money because there are no Employee Benefits

Anonymous said... 13

Recreation Supervisor doesn't seem like an essential position - perhaps handy, but not essential.

Anonymous said... 14

If the town is a place for equal opportunity, answer me this question. How come not 1 of 3 black part time employees were even interviewed for the full time groundskeeper position at the parks and recreation department. If you want the answer to this question you probably won't find it, but that is a fact.

Who is in charge of hiring over at the Parks Department. Maybe something should be reviewed.

Anonymous said... 15

Come November 2009, two Town Board cysts, sorry, I meant to type seats, (Juettner and Sheehan) will be auctioned off. Interested applicants should contact ebay or the local Greenburgh Democratic Party outpost, Suzanne Berger prop.

Applicants displaying a strong predeliction to become part of a team will be given preference.

An absence of knowledge of local, county and state law is considered a prerequisite and a willingness to disregard such knowledge, if obtained, will be considered a desireable trait.

The willingness to attack town employees and residents under the cover of "anonymous" is a requirement. An example of such behavior appears on this blog where an "anonymous" poster refers to a confidential budget proposal.
See 10/12, 1:46 PM. That the reference, interpretation and conclusion are false is of little importance to the writer who thought he had disguised himself.
Elvis Costello was right about watching the defectives, sorry detectives.

And citing a quote from Supervisor Feiner is by no means the litmus test for establishing proof.

CSEA, see you at the October 22 meeting. Please speak up about wasteful spending. Ask about the Xposure program. Ask about Taxter Ridge. Ask about the Tappan Zee study. Ask about the Library overruns. Ask about the Assessor's office. Ask about the police cars that go home every night. Ask about what senior messengers do that can't be outsourced. Ask about the Arts Council. Ask about the sculpture curator and why the item still lingers on the work session agenda.
Ask about why the Assessor's office still hasn't reduced the assessment on Dromore Road when the building was demolished two years ago. Ask about the increasing cost to the town of hiring outside legal counsel to handle increasing volumes of cert actions, border disputes, litigation. Ask about why the town can't collect past due money from the Housing Authority? Ask whether the Police are still providing the same level of service but disguised in their routing. Ask where the money for an expanded court is coming from when it is about to be expended to hide budget problems. Ask about why the Town Board will allow the Library to establish a capital budget account when they already believe that library spending is outside of their control. Ask the Town Board, especially Mr. Sheehan, if the $175,000 ramp from nowhere is worth it. Ask the Library Trustees how large a pay increase is being contemplated for the Library Director, the Assistant Library Director and the Assistant to the Library Director. Ask why CSEA employees aren't being given the raise for 2008 that the 2008 budget allowed? Ask whether the DPW needs as many new vehicles since the inspection of roadside problems is supposed to be obtainable online while there is no money to repair sidewalks. Ask where the money to address Comprehensive Plan concerns is coming from? Ask whether the new imprimature of the 80th best city on stationery is a costly sideshow and significantly reduces the usable portion of the page. Ask whether allowing cars to park on the grass and over the new sidewalk at the "Pet Pride Day" show at Webb Field was a gesture in opposition to the money being spent to restore the field. Ask and ye shall remain unanswered.

Instead, residents can always get the latest update on hot dog wagons and county spending.

Only in Greenburgh.

Anonymous said... 16

Blog readers, forget about all the blah blah. Go to the source. 10/07 work session A. CSEA WILL DEMAND ANWSERS.

Anonymous said... 17

Samis's otherwise generally cogent list of questions would be a lot more credible if he hadn't prefaced his comments with the statement that come November 2009 only two town board seats will be, to use Samis's term, "auctioned off" (that of Juettner and Sheehan).

The fact is that Feiner's seat will also be open, and the contest will, for all intents and purposes, be held in not in November 2009, but in September, because that's when the Democratic Primary will be held.

As I recall, Juettner and Sheehan ran four years ago on a platform of being independent of Feiner. Well, now, having failed to exercise that independence at all in the past year, replacing Juettner and Sheehan (but not Feiner) won't change a cotton pickin thing because Feiner will still have this three votes to do as he pleases (the taxpayers of unincorporated Greenburgh be damned).

So, Samis, the questions you raise are legitimate, but your premise is all wrong. Unless and until you're prepared to start working to promote a reasonable Democratic alternative to Feiner (as well as the others), you're as much a part of the problem as they are.

There are several Democratic activists out there in town who could raise money and campaign. Why not be part of the solution to the town's problems and drum up support for them if you can.

