Monday, November 26, 2007


Proposed Change to
Snow Parking Rules on
East Hartsdale Avenue

Deliberations on the proposed changes to the Snow Parking Rules for East Hartsdale Avenue will continue during the Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2007, which will begin at 7:15 p.m. You are invited to attend the meeting and make your feelings known to the Town Board. The proposed change would allow overnight parking at the metered spots on East Hartsdale Avenue during the winter months unless a Snow Emergency is declared. No parking would be allowed on the avenue throughout the entire period a Snow Emergency remains in effect. This, of course, could occur anytime during the day or night and will apply outside of the December 1 through March 15 period during which the existing Snow parking rules are in effect. Since this change WILL affect all residents and retailers on East Hartsdale Avenue, you are encouraged to attend the November 28 meeting of the Board and express your opinion on the proposal.

For additional information, contact the office of the Greenburgh Town Clerk at 993-1500.


Anonymous said... 1

HAppy Hilidays
HAppy Holidays
Happy holidays
Happy holidays,i"m not going crazy it's just a fill in.
Could someone tell me what are the rules of parking on all the local streets in Greenburgh during the month of December to March.
At one time there were signs designating this on every street in the whole area .Has the ruling changed because there are no more signage telling residents of this law that was on the books for a long time.
Even though the law was never enforced because sanitaion should call the PD, to issue the summons since the local PD rarely comes through the streets checking this out unless there is a citizens complaint.
Where do we stand with street parking with the months ahead.
Has the law changed?

Anonymous said... 2

HOw will this effect Town revenue? Will meter be free v. when people pay for permits? Metered time should be extended.

Anonymous said... 3

This will cut down on evening shopping. All the parking will be taken by the residents -- they will park there right after the meters stop and stay all night. When people cant find spots they will go shopping somewhere else.

Anonymous said... 4

No matter what is done and said there are not enough parking facilities for residents and businesses.
The parking authority should look into the property along the pipe line and build more garage spaces. They have enough money to do this,

Anonymous said... 5

Yes, the parking authority has more than enough funds. Unfortunately the board lacks the intelligence and knowledge to be proactive. Plus, it's so silly that it's a separate agency.

Anonymous said... 6

The town should take that authority over.
They have no idea how to run a good business which should accomodate the residents and businesses.
The only thing that they are good for is raising the fees and not doing the right thing to show where the funds go.
You hear the same story every year at the town meeting,it never changes.
There are always repairs to be done.If the work were done properly the first time we would not hear the same story.
How much does the person or person get as a yearly salary?

Anonymous said... 7

The problem is this -- the agency has been founded to provide parking for commuters, merchants, and customers. It has taken out substantial debt in that purpose. So its assets must remain dedicated to such purpose. That being said, I beleive consideration should be given to expanding parking facilities, especially as I beleive that there is inusffieicent parking for those dedicated groups. However, I dont beleive it would be easy to expand parking. There are height issues, with putting more floors on either garage. But I would like it expanded. Not easy.

Anonymous said... 8

5:11PM: This is the way it is the other 9 months out of the year, so your comment is ridiculous.

Anonymous said... 9

Excuse me, the difference is once the overnight parking is allowed allyear round, people will have less incentive to arrange for offstreet parking. People will keep "klunkers" for second cars knowing that they dont have to pay for parking. This will encourage more cars in the Hartsdale Ave area. Is this what we want?

Anonymous said... 10

I think we need a long term study on how to increse parking, not a short fix. I know Hal doesnt want studies, but I think this is important.

Anonymous said... 11

8:30: This is all METERED parking.

Are you saying they will park a clunker in a metered spot and feed the meter every two hours every day?

Anonymous said... 12

Is it going to be metered at night? That is my point, that people, particulary those with teenagers, will keep an extra car, jockey during day and there as soon as meters stop

Anonymous said... 13

Paul you know that there is and will be a big problem with the meters .The parking authority has so much money that they can built more parking along the pipe line there is a whole strip of land going down to the entrance of the pond.
The residents need help and so do the store keepers.
They can find out who owns that land and make a bid if not the town should consider eminent domain.
those people are 100% right,about metered parking on the street.
You must and you should help them.

Anonymous said... 14

11:23AM: I cannot reason with you. You win, metered parking from 8AM to 8PM from Dec. 1 to March 15 is different from 8AM to 8PM metered parking during the rest of the year.

