Monday, May 21, 2007


Please post your comments about issues concerning our town.
TUESDAY- WORK SESSION 3:30 Discussion--Con Ed tree cutting

Wednesday- TOWN BD MEETING Decision: Tax breaks for volunteer firefighters, ambulance corp members

Proposed resolution - study of causes E Hartsdale Ave flooding


Anonymous said... 1

rumor has it that Feiner solicited and received a grant for the east hartsdale business district from Entergy - the folks who own and operate the Indian Point nuclear plant Feiner wants to shut down. Hey Paul, you press release machine lost power?

Anonymous said... 2

Rumor has it that Feiner solicited and received a grant for the east hartsdale business district from Entergy - the folks who own and operate the Indian Point nuclear plant Feiner wants to shut down. Hey Paul, your press release machine lost power? Maybe you should call Con Ed??

Anonymous said... 3

A Feiner slate with Beville, Brown and Morgan?

Beville, a member of the Valhalla School Board, is no doubt angry that the town board refused to honor the agreement Feiner made to give away $6.5 million of town money to the Valhalla School District supposedly to compensate the district for a homeless shelter—an agreement the state comptroller found to be illegal.

Brown, the so-called “Greenburgh PTA officer,” is no doubt angry that the town board rejected her demand last fall that the town pay her $30,000 this summer to run an “SAT camp” for which she planned to enroll underprivileged kids in a Princeton Review course.

And Morgan, the former police officer who ran unsuccesfully with Feiner the last time, is no doubt angry that the town board didn’t support the Greenburgh cop who was accused by Chief Kapica of violating police procedures in connection with the well-publicized dominatrix case.

That’s a slate built on anger and resentment. No “dream team” there

Anonymous said... 4

Feiner, Beville, Brown, Morgan ... You're just joking, right??

Anonymous said... 5

The town should be doing everything they can to help the merchants on E Hartsdale Ave. Glad our town is giving the problems at E Hartsdale Ave attention.

Anonymous said... 6

As usual, the weeds are growing strong along the Central Park Avenue median strips. I wish the Town cared about its appearance.

Anonymous said... 7

Paul, why hasn't the Town told the public about the ongoing sewer district audit? This has all the earmarks of a coverup! If the State Comptroller is auditing the Town, do you honestly believe the citizens of Greenburgh can be kept in the dark about it? Don't you realize you all look WORSE by not telling us the truth. You are all behaving like guilty people.

Anonymous said... 8

This is the Feiner legacy of the Taxter Ridge acquisition (appease Irvington), Valhalla (appease that area), Fairvew and now the firefighter volunteers. As each special interest group see what they others got, they want there share. Instead of trying to provide town services in a fair manner, Feiner has moved to an escalating spoils system.

Anonymous said... 9

What is the appeasement involved in cheating taxpayers on their taxes?

Anonymous said... 10


Anonymous said... 11

Why is no one asking the Town Council for answers?

If the questions are valid, then you deserve an answer.

If you really want the answer and conclude it is not going to come from Feiner, then aren't you asking the wrong party?

Since the assumption is that there is an answer but it is being withheld, then go to the Town Council. Ask the two members, Bass and Barnes who presumably aren't angry, for the answers, ask them to post the 2005 memo on the web. Ask and ye shall be answered.

Or not.

Anonymous said... 12

As for the appeasement era, why is anyone worrying. In case you haven't gotten the message yet, nothing happens without 3 votes.
The Town Council has 4 votes, so the only way something can pass is if two of these members side with Feiner. Alternatively is 3 of them oppose Feiner, then nothing will happen. Since the Town Council are independent and of a higher gene pool, then concerned bloggers should have nothing to worry about.


Anonymous said... 13

Beville? That is just what we need. That Valhalla board has done such a wonderful job. Aren't they being audited for their role in Feiner's Westhelp scam?

Anonymous said... 14

Obviously Beville is counting on a large turnout from the Valhalla crowd. Maybe also Fairview. The rest of us better get ready to vote.

Anonymous said... 15

Beville is running for Town Clerk. The Town Clerk has no policy role, just keeping records, issuing licenses, etc.

It would be nice to have a full time Town Clerk, since the Town Clerk gets a full time salary. Alfreda Williams has a full time job somewhere else and just comes to Town Hall late in the afternoon when she finishes her real job.

Anonymous said... 16

When one votes you vote for the best person to win.If the person is qualified to run for election, what does it matter where he comes from .The job has to be done to the fullest.We know that a lot of things have to change,why not listen to their platform,before you pass judgement.So what if they come from Irvington or Valhalla,we have to give them a chance. We are looking for a chance to change faces on the board and be heard,maybe this is the opportunity that we are waiting for.Someone has to clean up the mess. We should look foward to the next election to realy clean up.Who would want to accept nominations for any position in Greenburgh,must want to make a true change over,In the last election,we made a terrible mistake .Really those who won stole the election with lies. We now realize the mistake that was made. THIS IS THE TIME FOR A CHANGE.Berger,is not for Greenburgh.Since Sheehan was elected nothing was done to help the people,now he has Berger in his hip pocket.Do we need this, NO.So give whomever is running in the upcoming election a chance to prove themselves before passing judgement.Greenburgh needs a change of power all arround the board.New faces will be welcomed.

Anonymous said... 17

Why do you say Berger is not for Greenburgh? I think she is.

I do not know about what the people other than the incumbents stand for? Other than the sketchy points as noted above.

Anonymous said... 18

Good qualifications are needed to accept any position in government.This person would like to run for Town clerk,great.We welome a change. Beville may be the person we need,and as for Brown and Morgan ,this is the town's salvation.We made a mistake the last election ,let us not do it again.Just remember honesty is the most effective tool in winning an election.

Anonymous said... 19

Morgan is no salvation for anyone unless you're a developer.

Morgan has done nothing on the planning board except support developers.

In the last election, we learned that Morgan himself is a developer.

And despite promising to run an "independent" campaign, Morgan had no problem using thousands of dollars in campaign contributions that Feiner received from developers with applications pending before the town.

Anonymous said... 20

Beville was on the Valhalla board that participated in taking money illegally, and then spending it on politicos kids overseas trips? And we need her?