Anonymous said... 18

I would willingly support a credible alternative to Feiner.

As I have written before, short of this. I am willing to let him sit in his seat (even get paid) and be the Town's official greeter. I recognize that to separate him from his Council support it will take two elections. But if there is an alternative, let's get the show on the road. Whom the "several Democratic activists" are and will or when they commit publicly remains an unanswered question.

But how can I be expected to drum up support for them if I don't know who they are? Maybe other readers find themselves in the same quandry.

I'm not being cute just practical. Since I got involved in 2000, I've heard this song before; even marched along to its beat. However, what I see as doable is to take control of the Town Board.

But again, I'm happy to add my support if there is a vetted and committed candidate. Readers may or may not be aware that Ed Krauss and I learned from our brief run at gathering signatures for the petition opposing the additional funding for the Library. Strategically, we decided it would be better to let them continue to hang themselves and they are cooperating so far by 1) the library moving operating funds over to the capital project and 2) moving back the opening again, last announcement from around Thanksgiving and now to around Christmas. Do I hear 2009?

But what we started to pursue was a referendum seeking local term limits and I believe we got a green light from several legal opinions when...
Bloomberg made his announcement. The idea is not dead, merely on hold.

So whereas we see the Feiner team as likely most vulnerable around the budget discussions and the Fortress Bible decision, this observation may also be shared by those Democrats waiting in the wings.

Thus, when you have someone to present, you know how to reach me, even offline.

Anonymous said... 19

So Samis would "willingly" support a "credible alternative" to Feiner. That sounds like the kind of political wishy washy BS we'd get from a Greenburgh McCain, if there were such an animal. Samis, surely you of all people in town (knower of all things Greenburgh, just ask that Rosenberg fellow who sings your praises), knows in town who would be a "credible alternative" to Feiner. Why not tell us? What's the harm in throwing out a few names? Or are you of the opinion that no one out there fits the bill (except perhaps for you and Ed)? You say the "credible alternatives" should first contact you offline? What makes you think they even read this blog?

Anonymous said... 20

The problem, dear Samis, is that your theory requires something which cannot be achieved, and that is a sensible Demcratic Committee. Or to put it better, we need a Democtaric Committee that cares about something other than savaging Feiner and boot-licking anybody who opposes Feiner, such as Sheehan, Bernstein, Lorrin Brown, the current leadership of the Democratic Committee, the CGCA, and the people who cling to them.

Wanna bet that the Democratic Committee will endorse Juettner and Sheehan again? I won't take that bet.

Wanna bet that the Democratic Committee will put up another Suzanne Berger type, who is beholden to the anti-Feiners and who has no other qualification for the job? I won't take that bet either.

So don't wait. Get some really qualified people, people whose principal interest is not politics and grabbing power, and start the campaign.

Anonymous said... 21

At least that Rosenberg fellow signs his name. How about you, 2:23?

Anonymous said... 22

Hal 10/13@10:12

On October 22nd were going to ask about the Comptroller giving raises in his department. I will agree that the department of Civil Service can reclassify a job, but they did not say give an $8,000 increase. That was the Comptrollers doing. He also proposed to give 2 more raises in the upcoming year during his budget proposal.

We have been fighting so hard for a fair contract and no agreements have been made. Do you want us to sit back while "well deserving" employees get raises because according to Kolesar, "If the dont get these raises they are going to walk out the door".

Anonymous said... 23

Dear 2:23,

The problem may be with your limited attention span. Perhaps this posting will clear up your confusion.

When you read my 2:07 post, did you not understand that it was in response to the invitation to comment from "11:59". That post discussed "a reasonable Democratic alternative to Feiner" as though there were person(s).

Thus the person you want to ask for a few names (as I did) is 11:59not Hal Samis.

There is unused storage space under the mantle of "knower of all things Greenburgh" to know what I don't know and therefore not to comment upon these things.

And if you suspect that the origin of this line of thought (11:59) only writes on the blog but does not read the comments of others, who am I to mistrust the extra sensory perception of yourself who can penetrate the thoughts of others. Hopefully you're not in my Friday night poker game.

All I can admit to personally is that I am not a candidate for Town Supervisor.