Anonymous said... 15

The point, Mr. 3:06, is that we will now be providing free overnight yearly parking. We have not done that in the past. We should think about the consequences. I think it will result in more cars parked on Hartsdale Avenue. You dont agree with me. That is OK. But no need for this board to get nasty. I would like to point out that in addition to the stores, there are many doctors offices. I think it will get harder to park near them.

Anonymous said... 16

We need to look at this as a matter of resident parking being the top priority. While we all know that the parking agency is pretty useless, the cause of the problem is that the town allowed too many apartment buildings to be built in such close vicinity with insufficient parking for residents. (That was many years ago, of course.) Can several small two-level garages be erected here and there for resident-only parking behind some of the buildings, behind IHOP, etc?

Anonymous said... 17

I agree the parking situation in Hartsdale should be worked on. But here are no easy answers. The HPPD is dedicated through its chargter for commuter and merchant/customer use. Paul will not help with resident parking. He will smile, etc., and blame situation on others (probably Bernstiein).

Anonymous said... 18

there is overnight parking on rockledge (all year around) so there has always been overnight parking in hartsdale

Anonymous said... 19

There is no overnight parking allowed in Greenburgh on public streets in the winter.

Anonymous said... 20


Anonymous said... 21

good idea

Anonymous said... 22

good idea

Anonymous said... 23

Stop with the BS there's land along side of the pipe line.take the monies that you have in your possession and build some more garages.
The residents and store keepers should be your first priority.
If the garage plans were wrong from some time ago ,it's never to late to do the right thing Paul if the authority does nothing I think the town should go foward to to take the necessay steps to make this part of a town department.
Mismanagement is not tolerated at this time. Too many people are up in arms first,not enough spaces and second the charges to park your car.Smarten up Paul,these people[the parking authority] do not know how to handle progress.

Anonymous said... 24

The charter of the HPPD is for commuters and merchants/customers, not residents. See a lawyer if you want that changed.

Anonymous said... 25

If you give the HPPD to the Town, all teh parking will go to village people free of cost.

Anonymous said... 26

What makes you come to that conclusion.
If there are laws change them reflecting how the parking should be initiated,to whom,for how long and for the amount.
All in all more garage space is needed.This should be discussed as soon as possible.
Whether the town takes over or it remains status quo,makes no difference more spaces are needed.

Anonymous said... 27

I agree, more garage space is needed. But Feiner always want giveaways to Villages. Some in Ardsley want parking in station. Why do I see a problem coming? Paul see things as win win -- provide anything for free to villages is a win.

Anonymous said... 28

when is the vote??? was their a decision???

Anonymous said... 29

No one mentioned how much was the raise in money for the parking garage facility.
We heard that they got a raise in fees but how much was it.

Anonymous said... 30

Anonymous said... 31

I'm not sure why the residents living on EHA hold the parking district accountable for their lack of parking. These people have purchased their living spaces knowing that they do not have parking for their many, various vehicles. I live in a home that does not allow me to park more than one car off the street. I bought my home fully aware of this problem. The sale price of my home reflects this parking condition.

Should I be demanding the the parking district provide me with additional PRIVATE parking?

As a commuter I am please with both the service, availability and cost of the parking proved me by the district. This being the intended purpose of the district, it does it job well. By all accounts there isn't much more Greenbugh has to offer home owners to protect their investments. Available, reasonably priced commuter parking is high up on the list folks. You would be hard pressed to find a surrounding town, city or village offering such a deal.

So, bottom line, I think the town should do away with snow parking on ALL Greenburgh streets except when a snow emergency is declared as it's too restrictive for ALL residents.
I also think that the shortsighted, obnoxious handful of self serving east Hartsdale residents here shut shut their counter productive mouths. You know who you are. If the the HPPD becomes part of Town services will only serve to screw it up for the majority of the town residents who commute. Since you don't need commuter parking, you don't care about the majority of the users of the district.

Boo on you guys. Grow up! You're a bunch of selfish bullies. Come up with a reasonable plan for parking, sell one of your prized vehicles or MOVE to a home that provides you with enough space to house your cars! You're free to do so. No one put a gun to your head when you CHOOSE to buy on EHA, cheaply, as your co-op couldn't provide you with parking!