Anonymous said... 21

Feiner needs her.

Anonymous said... 22

Instead of Feiner bashing- why don't we focus on issues? We have too many malcontents who like being nasty. Get a life!
We live in a democracy. I'm pleased that we have a choice of competent candidates this year.

Anonymous said... 23

Why blast Beville? We pay a Town Clerk to work full time. When was the last time you saw her before 2 PM at Town Hall?

Anonymous said... 24

the Town Clerk is Alfreda Williams. The clerk is not around in the morning --ever.

Anonymous said... 25

Alfreda Williams doesn't sleep late. She isn't ever around before 2 PM or later because she has a day job somewhere. Being Town Clerk is moonlighting for her, at our huge expense.

Anonymous said... 26

Has anyone heard what Greenburgh 7 is going to do for a new budget and vote?

Anonymous said... 27

The suggestion being made that Alfreda Williams moonlights as town clerk because she supposedly has another full time job is false and defamatory.

It seems that Feiner and his supporters have already kicked their smear campaign into high gear. How typical of Feiner.

Anonymous said... 28

Didn't one of the Valhalla SD board members apply for a Westhelp grant?

Anonymous said... 29

Drop into Town Hall any morning and try and find the Town Clerk, Alfreda Williams. Don't take my word, see for yourself.

It doesn't matter what she is doing or where; she is not doing Town Clerk business every morning.

Anonymous said... 30

So what Morgan is a contractor,isn't that a plus for him being on the board. Do you expect him to do nothing after his retiremrnt from the police dept. Check out his other credentials and see if he qualifies to run fortown board. Sheehan's people will not be able to lie this time arround.

Anonymous said... 31

Sheehan here you go again bashing and telling lies about Morgan. You did it to him in the last election and you were repremanded by the Democratic Party,haven't you learned.You occupy that seat in a very deceitful manner,but I dont think you will win the next time your up for election.

Anonymous said... 32

The only person who attends zoning and planning board meetings, is Commandadore Sheehan,so he's starting to bash Morgan again.I think there are a few on the boards who vote yes or no to what developers want.Not like the town board,that has you to tell them how to vote or else.

Anonymous said... 33

The ZBA and planning meetings are televised. I watch them. I am not Sheahan.

As to this comment, what is there other than a yes or no, an abstention?

"I think there are a few on the boards who vote yes or no to what developers want"

Anonymous said... 34

The biggest joke about Morgan on the planning board is that he never says a word about anything on any subject -- but he's so anxious to get out of the room that he's the first to say "so moved" whenever the chair asks for a motion.

The second biggest joke about Morgan on the planning board is that he never knows what he's voting on.

Two years ago, he supported Feiner's proposal to change the zoning code so as to allow methadone clinics to open up as of right in storefronts on East Hartsdale Avenue and on Central Avenue near elementary schools.

Anonymous said... 35

no wonder morgan got the least number of votes last time. samis says just three votes. this year its just 174 votes (feiner's margin over greenawalt last time) to end what greenburgh has become -feiner's folly.

Anonymous said... 36

I truly cannot believe that Mr. Feiner will run for re-election. I want to believe that he will do what is right for Greenburgh and allow there to be a change in leadership. I'm not a "Feiner-basher" type, but I've just got to believe that he knows better than to run for re-election this year.

Anonymous said... 37

I kinda thought that with time the hate mail would slow down and residents would actually write about real issues. Instead it is getting worse. There is no point reading this junk and I'll stop. Goodbye.

Anonymous said... 38

That clinic proposal was the msot poorly thought out proposal I could imaginge. It could have ruined hartsdlae avenue quicker thn the floods. I beleive in health care access and I beleive in free enterpreise, but I also beleive in zoning, well thought out.

Anonymous said... 39

I'm not voting for anybody who votes for the volunteer firefighter tax break !!!!!!!!!!
hope you're listening Steve and Eddie-mae

Anonymous said... 40

I agree with your sentiments, as to not voting for anyone who votes for the volunteer tax exemption, but the only problem is the only other choices are worse. I wouldnt have put it past Fiener to push this thing for a vote to torpedoe Barnes and Bass and support his 2007 dream team.

Anonymous said... 41

this blog is becoming a witch hunt.With all the smart people living in Greenburgh you are all real idiots.Feiner has nothing to say about the voting for the volunteers, you should direct all your insults to Sheehan the commander in chief.He rules as to what has to be done .You're all blaming Feiner for everything,haven't you noticed that he has been out voted on everything since Sheehan took that seat [that he lied for].This is why we need new people on the board who will see to it that Sheehan is stopped .He has ruled ,not in favor of the residents of all Greenburgh,but just a chosen few. We have had a dictator for about 16 months, thats a little too long.

Anonymous said... 42

We have a dictator for 16 years.

Who brought up the exemption for volunteers?

Anonymous said... 43

Just 3 votes

Now here's the premise. If you are for Feiner, then you vote for his team so he has the 3 votes, if not, don't vote for them. However I advocate not voting for Bass and Barnes either so if they win it will be with the fewest votes ever.
When you step in the booth during the Primary or the November election, it is ok not to vote for all the offices. Just vote for the others and walk out.
Barnes and Bass fill the seats and collect the pay but don't actually accomplish anything any differently than Feiner while most of the time being his two other votes. Look at the Record if you doubt me. After all these years, even Edgemont must be sick of hearing from one of their own when Ms. Barnes drones, "why can't we all work together".

And be patient, in two years there will be a chance to thank Sheehan and Juettner. Do it quietly or you'll wake her up.

As for changing Town Clerks, this should be no contest. The Town Clerk has no vote and is not a policy maker so it is not a Feiner/Berger/Greenawalt issue. However Ms. Williams is tired after all these years and her "attitude" shows it. Stop making her roll into work in the early afternoon. Give her a break and let her stay home. We need someone who fills the slot of the Records Access Officer who will vigorously champion the rights of citizens to get FOIL requests filled in the legally allowed time frame. Ms. Williams is not that person. However she does a great job ordering dinner for the Town Council at the Tuesday work sessions. And if you're curious, how come of all the various board meetings you may have watched, how come the only one that doesn't vote on accepting the minutes is the Town Board meeting itself. Ask the secretary, Ms. Williams.