Anonymous said... 24

Sounds like all Samis is saying is that he'd willingly support a credible alternative to Feiner, but he just can't think of anyone who fits that bill. That's too bad. Next time Samis stands up at a town board meeting to rail against the latest town board stupidity he's unearthed, I'll be thinking in the back of my mind, "with all his bellyaching, this loudmouth can't think of a single person in the entire town who could do a better job as supervisor than the idiot he's mocking." Instead, he wants us to tell HIM who he should support. Having put his cards on the table like that, it should be obvious that asking Samis for support is a no-win proposition for any prospective candidate out there.

There are a lot of thoughtful regulars who come to town board meetings. I wonder who THEY think might be able to do a better job. Unlike Samis, I bet THEY have an opinion.

I agree with Samis on one point, though. Whoever these prospective candidates for supervisor might be, even if they don't choose to whisper in Samis's ear,they should really make their intentions known soon. Times' awastin'.

Anonymous said... 25

And let's hope it isn't Suzanne Berger or one of her cronies.

Anonymous said... 26

Gee I'm just a poor country bumpkin who really doesn't know many folks after all.

That doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about when I talk about misdeeds by the Town Board.

That doesn't mean that I haven't supported Jim Lasser or Bill Greenawalt in their bids for Town Supervisor.

Perhaps twice burned is the cause of my reluctance to lead or join a search committee.

Since there are other people as you note who come and speak at Town Board meetings, please feel free to ask them who should be Supervisor.

But then, maybe I'm being coy, or not. And maybe I'm waiting to hear pretty, pretty please, or not.

In the meanwhile, I remain desperately seeking Susan, Waldo or Carmen Santiago.

Anonymous said... 27

Still sounds like Samis doesn't think there's anybody in the entire town today that could do a better job as supervisor than Feiner. That's arrogance for ya. All he seems to wanna do is replace Juettner and Sheehan by default with a couple of Feiner choices which would leave us a lot worse off than we are now. I don't think Samis is being coy or looking for a pretty please from anybody -- he simply doesn't want even to suggest names of potential candidates. Samis sounds just like the politicians he criticizes. Just like Feiner, he's quick to blame others for misdeeds, but is unable to take any responsibility whatsoever for getting the problem solved -- he can't even suggest other people in town who might be persuaded to run. How pathetic.

Anonymous said... 28

why should comptroller's assistants get bigger pay checks and rest of the work force get nada? Not fair.

Anonymous said... 29

To pathos (5:46) from ethos,

about your patois...

When did I become the Democratic party power broker? I do know some of the lyrics to the musical Fiorello but that's about it.

Are you ragging on me because I don't have my finger on the start button to create a candidate?

Where did you get the idea that I favor a new generation Feiner led replacement crew?

No surprise that I am against Juettner and Sheehan. Guilty too of once supporting Sheehan too. But what a difference a dais makes.

Frankly, I've got other things to do tonight than exchange pleasantries with an anonymous idiot. If there are good people who want to run against Feiner, repeat, if they are good, they aren't waiting for me to green light them. And if they are good, I'll support them.


Anonymous said... 30

The payroll clerk that got the raise is very deserivng and works very hard to make sure everyone gets a correct paycheck every Thursday. Whos is going to do the job?

The reason the previous clerk left was because she was not getting paid enough so she resigned and came back part time to make make $40 per hour for the past couple of months. Thats how you "stick it" to the town.

Anonymous said... 31

town workers get paid every two weeks 26 times a year

Anonymous said... 32

the payroll clerk might have been doing a good job. There are many other employees who do good jobs and are not being given a salary increase. The comptroller's office needs to set an example. Times are tough. Everyone must give up a little.

Anonymous said... 33

the payroll clerk should not get a salary increase the town can pay HIM out of title pay its done all over the town he might leave an come back at $$50.00 hr no one can do his job an he knows it

Anonymous said... 34

I nominate Valarie Whitehead for Town Supervisor.
Paul amd Miss Brown think she dida good job of bailing out the community center, lets see how she does running the town

Anonymous said... 35

lets add that eyesore of a wall on central avenue to the town board's miscues as catalogued by dr hal samis.

btw - if morgan resigns, hal's just 3 votes could become a reality this september!

we need dr samis to cure the town of juettneritis and sheehanigans.

Anonymous said... 36

Item Disposal Fee

Passenger Tire $ 5.00 each
Truck Tire $10.00 each
Off-Road Tractor Tire $15.00 each
Propane Tanks (20-30#) $ 5.00 each
Refrigerators $15.00 each
Air Conditioners $15.00 each
Electronic Equipment * $10.00 unit

(* to include TVs, VCRs, DVD Players, CD Players, and any other items that contain electronic componts)

Anonymous said... 37


Bottom line: we would not be in this mess if you had raised taxes in the past and not for political reasons had 0% increase in taxes. You are to blame for people losing there jobs.
Take some responsiblity for what you; alone have created.

