Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I was in touch with the owner of Lia's Restaurant today. Good news! Lia's Restaurant, located on E Hartsdale Ave, is scheduled to re-open a week from today.


Anonymous said... 1

What about the Hartsdale Farm grocery store and the Hartsdale Bakery? What's being said or done to help them out?

Anonymous said... 2

Nothing. The Town knew about the inadequate drain pipe in 2005 and did absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said... 3

I agree. I attended the Town Hall meeting on Tuesday night and listened through almost 3 hours of bulls--t being thrown at us by Feiner, Al Regulla, and others whose jobs it were to ensure that the drains were clear and not contaminated with debris. Also, not a single resident nor the landlords from the rental building on E. Hartsdale Ave (150, 160, and 170) showed up to address their concerns, as I am pretty certain they are responsible for most of the flooding as the Hartsdale Brook flows through their properties. The meeting was a complete waste of time and offered nothing more than excuses for why the flooding occured and little was said as to what was being done in the interim to address the problem, other that to have another "study". Real estate is already suffering on E. Hartsdale Ave as residents are selling their COOPs and leaving the village altogether. That's bad for local business, the real estate market, and the tax revenue for the town. I did bring this up during the meeting, but got nothing more than the usual political posturing and bullcrap from the town board and its engineer.

Anonymous said... 4

" ... and little was said as to what was being done in the interim to address the problem ..."

And this surprised you?! I would never expect Greenburgh management to take any real action unless mandated by a court after a lengthy and expensive court battle. The "study" - which is fully unnecessary - will drag on and the committee will fizzle away, all in hopes that people will forget and move on to another issue - just as we've "forgotten" about snow removal, leaf pickup, and overall roadway maintenance.

Paul Feiner said... 5

I promise you that if a study is completed the study will not gather dust and recommendations will be carefully reviewed. I want to make sure that we stay on top of this and reduce the possibilities of another devastating flood. We can't wait and do nothing. The merchants need to be able to depend on the town.