Don't be surprised at the activity on the blog, the Dems Convention is this Thursday evening at Town Hall.

Everyone should come from whatever Party or none you are registered. Meetings held at Town Hall are open to all; don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

Anonymous said... 44

I'm no fan of feiner but he is not a dictator - a would be emperor perhaps. From his Valhalla WestHelp slush fund scam to his government by press release shenanigans most recently seen in the great flood to be a cruel hoax, to his support of the use of FEMA funds for the Webb Field memorial eyesore, to his constant pandering, to his taking money from developers with applications before various Town Boards, to his threatening Ardsley over the library deal with Elmsford, to his hypocrisy in solicting funds from Indian Point's Entergy, and to his refusal to release the 2005 memo on the drain problem behind East Hartsdale .... one could go on and on, there are 16 years of poor decisions and inept management that require him to be dethroned. Just 174 votes is right.

Anonymous said... 45

Dear Anonymous: Show us the check from entergy. The town must formally accept all donations. The town has not received a penny from entergy .

Anonymous said... 46


Whether you have the right to go, I just think its strange.

But thanks for clarifying that Morgan and Sonya are part of the Feiner team. I guess we will be hearing Fiener come out soon -- unless he has already -- saying that. I would submit if you dont want to vote for Feiner, dont vote for his team.

Anonymous said... 47

All I see on TV is Feiner manipulating the Council. It has to stop.

Anonymous said... 48

Anon at 10:16

Check with Entergy -- I think the check will actually go to a civic assoication/bd

Anonymous said... 49

If Feiner, who verbally and publicly supports shutting down Indian Point, was successful in getting a check, for either the Town or a Civic Association, from the plant's owners, then this would show leadership skills.

Either Entergy is deaf,dumb and blind or Feiner got the equivalent of blood from a stone.

And if the Greenburgh Public Library Foundation approached Entergy (say through experienced fund raiser Timmy Weinberg) and they gave her a check (less her 5% commission) then everyone would applaud.

"Stupid is" is not limited to the collected sayings of Forrest Gump.

Paul Feiner said... 50

I would like to clarify what happened with Entergy. I was at a dinner of the Hartdale Fire Department a few weeks ago. One of the volunteer firefighters in attendance works for Entergy. I was talking to him and other firefighters about East Hartsdale Ave and the horrible flooding that took place. We were exchanging ideas as to action steps that could be taken to help the merchants survive. Many good ideas were shared with me at the dinner from the firefighters and commissioners as to what I should do. I asked the volunteer firefighter who works for entergy if they give out grants. He said yes--that they give out grants to chambers of commerce and non profits that are within their service area for economic revitalization. When I left the restaurant, at around 11 PM, I hand delivered the card to one of the merchants on East Hartsdale Ave who was working hard--trying to re-open his store. These store owners -Lia's, the liquor store, Big Top, Aristocrat Cleaners, the bagel store & korean food store are incredible-------they work so hard.
I want to do everything possible to help the merchants survive and feel obligated to provide them with as much information as possible as to what funds the street can take advantage of.
I continue to believe that Indian Point should close and have a close Indian Point sticker on my car. My personal views about Indian Point should not impact the merchants.

Anonymous said... 51

It is really pathetic how these haters turn every good thing that Feiner does into a suspicious sounding thing. They would rather see the E. Hartsdale merchants be hurt rather than see Feiner do something for them. These pathetic people are trying to say that they are for good government. Good government is supposed to help people when help is needed. With all of Feiner's faults, he does try to help. Getting grants for the merchants is a lot more than these haters have done.

Anonymous said... 52

I asked before, does anyone know anything about the revised Greenburgh 7 budget and vote.

Now I want to know, does anyone else have real suspicions about the recently released and dramatically improved state English scores? New York City schools have had issues with scoring on Regents. These tests are administered by schools. Whey dont they disclose SATs? Are SATs inconsitent with state tests?

Why is school budget so high? Greenburgh 7 costs more per student than Edgemont.

Anonymous said... 53

Close Indian Point. And replace the energy with ???

Feiner's providing Entergy with a platform to say how good they are is inconsistent with his bumper sticker that we dont want their kind of nuclear business in our community. This just another example of the muddleheaded thinking of the dupervisor. But what can you expect from someone who takes campaign contributions from the Town's auditors.

Anonymous said... 54

Feiner is not being candid about his role in giving the folks at Indian Point a valuable public relations platform in Hartsdale.

Ask any of the merchants who were involved and they'll tell you: Feiner set up the meetings with Entergy himself and, to avoid being publicly linked with the effort, he arranged to have the money donated to the otherwise inactive Hartsdale Chamber of Commerce.

Raising private money for flood-stricken Hartsdale is a good thing. Raising it exclusively from Entergy, when there are dozens of other major corporations in Westchester County that could help and so many in Greenburgh are worried about Indian Point, shows unquestionably bad judgment.

Anonymous said... 55

I hope the Town Board votes down the volunteer Tax relisf. It does not benefit Greenburgh in any way

Anonymous said... 56


Paul Feiner said... 57

I have not set up any meetings with Entergy as anonymous suggested. My only contact with entergy was with a volunteer firefighter who works for the company. He gave me his card. I gave the card to a merchant. I am continuing to look for other funding sources for the avenue.

Anonymous said... 58

Paul, it is a waste of time to answer the lies that people named Anonymous keep making up (or their in-laws who have equally untraxeable names).

What you did with the volunteer fireman was good. If Sheehan had done it these people would be raving about him and asking why you don't do things like that.

You can't win with these people. But you will win with the normal people in town.

I am also anonymous because of the nuttiness of those relatives of mine who are also named Anonymous.

Anonymous said... 59

Money is money and if it buys relief for flood victims, Greenburgh would be foolish not to accept it.

No one has alleged that there are strings attached. Why should Entergy not be allowed to make contributions? Entergy is not quite the equivalent of a company that manufactures weapons and munitions.