Anonymous said... 38

Vote for Hal? Where would he find the time, he so busy writing "clever" blog postings

Anonymous said... 39

Hal writes blog postings that give information that the Town Board tries to hide. Don't try to obscure that fact by calling Hal clever. Sure he is clever. He is also smart and he does his homework.

Anonymous said... 40

Paul and the board was warned about budget fiscal prolems by Heslop and Paul ignored that warning. Paul admit you are to blame for this financial crisis and do the rite thing by dividing your salary to each department to ease tax payer burdin.

Anonymous said... 41


How dare you go around saying they "gave" the position to William Carter! Are you kidding us? Dr Carter, in the most extreme contrast possible to you, got the job based on merit, qualifications, and established a work related track record. You on the other hand received a gift. You deserve credit for one thing and one thing only, selling a bill of goods to Sonia Brown. Don't feel too bad Sonia, she's fooled many others before you. While many dedicated staff worked hard at their jobs, you gave Sonia a steady stream of lies which misrepresented your limited abilities. You're doing the same now to Dr Carter.
Ok, fast talkin' got you the job, but then you BLEW IT! Taxpayers had to settle for an under qualified person placed in her FIRST leadership position at the Center. However then you introduced your personal problems to the Center. You dragged the whole Department in your mud. Why should Teddy's name be tarnished because you felt a need to hand out no show jobs? Many of our young men need jobs and are willing to work hard when they receive an opportunity. But no, you had to hand over paychecks to felons! Did you really think you could trust them based on their past history? Everyone knows they have been milking you for years.
The Whitehead freebies: $10,000 for a one day trip to Playland; Free all you could eat BBQ at Family Day (Imagine doing that at Veteran's Park?); Full staffing when the building was closed to programs in September. You're very generous with Taxpaper's money!
You could have been Deputy. You could have done something that would have made a name for yourself. You could have retired with honor and respect. You could have respected Paul and Sonia. You decided to embarrass the Town Council, the Center, your Church, and the Community, by your shady wrong doings. Now the place is under police investigation because of you.
Hay Girlfriend, they had a party for Hopeton and William, they ain't gunna have nothin' for you except scorn. Everyone will look back at your time as temporary Head as the worst chapter in the Center's history.
The only reason you're still on payroll is due to Paul's charity.

Anonymous said... 42

Sonya and Paul are responsible for the goings on at the center.
They were both advised as to way things were being run but they thought people were jealous.
Let's hope that they now will do something with the center and daycare.Both should close or be sold to private concerns.
Right now both are being run as private facilities since they are for the the area residents and above all it's for free but our tax dollars are given to them to survive
They have not brought in one red cent to cover expenses.WHY because Paul Feiner refuses to listen to the public that there are no poor people in Greenburgh.We get taxed over and over again for work that should be done at both places but nothing ever gets done.
The same goes for the parkland.
Well now the residents are running low on funds what are your intentions.
At theis point you cannot lower the tax rate because of your previous mistakes.
At the work session we saw just how money was squandered by the center. You stayed silent for most of the meeting.
Someone said that if the center does away with some programs the children will be in trouble because they will be out in the street too much.
Well sir tell me where are their parents.
You made these people get away with too much for too too long now it has got to stop.

Anonymous said... 43

Yes where are their parents.
Well they have to work because they need a new BMW,Cadilac or a Mercedes.
They have to work so they can get away for vaction time.
The center and daycare are used only to babysit the children at taxpayers expense.
That's it.
We pay while they enjoy all the freebees that the town officials are offering them.
We have to remember that these are poor people.
I drive a jallopy of a car which is falling apart because funds are getting tight but these parents of the poor children travel in style.
PAUL the poor people exist only in your mind because you made it so.
At this point the best thing for you to do is resign.
You cannot undo the harm you have caused to the residents of the rest of the unincorporated areas.

Anonymous said... 44

Let's find the Supervisor a new job!
The problem is that he has NEVER held a job which wasn't political.
He's been sucking at the public teat since he graduated from college. It's given him a great living - too bad we have to foot the bill.

Anonymous said... 45

Is there any reason why Mr. Cliff Abrams has a secretary at the Community when no one else does