Anonymous said... 32

Dear Sick of,

I heartedly agree with most of your post. My concern is that the key streets, Central Ave, 119, and yes Hartsdale Ave., have SEVERE penalties for not removing car during snow emergency. Otherwise, it will be impossible to plow. And typically we dont have enough men/machines to first tow and then plow. I am thinking somewhere around $200. And residents will complain -- oh I didnt know it was a snow emergency. Well too bad. We would need a system with either a 24 hour phone recording or interenet postings. If police chief or sanitation declare snow emergency owner has to get car moved in required time.

Anonymous said... 33

I believe that the parking district offers an overnight permit for $60 for 3 months. Seems like people don't want to buy it.

I want to know where these people think they are going to park their cars in a snow emergency? Where?

Anonymous said... 34

I could be wrong, but I think that they dont sell that permit in the holiday season for teh lot by Central Ave, becasue the merchants need the spots. I think the garages are a long walk in the winter from EHA near Central. But you're right, I dont know where people can move cars in the snow.

Anonymous said... 35

Just checked. These permits are available as they always were. It was $90 per quarter ($1.00 per day) and is going up to $120 per quarter in 2008 ($1.20 per day)

Seems reasonable to me.

Anonymous said... 36

Sorry.Correction. The increase is $1.30 per day not $1.20.

Anonymous said... 37

site A (garage) parking is now $185 per quarter. (Garage is what you want from snow.) That is $370 to cover Dec 1 to March 15

Anonymous said... 38


Many homeowners dont even have access to garage space. Garage = luxury. Not having to shovel snow off of car. The price doesnt seem outrageous. My guess is you could get annual permit for less per month, but people dont want that alternative.

Anonymous said... 39

Dear 7:40 You are wrong. The Site A OVERNIGHT permit is $90 going to $110. the Site A 24 hour permit was $800 per year going to $850. There is a waiting list for the 24 hour permit.

Anonymous said... 40

6:24, I think you are mixing apples and organes.

The lower rates, for overnight parking, are relevant because that is the alternative for overnight street parking. The 24 hour parking is not comparable, because if you need 24 hour parking, the on street alternative wont work for you (you would have to feed the meeters every hour).

Anonymous said... 41

When people more to apartment on East Hartsdale Ave. they go daft!.Must be something in the water.

If they tried to reach any of their other friends living in an apartment right now, they would find them out moving their cars! Hello? Apt+cars= inconvenient parking! EVERYWHERE!

Yes, the snow parking rules are silly, but the rest is very normal. Why do they feel that there is something more that they deserve?

Hell,7:56 is right. Not only as a home owner do I have to shovel snow from my cars, I don't have enough off street parking either. I've been ticketed in front of my house because of the snow parking law. I can't even park it on my lawn because Greenburgh code prohibits it.

So, when is somebody going to build me a garage? HUH?

Anonymous said... 42

6:36 yes, of course. What's your point? It's cheaper to get an overnight permit verses a 24 hour permit?

Anonymous said... 43

yes, that is the point, that overnight parking is less expensive. And that is all this proposal (allowing overnight parking) is meant to cure.

Feiner should have learned by now that he must stop pandering to every special interst group. The town cant afford it. The people who want the Town to buy/build them garage space for their cars and then lease it at below cost must be told politely that this just isnt going to happen. Instead Feienr encourages them.

Anonymous said... 44


Anonymous said... 45

Hooray for 11:05!
No overnight parking in Greenburgh ONLY when a snow emergency is declared! Common sense and compassion! A true win-win situation.

Anonymous said... 46


HPPD works just fine. If you think they need more garages your group should suggest that.

Anonymous said... 47

Dear 5:51,9:36, 9:42,1:57,10:50, and again 4:06,AKA hartsdalejewess, ralphlauren,and other various SN's,

You're so easily identifiable through your continued inability to properly refer to the HPPD as The Hartsdale Public Parking District. Your crazy rantings are famous across many blogs. It is well known that you have a PERSONAL gripe with the HPPD. You have NOTHING constructive to contribute to this issue. You only look to discredit the HPPD. That is your only self serving, deluded, goal. Be anonymous all you like. I know who you are. You make the good people on EHA who are working hard on this issue, look bad. SHUT UP ALREADY! YESH!