Maybe "one" would argue that perhaps the Town buys power from them, I don't know. However if the Town was prohibited from receiving grants from any nearby company, that might somehow be involved with the Town, then the Library expansion will be in deep doodoo. The same "one" who argues the above might also say that Entergy could "influence" the Library not to buy books written by authors who oppose nuclear energy. And what about real estate developers? Ms. Weinberg has been engaged specifically to solicit from them. If Sam's Club were to donate inventory, if Best Buy were to provide some tv monitors, would anyone argue against accepting them? I caution bloggers who want to pursue this line of criticism, instead to think where all this could lead.

Why is everything such a big deal?
With all the anti-Feiner sentiment around, is there nothing that he has ever done right or will ever do. Yes I have created the "just 3 votes" slogan but can anyone present an argument which denies its fundamental truth? Is there ever a valid justification for the Town Council to vote and support something that won't provide the solution, for something they have not understood, for something that is illegal. They are entitled to the same resources as the Supervisor, to the same Departmental staffs, to the same Legal team. If they don't care to ask, then they must share the blame. On the other hand, if they made the wrong call, why are they excused and not the Supervisor.

There is an election coming up.
So far the opponents seem content to sit back and declare: I'm not Feiner. Voters, at all levels, need to know more. It just may turn out that they would do things the same way. So if they are not Feiner, who are they and why one versus the other. Since both of them have elected to play the politics game and work behind the scenes to win delegate votes, they have been so busy that they have neglected to let everyone else know what needs to be changed and, if so, how they would do it.

Meanwhile, Feiner the incumbent, is on the line and having to actually perform his job, he is constantly at risk for whichever way he turns. Not in the same boat and thus not being judged, his opponents are of course held harmless. What I say is that if people want to run for an office, just profiting from the actions of the doer is not enough. Residents are entitled to know. Only in politics, if you can manage to do or say nothing, you will always be ranked as leading the league in batting.

Anonymous said... 60

Hal, the answer to your question about everything being a big deal is easy - Feiner is a divisive and polarizing politician. Because of this he has become ineffective (not that he was so effective before. The problem for Feiner is that his critics are increasingly being vindicated by the courts and the State Comptroller while his supporters are generally moving away or passing on. Feiner's enemies (he has many after 16 years in office) sense this and ready for an outing. Feiner's press over the past two years has been quite negative and polls show his negatives remain high. If you recall, he won with a small margin of 173 votes two years ago in a match with a poorly funded and somewhat unknown candidate.

Anonymous said... 61

Hal, you make it sound like Feiner does what he does for love. He makes a decent salary with health and other benefits millions of Americans do not have. He lives in a gated community in a fine school district unlike many of his constituents in Central 7 which is suffering. Two years ago the NY Times told Feiner to engage his critics. Did he do so? You take the train to work and you may even use the new cross-walk. May its time Feiner joined everyone else.

Anonymous said... 62

maybe its time

Anonymous said... 63

Actually, he makes less than many of the Department Heads and for whatever value there is to Greenburgh in having a visible Supervisor, an available to all Supervisor, the hours that go into this probably bring his pay down to minimum wage. Personally I think he is crazy for walking a 24/7 beat but that is his choice. The argument that he puts the hours in for his own benefit do not justify working just to be able to return to working. And his pay is $30,000 less than the Ossining "professional manager" walked away from the job.

But since you are concerned about the economics of those that live within Central 7 (is that a code for something), do you really think that Feiner living in a gated community is your best shot? I, too, am concerned and have often mentioned that the four members of the Town Council for their part time performance, they probably earn more than many residents do full time. At around $30,000 plus benefits (even additional cash if they don't take the Town's health plan because they have one at their day jobs) they should be included in the same paragraph. When they vote the wrong way, they say they didn't know; they weren't there; they believed...And you would think that with only two scheduled Town Board meetings during the summer, they would be able to work around this rigorous schedule and attend both...keep watching. And you would think that they wouldn't miss or complain about staying "late" for the other 20 or so Town Board meetings that occur throughout the year. Check the attendance records and keep watching. No, the ones that are making out like bandits are the Town Council. In fact millions of Americans do not earn what the Town Council makes. Or did you think that those people waiting on you at CVS or A&P or serving you at McDonalds or Lia's or assisting you at Home Depot earn much for the 20 hours they work so as not to become eligible for benefits.

The level of the Feiner criticism is really degrading, more to those who write it and it is to point this out that I do my thing. And I don't have a clue as to what "engage his critics means". Do you?

Anonymous said... 64

I am distressed at the circus-like atmosphere at Town Board meetings. But to say that Feiner is divisive is hearing Karl Rove speak. Can any honest person who watches these meetings say anything other than it is the Town Council -- Sheehan and Bass, since the two women say nothing all evening except some platitudes -- who bait Feiner, contradict every thing he says, insult him, accuse him, interrupt him, who are the divisive forces.

I realize that they do it because they want to drive him from office, and many people want him out of office. But to say that it is Feiner who is divisive is cowardly and dishonest.

As I see it, Sheehan and Bass are making people feel sorry for Feiner, rather than being convinced that he is bad. Sheehan and Bass would be much more effecive if they acted like decent public servants rather than pit bulls. In 2005 I voted for Sheehan and Juettner and I didn't vote for Feiner. Never again. After watching I will vote for Feiner and the two who are running against Bass and barnes. No contest.

Anonymous said... 65

"The level of the Feiner criticism is really degrading ..."

Agreed, but so many of his actions and ideas just open him up to be degraded. I know it's not his nature, but I just wish that he'd take time to think/proofread before he speaks/writes. There would be a lot less to criticize.

Anonymous said... 66

I didn't vote for the pit bull the last time but you could rest assurd I will be voting for Feiner,Brown and Morgan. We must start cleaning house by getting two seats this time arround,Bass and Barnes are the first ..

Anonymous said... 67

Hello Mr. and Mrs. North Ameria and all the Ships at sea. This just in over the wire.

