Friday, March 14, 2008


Town of Greenburgh
Revised Work Session Agenda of the Greenburgh Town Board
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
(All Work Sessions are Televised Live on Cable Vision Channel 76, Verizon Channel 32)

All Work Sessions are now streamed live.

2:00p.m. Community Outreach

2:15p.m. Capital Budget – Central Services

2:45p.m. Police – Fund A

3:15p.m. Capital Budget – Assessor

4:00p.m. Special Meeting:

4:15p.m. Capital Budget – TDYCC

4:45p.m. Public Works

5:15p.m. Parks and Recreation

5:45p.m. Adjourn

March 25, 2008 Work Session – Sunrise Assisted Living, Follow Up

 Planning/Zoning: Chauncey Estates
 Work for Taxes Program
 Energy Conservation Interviews

Work Session Summary – Tuesday, March 18, 2008

NYS Unified Court System – Deborah Bart
Deborah Bart, assigned by Judge Apothekar to review recommendations for needed improvements within the Town Court, presented a request for office space expansion with the temporary use of trailers. Al Regula is preparing a bid for the trailers. The estimated cost for renovations to expand the court office space is $500,000. It was agreed that an outside accountant will be hired to review court records in order to remedy the defects identified in the court audit.

TDYCC Update
Acting Commissioner, Valerie Whitehead, announced several new initiatives that have been implemented. Valerie, Pat Richardson and Patricia Roper – also administrators at TDYCC – shared an immediate need for the ceiling to be painted and for the pool to be repaired due to the observable fact that paint has been falling from the ceiling and caulking is needed in the pool.

Greenburgh Housing
The Town Board requested that the owners of 90 Manhattan Avenue, 100 Manhattan Avenue and 33 Oak Street – Fairview – reconsider the rent hikes since they appear to be exorbitant and out of reach for many of the residents – forcing some to leave their homes. The owners stated that they are not in violation of their agreement and that tenants would not pay more than 30% of the household income. The owner’s representative stated that rents reflect the affordable housing guidelines as defined by the county.

Village of Irvington
Village Administrator, Larry Schopfer, requested that the Board provide funding to provide appropriate equipment needed to address brush fires. A hearing date will be set in April.

Emergency Sewer Repair – Lawrence Drive
Al Regula informed the Board that, due to a sewer emergency on Lawrence Drive, a resolution for fifty to sixty thousand dollars, part of the sewer fund balance, would be submitted on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 to address the matter.

Westchester Credit Union
The Board agreed to the posting of two separate signs (Greenburgh Town Hall and Westchester Credit Union) on the grounds of Town Hall that comply with code regulations.

Finneran Law Committee
A committee comprised of Town residents (incorporated and unincorporated) has been recommended by Gerry Byrne, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation. These individuals, once confirmed, will meet to develop recommendations that reflect the interests and concerns of a broad spectrum of residents.

Library Board Interviews
The Board interviewed three candidates for the vacant Library Board position. They will make a recommendation to the Library Board.

Please be advised that the Town Clerk’s office evening hours are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday’s of the month from 5:30pm to 7:30pm (to coincide with Town Board meetings) except for July and August when the Board only meets on one Wednesday. The primary purpose is for marriage licenses.


Anonymous said... 1

Why must the town allocate money to Irvington for a truck just to fight brush fires?
How many brush fires have they had?

Anonymous said... 2

Is Irvington anticipating brush fires ?
They stoped development so now they say that they have to put up with the problem of brush fires.
I have lived in Greenburgh along side of the Sprain Pkwy.for many years and I must say we never had a brush fire.
Has Greenburgh had brush fires?
Maybe they just want another truck to add to their fleet.

Anonymous said... 3

As for the housing problem if the tenants refuse to hand over their tax returns they should be made to move out.
These tenants are making more money than is stipulated for someone to live in affordable housing.
Get rid of them and get those that really need housing.
Do you realize that they are stealing from the government and by you not enforcing the laws set forth by HUD are stealing also.
There are many citizens that are looking for apartments in affordable complexes who are more than qualified .

Anonymous said... 4

The court has too many employees.
Start cutting and then you can work from there.
Maybe the trailers are not need and maybe you just need one.
How about start storing files in a storage facility this would make more room also.
Check the inside of the building before you start looking to place what you have inside outside in trailers.
I bet more than half of the papers being stored are as old as mithuzla.
How long do these records have to be kept?.

Anonymous said... 5

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Anonymous said... 6

If Irvington FD wants to serve part of Unincorporated Greenburgh, all FD services should be included in the contract with no special additional allocations.

It surprises me that the town chooses to allow fire protection in outlying unincorporated areas to be no-bid contracts. If Irvington doesn't concede, then offer the fire district to Elmsford or Fairview which are both adjacent to East Irvington. And maybe Yonkers would like the opportunity to cover Jackson Ave and Donald Park at a lower cost the next time the Hastings contract comes up.

Anonymous said... 7

Let the villages fence for themselves.

Anonymous said... 8

End no-bid contracts -- I DONT EVEN THINK THEY ARE LEGAL

Anonymous said... 9

Now the Irvington school system will have an addition of about one hundred to two hundred more students.
Gold what's your next move.

Anonymous said... 10

Watching this last work session was the pits.
You are trying to save the taxpayers money in what country not here in Greenburgh.
You don't know what savings means.
You have been squandering our tax money for such a long time that you cannot come up with any answers as to how to save.
Giving Fairview is not a way to save.
All the fire departments in the
state and country do what Fairview does.What makes them special ?
Yes Kevin was a volunteer in the Fairview dept. Sonja lives in Fairview does this justify them getting this money.
Now it seems that the town is showing favoritism to it's new council members without justification.
Pretty bad state of affairs.

Anonymous said... 11

Kapica reguestted funding for scales to check oversized trucks .
Where are the police when these trucks come thru the side streets taking roadways that do not have signage stating no commercial traffic.
We that have no signage have to endure all thes trucks large oil tankers double the original size and all commercial vehicles taking short cuts to central avenue.
With the construction taking place on one of the streets that would take drivers to the parkway was a rude awakening that this small road has more traffic than others, especially commercial vehicles.
County buses ,gasoline delivery trucks ,oversized moving vans,extra large dump trucks and any other vehicle that has more than four wheels.
Put up NO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES on all these roadways .
Enforce the law that states that these vehicles should use Central ave. and not the side roads.
In doing this the town would receive the needed funds but someone has to be working the roadways to do this.
Take your police officers out of the building and put them onto the streets to monitor commercial traffic.
The scale does not cost that much money but there are other ways of doing things to bring in money.

Anonymous said... 12

What is going on with the SWAT team budget?

Do they have OT budgeted for training? Why cant the training be done without OT?

Why are the villages being reimbursed 50K for their training? Isnt this cooperative.