Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Received an e mail from the police chief in response to bloggers concerns about bridge/ramp safety. The chief contacted the NYS DOT, office of structures and spoke to the head of the office.The chief reports that the terms used by the state ("intolerable") sound scary but state officials do check the bridges/ramps to make sure they are safe.George Christian, PE assured the chief that the bridges under his control were safe and frequently inspected although maintenance was an ongoing problem. Joan Depont, PE was also contacted. She reassured the chief and emphasized the rigid state inspection schedule. Bridge standards change quickly which could be responsible for the Railing discrepancies. If NYS believes a bridge is unsafe it would be closed until a repair or replacement could be undertaken.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute when were the bridges inspected. I do not believe the state reports after listening to the gentleman in giving the report on the Tappan zeebridge. Anyone can say that there are no problems until one comes up.When something keeps getting repaired over and over again does this not tell you that there is something wrong.that calls for these repairs to be done every year.Get the reports and put them on the blog and in the newspapers. If something happens we will know who to sue and why.

Anonymous said...

All such bridge data can be found on the website, as well as the NYS DOT website. Nationalbridges is much more user-friendly, and it states clearly who's responsible for each bridge - town, county, state.