What is affectionately referred to as Bernstein I has experienced some movement at the Appellate level. The Judges have thrown it back to the battling lawyers to submit briefs re the constitutionality of Finneran. Bob, you go first, the Town to respond. Do our grunt work said the Court. And get back to us yesterday, no make that Monday. That is Monday May 21.
And why haven't we heard from Bob regarding this development? Because he didn't know. Why didn't he know? Because the Judges are too busy planning their weekend holiday to pick up the phone and call the respective counsel. Just like the Town will say "we published it in the legal notice section..." apparently this is how the Court treats "officers" of the Court as well. Apparently the litigants are supposed to read the the classifieds in publications like The Law Journal to follow the progress of their case.

According to an inside source, the Town did catch the item but felt under no obligation to inform opposing Counsel; hey, it's a rough world out there in lawlawland. So I don't fault the Town's legal department. However if I have been informed correctly, it does seem to be a rather pre-stone age manner of behavior on the part of the Court. Who in Practice doesn't have at least a blackberry or regular email or a cell phone or even, a land line?
30 minutes of "You don't visit, you don't call" should be the punishment for all the Judges when they visit their mothers.

So what's Bob to do? That's all we've got time for now but remember we are going into a holiday weekend as well.

Anonymous said... 68

How come Steve Bass made a speech at last nights Town Bd meeting saying volunteer firefighters should not get exemptions because they are volunteers. Then he voted for the exemptions? Can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said... 69

Steve Bass asked the entire audience for help on a lot of issues. Then he helped deal with nitty gritty issues, wtih difficult legislation.

Kudos to Bass.

Boos for Feienr for putting this on the agenda so late it had to be dealt with under the gun.

Anonymous said... 70

look at the tape of the meeting. Kaminer went up to bass and told him what to say. Bass changed his mind after speaking to kaminer.

Anonymous said... 71

Bass never does anything out of belief, only out of political calculation. That's why he votes both ways. With luck he will lose with both sides.

Anonymous said... 72

Mr. Bass still doesn't understand the meaning of the word volunteer. And the Town Council (Bass, Barnes, Juettner, Sheehan), who earn $30,000, don't know either.

Anonymous said... 73

And how do you know what Kaminer said to Bass. Maybe he was explaining some background (Which is his job). Maybe he was talking about going for a drink afterwards.

Anonymous said... 74

In Ardsley the Board of Trustees gets no pay at all. That is volunteering.

Anonymous said... 75

Sheehan's goofer said sweet nothings in Bass's ear. What a shame ,he then changed his mind in the way he voted,Who runs the show. Sheehan is the boss of the verbal voting machines.We need new people facing the cameras .I do hope people will take this to heart and start voting out two members at a time.

Anonymous said... 76

Here is what the appellate court has asked for:

"the parties are directed to file additional briefs limited to the following issue:
“Whether the application of the so-called ‘Finneran
Law’ (L 1982, ch 891) in the manner asserted by the appellants is constitutional”

If I were the Town (read: Herb Rosenberg), I would be concerned. Neither Rosenberg nor Feiner (or any of the Town Councilmembers who voted to appeal the lower court decision) have been able to provide a justification for taxing only residents of unincorporated Greenbugh for parks such as Taxter Ridge or Hart's Brook that are open to residents of the entire Town including village residents. The only argument they have made is that Finneran allows this. Now the Appellate Court has asked whether such part-town taxation as applied to these parks (which by law are open to all residents of the county and the state) is constitutional. For years taxpayers have asked the same question - why is a park that is unresricted in use taxed only on a restricted basis? The answer is there is no rational reason for such discriminatory treatment of taxpayers.

Anonymous said... 77

What---- dummies are paid $30,000 a year.what a shame. The work that they do in giving everyone heartburn,they should return the money.Volunteers do a better job. And by the way i'd like to whisper in the boards ears now and then for $50,000.How about it.What a waste of monies.

Anonymous said... 78

Again Sheehan and Kaminer have to resign.Sheehan tells kaminer ,kaminer relays the messages whether it is right or wrong.Please Sheehan resign ,we made a big mistake in putting you into office, We really can't wait another two years.

Anonymous said... 79

Dear Anonymous 10:23 AM,

You significantly understate the true cost to the taxpayers of the Town Council's legislative aide position. You fail to include the very real cost of benefits. In addition to a base pay of about $51,500, add medical / dental coverage ( I assume, but someone from the Town can confirm the coverage and its cost) at about $12,000 - $14,000 per year for family coverage, obviously less for single coverage, state retirement at about $5-6,000 per year and a few other benefits and the true cost is probably in the range of $70,000 per year and maybe higher. Getting your money's worth?

Anonymous said... 80

anon at 10:21

If that in fact is what the court is asking for, it does not look good for Herb. It raises the ugly spector that the courts can decide that even if Herb's mangled reading of the Finnerman law is correct (that as long as the Town recieves $1 from the Federal government for a park, the entire Town cost can be put to the unincorporated area), that they will not allow it.

Herb and Paul -- should have gone to mediation.

Anonymous said... 81

Dear anon - ill go you one better - Feiner and the then Town Councilmember should never have purchased Taxter Ridge. It should have been a special park district for Irvington. If the appellate court rules that the entire Town has to pay including the villages, Feiner will have to explain why he failed to listen to those including Bernstein who told him that taxing unincorporated only was illegal. In fact, its rather obvious there is no rational basis for taxing those who can use the park differently.

Anonymous said... 82

Let's talk about the Greenburgh Health Center and their four year quest to build a new facility.

Yes it is a valuable and venerable institution in Greenburgh, one which provides health care services for many families in Greenburgh, not only, as widely assumed, for those with low incomes. If the GHC did not exist, then its Clients would have to rely solely on the nearby Westchester Medical Center.

Well it turns out that the Health Center is still very much alive and still trying to break the deadlock so that construction can begin.

Even though the Health Center spread the fear that they would be forced to close if not granted their approvals, that talk turned out to be only scare tactics by their attorney because four years later they are still doing business year after year at the same shop.

However their needs and the needs of the Town entire are often different and the Town Board, while wanting to do the right thing, both politically and socially, must remember that their primary responsibility as elected officials is to the Town, not to any one applicant, regardless of the applicant's credentials.

