Thursday, January 10, 2008


Should the town rent out the training room (now the children's room) at town hall once the library vacates after October? Should we start reaching out to realtors to help us rent the space?


Anonymous said... 1

The police department and court are already paying rent for storage, and they still need nore room. Why not use all the extra space at town hall for other town departments that need space or room!

Anonymous said... 2

The Town should not be competing with private enterprise! We aren't a socialist state yet - our Supervisor's views notwithstanding.
If there is so much extra space at Town Hall, perhaps the Town bought too much space - and stole our money in the process. Isn't that what everyone is saying about the library keeping a surplus? This "extra" space (like the space rented at below market rates to the credit union) is the result of grandiose visions unsupported by the needs of the community. Sell Town Hall and rent commercial space upstairs along 119 - it would be cheaper...

Anonymous said... 3

How about a satelite police headquarters.
They are complaing that they need more space this should be enough to serve the department well.

Anonymous said... 4

There is neither enough space nor potential market rate income to justify the inconvenience much less tolerating the reactions of residents at a Town Board meeting. Perhaps there is a program at the Community Center that needs some "permanent" domicile.

What I would like to see come to Town Hall is the monthly Library Board of Trustees meetings so that their club in action could be witnessed by more of their Patrons. Yes I know that the multipurpose center/trailer house the Library Director & Co. but the multipurpose center at night is truly a hideaway, better suited as the place to conduct an illicit liaison rather than serious business like apportioning the spoils from a $3.4 million budget.

Anonymous said... 5

Bravo Samis

Anonymous said... 6

Speaking of the library! Where has all the money gone from running a large library, to transferring the operation to the cafeteria at the Town Hall. It would seem to the casual observor that labor, heating, lighting, and a myriad of other expenses have been slashed. Unless, the moving of everything incurred a debit line in the overall library budget that mitigates current savings. Meanwhile, I suggest that Hal Sammis be placed in charge of the library board. He is literate enough, prudent enough and he would watch the store. Just like when Joe Kennedy was appointed to be head of the SEC, it takes a fox to watch the chicken coop.

The Shadow Returns!

Anonymous said... 7

You are so right where did the money go,that whatever was in the old library fits into a smaller room at town hall. Who took the taxpayers money.
Samis is the right person to oversee the library.He will certainly see that NO ONE takes money away from the taxpayers.
Start puting honest people in the right place.
Paul you should find another slot for Krauss.
These two men have opened our eyes to much of the crooked goings on here in Greenburgh.
What you need is people who are not afraid to speak up for the rights of All.

Anonymous said... 8

No, do not rent the room. It's needed by town departments.

Anonymous said... 9


Anonymous said... 10

If Samis gets to oversee the library board and their function the supervisor will have to get all new members to run the show.
We need him in this position since he knows so much about the functions and we know that everything will be done honestly and every penny accounted for.
Paul think about it.Samis if you are asked please say yes.

Anonymous said... 11

Greenburgh has so much space to rent and so much parkland to sell.If this could be accomplished we would not have double figures in our yearly budgets that will be coming up every year for at least 3 more years.

Anonymous said... 12

Samis should be appointed to run the Library. They need help!!

Anonymous said... 13

The library needs more than Samis to help to undo the damage that they have done here in Greenburgh,
Under Samis's hand maybe a few of them will resign.
To run a good business one must get rid of dead wood and dishonest employees.
Samis please take the position if you are asked.
If they don't ask you then we know the troubles that we will be seeing down the line.
New blood is needed in this stagnated group they have been abroad too too long.Time for a dramatic change.

Anonymous said... 14

Bad idea, Town Hall should not have other business renting space. We need to find monies on other properties in Greenburgh.