The issue still before the Town Board is one that the Town's Planning Board was not swayed by even when it had to face the emotional appeal of the applicant. the Planning Board insisted that a sidewalk must be part of the approval process. The proposed GHC location on busy Knollwood Road (a State Road) lacks a sidewalk, not only in front of the site but also in front of the adjacent office building and the next building over, a Church. The Health Center represented that most of its Clients arrive, not by private car (to resolve on-site parking issues) but by public transportation and/or by foot. Thus the need for a sidewalk is critical.

However, Knollwood Road lacks a right-of-way wide enough to support building a sidewalk so it must be built on private property. Obviously there is little resistence from the Health Center to do so on their own land but they cannot speak for the two adjacent owners which are between the Health Center (GHC) and Tarrytown Road where bus stops are located. It is not likely that a negototiation with these owners will be successful so the path to eminent domain by the State will be the outcome. The problem is that the State, which would own and construct the sidewalk, has not committed to paper any guarantees that this will indeed occur or that the funding is in place and will remain so. On the other hand, the State will approve of anything and announce their interest or desire to do anything -- as long as the responsibility and the liability is born by the Town and not it.

So what does the GHC offer as "acceptable to the State" to fulfill the sidewalk requirement.
Some stupid buzz words, modal...
which MEAN yellow lines painted on the roadway. In other words, Clients of the GHC can walk on the road itself, with no barrier, no curbing, no raised sidewalk. Which according to Applicant is ok as long as Greenburgh is the named defendant should anyone be killed or injured to or from the GHC.

Well if the Town Board buckles to the political pressure to approve this arrangement, then the taxpayers will be in for a rude awakening should anyone or their estate decide to sue the Town.

Not only is the Town going against the reccommendation of its own Planning Board, but also the hundreds of pages of transcript taken over years from Public Hearings including the Town Board meetings in which testimony was submitted attesting to the danger and the liability forthcoming should the Town not insist on a sidewalk from Tarrytown Road to the end of the GHC property.

Bob Bernstein made the point that I wish that I had (and kick myself for not stating) that if, according to the GHC, no lender would advance any construction funding to the GHC with this condition unresolved, then why should the Town? This too will survive as part of the transcript.

The Town Board can choose to ignore this and bow to wanting to satisfy the needs of the Clients of the GHC. However, in so doing, they will leave the Town wholly responsible for any laswsuits that would follow, a death or injury, by mere days. And with the record of all the warnings that the Town Board received and ignored, anyone out of law school, 10 minutes in practice would win in a heartbreak.
All such a fledgling lawyer would have to do is submit the Planning Board transcripts and the Town Board transcripts, sit down and await the jury's award.

It won't be too many of the awards before the Town's vanuted bond rating will topple.

Sometimes the Town Board has to look beyond the next election and think instead about the interests of the Town entire. This assumed concern is what the Town entire pays them for, not to look concerned on camera.

There's more to follow but first lunch.

Anonymous said... 83

The proper remedy for the GHC is

1. sue its attorney for malpractice for failing to investigate the zoning of the parcel; and

2. find a more suitable location.

Too bad no one on the Town Board has the guts to tell it like it is.

Anonymous said... 84

likely the attorney's defense would be he relied on conversation with a town official that the zoning was not a problem and would be resolved.

until this goes to court we wont know who that official was

Anonymous said... 85

Oh thats a great defense! real lawyers get it in writing. real lawyers get a title report. real lawyers condition the sales contract on a successful change in the zoning. GHC has a great case.

It is of course possible that GHC's attorney, a big fundraiser for Feiner thought he could just get old paul to make sure no one noticed the zoning issue.

GHC, serve your summons and find a better location.

Anonymous said... 86

interesting that everytime you find a whopper of mistake in greenburgh, its author always seemed to be spelled F E I N E R

Anonymous said... 87

Re: mystery town official
Oh you and I know, but the separate matter of the relationship between the GHC and their attorney is not for us to judge although it appears to be a love-hate one.

Apparently the matter was not
"in the bag" from the start.
More like the good guys telling the bad guys to "bag it" and move on.

Now its the turn of the Town Board.
Do they want to wear the white or the black hat? Grey just ain't gonna cut it.

Meanwhile after four years of paying legal fees, no wonder GHC calls itself non-profit.

Anonymous said... 88

Dear Mr. Lesson,

Sorry to have to correct you but I ran Greenburgh Health Center in spell-check and came up with
T o w n B o a r d.

And the whopper is not of record yet. The whopper is still cooking awaiting the vote of the Town Board. No approvals without a sidewalk. No approvals without escrows.

Hate to have to remind folks about the coming Library across the street and the traffic in and onto Knollwood that will result, but there is a message there that applies equally to the GHC situation.

Before the Referendum, the Library said they needed 160 parking spaces. After the Referendum they said they only needed 120 but the variance to allow this said that 34 would be landbanked. The Library's architect said that the cost of converting the landbanked spaces to paved spaces would cost about $90,000. I argued but what if they don't have the money at the time they realize the need?
No answer. Now of course, most people recognize that the $90,000 is long gone and if the need materializes, so will the new burden for taxpayers.

At the GHC, they want the Town Board to proceed without a surety bond to guarantee that the sidewalks can be built, and ignore the vague, noncommital assurances of the State. Like building a sidewalk along Central Avenue was an earlier assurance. I say the same thing: that without any way to insure that the sidewalk construction will ever occur, the least the Town can do is make sure that the money to build it is there.

And, don't try the temporary certificate of occupancy hat trick.
Let em open with a temporary CO and if there's no sidewalk within a reasonable period of time, the Town will yank the CO. Oh sure, the spineless Town Board will shut down the new, up and operting GHC because they didn't build the sidewalk. And make the GHC clients go all the way to the Westchester Medical Center?

Better to have the sidewalk built BEFORE the building construction begins. That way no one will look bad on camera. And with sidewalk in place, the liability issue tempest will cool down to simmer.

Anonymous said... 89

Hey spell checker - the town board contains your pal Feiner - glad you now agree he often spells
T R O U B L E.

Anonymous said... 90

I write Town Board when I mean Town Board and I write Town Council when I mean Town Council.

You know I know the difference in composition.

And you certainly know what I mean when I repeat: JUST 3 VOTES.
Any combination will do...

Anonymous said... 91

Kaminer makes $70,000 a year with all his benefits. What does he do other than go for this ,look things up whisper in the men's ears,Paul you could get a senior citizen to do this job either on a volunteer basis or better still for less money.He does't not deserve this salary. Sheehan wants him he should pay him from his own pocket.This is a waste of taxpayers money.His position should be investigated as to why he is needed.

Anonymous said... 92

Sheehan made two big mistakes in giving a contract to Berger's firm and giving a job to Kaminer,without interviewing other prospects,The reason behind these two,is his future political asperations,plus now he has full control of the press.Both of these should have had the chance of others applying for the position. But you know Sheehan ,what he wants he gets,no matter the cost,

Anonymous said... 93

You know I don't like Kaminer but I still hope to see accuracy on the blog.

Kaminer costs the town $70,000, he is not paid $70,000, which is someone's estimate of the cost of him with benefits, etc.

But good henchmen are hard to find these days so if you need one, you have to pay up. Fashion tip, Gil.
Lose the file folders. You're more a clipboard kind of guy.

Anonymous said... 94


Next generation of government needs experienced and knowledgeable expert(s) to teach compressed summer school classes in civics and town law. Must be able to explain differences between zoning and planning and why the letterheads do not read Dobbs Ferry Inc. or Edgemont LLC. Being a good public speaker and able to explain away why caged exotic animals are not permitted on town land but the circus is allowed in Town Hall is a plus. Writing samples will be requested but applicants would be well advised to be skilled in obfuscating answers to questions. All answers will become the sole property of the mangement for any use whatsoever. Among the questions that applicants will be tested on are: WHY the Taxter Park Purchase was hailed as preserving open space but remains closed;
WHY Con Ed can cut down trees on private property but the owner of the property cannot; WHY Town Park tennis courts cannot be covered by a bubble but new town library can be covered by a ski slope; WHY Rumbrook Park is going to the dogs but the Town plans to spend millions upon maintenance; WHY sidewalks can be repaired but not built; WHY the Greenburgh Health Center on Tarrytown Road was supposed to close but is still open and their new location's liability issues are still open but the Town Board wants to close the hearing; WHY some residents in "Broadview" are called narrow minded but some residents in "Fairview" are not; WHY the Town can convey gifts to the library but cannot convey gifts to the VSD; WHY when gils are located on fish we say that they are fishy but when gils appear in town hall they are called flunkie; WHY is it said that the Town Council needs its own Counsel but also that the Town Board needs to get out from under the Supervisor's Comptrol?

Hours are flexible but applicant must demonstrate previous success in fund raising and contacts within local court systems. We are an equal opportunity employer and adhere to the Democratic Party platform. Applicants with the abilty to operate a knife and differentiate between chest and back will be given preferential consideration. Prior experience working for a woman is necessary.
Contact our interviewers: Richard, Robert, Francis or Steve and say you are applying for the position on Suzanne's staff.

Anonymous said... 95

Another question - what is the rationale for taxing only unincorporated greenburgh for parks and other facilites that are open to all residents of the town including the villages?

Anonymous said... 96

The town bd is meeting today and will take con ed to task for cutting down trees. The town council still has not passed a tree law how come they blast con ed but won't save trees here in greenburgh?

Anonymous said... 97

WHY did Feiner take campaign money from the town's auditors? WHY did Feiner solict money from Entergy, the owners of Indian Point?

Anonymous said... 98

Con Edison is demanding a large rate hike from us.We had better keep our thoughts to our selves concerning Indian Point,As of today we do not have an alternate avenue to supply us with electricity. Most of the homes in all the areas are all electric.Right now We are ok but we should be looking into another company,for electricity.

Anonymous said... 99

why did bass take money from credit union and change his vote--he was against renting space at town hall until he received a contribution from the tenant. Then, he votes for the lease. didn't bass take contributions from the town auditors too?
why did some of bass's supporters not vote for barnes at the dem convention last night?

Anonymous said... 100

Suzanne Berger is right. 16 years of Feiner is enough. Its time for fresh approaches to the vexing problems we face. Feiner looks and sounds tired. His old gadfly ways are not amusing anymore. A new broom generally sweeps clean. Feiner has had his turn. Its time for a change.

Anonymous said... 101

The only reason the supervisor may be tired is because he answers e mails at 5:30 in the morning and works till midnight on town business--seven days a week.

Anonymous said... 102

Berger is not the right person for Greenburgh.If we had four good members on the board Feiner would be praised,but the way the board acts they will not give the supervisor a chance to say or do anything,Like someone had said some time ago,If Feiner says it's white the board says it's black.Four against one is not considered good odds,

Anonymous said... 103

Suzanne Berger is right? Who says? She is a courtroom lawyer. What does she know about managing anything, much less a town.

Some of us have suggested a professional manager. Maybe that is impossible. But let's at least have someone who has actually managed something, someone who has worked with municipal budgets, who has negotiated with labor unions, and who has department heads and other middle management.

Maybe Feiner isn't the one, but Berger isn't either. It is increasingly obvious that she is just a tool for Francis Sheehan and Steve Bass to get some village votes to defeat Feiner. I hope that doesn't happen. I don't like being scammed.

Anonymous said... 104

Bass and Sheehan know who to pick as patsies for their own political gains. What does a court room lawyer know about running a town.The present board will do anything to oust Feiner,even if the person has none of the necessary qualifications.The Democratic Party must be really in bad shape that they do not have top guns to run for office,the same goes for the Republican Party.

Anonymous said... 105

To berger's credit, she is a practicing attorney. Feiner never practiced law. He never had a real job. Because of this he so desperate to hang onto the supervisor's position he will do or say anything to stay in office like a rent controlled tenant.This is bad for Greenburgh. I hope Berger agrees that given the one party state in Greenburgh, term limits should be on the table.

Anonymous said... 106

Feiner needs to find a new job but Berger should stay with her old job.

Anonymous said... 107

Dear head hunter,

Never understood that two word job description "practicing attorney". Don't they learn their trade before they start collecting fees?

But "to her credit she's (Berger) a practicing attorney". What does that mean? If practicing law is something better than not practicing law, then why would Berger want to stop practicing and seek Feiner's job? Does she now want to practice supervising? Is it that time in Ms. Berger's life that she no longer wants the "real job" which you say Feiner doesn't have and now Berger wants to coast for a few years as a town supervisor? That doesn't bode well for Greenburgh.

If everything is so bad under Feiner, why would we want to replace him with someone who has the same attitude but probably a lot less commitment to the hours.

Further into your posting you suggest that it is bad for Greenburgh to have rent controlled tenants. Has the Democratic Party now filled the void of the Republican Party and is run by those who have assets to protect and woe unto those who don't. What's next, a poll tax? If you are part of the Berger team you make it clear that she is a must to avoid.

Finally, why do you want to put term limits on the table. Aren't term limits about service? Won't you need servers to bring them to the table? What kind of party is this that has waiters on the table. Do you intend to use them as party favors at the one party in the state. New York is not California but far from dull; it is just Greenburgh that lacks a nightlife. Perhaps you want to have funny hats and those things you blow into, watch them unroll and then watch them deflate; kind of like the picture in my mind if Berger gets into office. But if you only get to throw one party, don't forget to invite Mr. Bass and Ms. Barnes too because they come with their own party favors.

Has the tutor been hired yet for Berger? It looks like Bob will be busy on his reply so Berger will be flying solo for awhile.

Anonymous said... 108

I"m not a gambler but if Berger wins the election,you will see work session going for shorter hours. Right now sheehan runs the show,but if she wins he has to answer to a woman and her family life. He had it real good keeping members up until the wee hours of the moning without accomplishing whaqt they all set out for, Sheehan you will not be the top banana anymore. So for your political gain you had better pray that she looses the election.The way you stabbed a fellow democrate in the back the same will happen to you.What goes arround comes arround.

Anonymous said... 109

If Berger wins, I predict shorter work sessions and shorter town meetings because there will be less grandstanding and obstructionist behaivor. And a seasoned litigator, I think she is used to putting in long hours.

Anonymous said... 110

Now that Suzanne Berger is running the Town Council should discontinue the contract with Berger's law firm to represent the town on a land use matter. It's a conflict. Suzanne Berger's firm is getting rich thanks to the council. The agreement smells, non bid award to the law firm headed by the party chair. Is this what we can expect more of?

Anonymous said... 111

The Town Bd gives Suzanne Berger's law firm a no bid contract.
Suzanne Berger runs for council. Suzanne Berger runs with Barnes, Bass, Williams.
Suzanne Berger raises funds from her law firm. Her campaign funds the rest of the ticket.
Shouldn't the ethics bd look into this?

Anonymous said... 112

Just remember that Feiner was against this contract, Guess who planned it, Master Sheehan,Yes the findings now that she is running for the position of Supervisor,should be reported to the ethics committee,Sheehan should be investigated also since he was the head honcho. Is her company buying her election..What promises will she be making .

Anonymous said... 113

Paul, Sheehan why no official comment on the State Comptroller's new investigation into sewer district mismanagement? How can you boast about having an honest, open, transparent government and not tell the public about the audit? Shameful! At least the public can read about it at

Anonymous said... 114

Great Website! It presents a fascinating history of what happens when the Town is told they are breaking at least five New York State Laws and the Town responds by basically not caring. The arrogance of power is enormous on this Town Board. I'm glad the State Comptroller will put them in their place!

Anonymous said... 115

Talk about the Town Board not caring about breaking laws, they get annoyed and hostile when someone points out that they are ignoring the laws.

Anonymous said... 116

What is very interesting is the website has been posted on this blog for a week now and Sheehan and Kaminer have not been successful at maligning it. That indicates to me at least that it does present the truth regarding how the Town has mismanaged sewer districts. Feiner, Sheehan and Kaminer are not commenting because they KNOW they are wrong and don't want to get caught up in new lies.

Anonymous said... 117

Websites like and the are great tools at keeping governments in check. Keep the documents coming and they can't deny the truth. The board may not comment or attack it, but I bet they check it constantly.

Anonymous said... 118

Why blame only Feiner, Sheehan and Kaminer for not talking about the sewer district problem. Bass, Barnes and Juettner are also part of the Town Board. They know how to read and to speak when they want to.

Anonymous said... 119

I thought the supervisor welcomes the study on the sewers and always wanted an independent review. The other town bd members shot him down on this matter.

Anonymous said... 120

Where is the 2005 memo about the drain problem?

Town Council?

Anonymous said... 121

The supervisor was in favor of an investigation of the sewer problem but Sheehan and the rest of the board out voted him.You cannot put the blame on Feiner for this one.

Anonymous said... 122

"The only reason the supervisor may be tired is because he answers e mails at 5:30 in the morning and works till midnight on town business--seven days a week."

Wow, and look what the results have been. Pretty embarrassing outcomes for having worked so many hours. Maybe he should have taken more personal time to actually think before speaking/acting.

I hope that our new supervisor is an experienced, educated, corporate manager.

Anonymous said... 123

The town has a great record--terrific services, no tax hike in 2 years, low crime, good staff. Is everything perfect? No. Can you find any business, human being, government anywhere that is perfect? No

Anonymous said... 124

I want a supervisor who cares about the tax burdens of school districts. Both Greenburgh 7 and Edgemont have had struggled with budgets.

Anonymous said... 125

How about a Town Council which cares about the tax burdens of school districts. Feiner is Supervisor not Superman. Maybe if he had a Town Council that didn't spend 100% of its time undermining and overruling him, he might be able to help Greenburgh more, but it is not his job, or the Town Council's job, to work on school budgets.

Anonymous said... 126

I still want a supervisor who is cognizant of the importance of protecting the real estate tax base for the school districts.

Anonymous said... 127

I am happy to see that a lot of Greenburgh's residents, are starting to realize that the supervisor has not been able to help the people fully.The rest of the board will not meet him half way, and because of this ,we the residents,suffer,The four on the board have to go, Fist two and then the other, Too bad it wasn't sooner for the four, Mr Feiner thank you so much for trying,but many of us realize that you have no one to back you up,

Anonymous said... 128

It seems like members of the council are starting to wake up. The public does not appreciate their arrogance. Their election wins went to their head. They haven't put the people first.