Friday, March 07, 2008



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

(All Work Sessions are Televised Live on Cable Vision Channel 76, Verizon Channel 32)
All Work Sessions are now streamed live.

2:00 p.m. NYS Unified Court System – Deborah Bart

(RFP’s for trailers at Town Court / Accounting)

2:15 p.m. TDYCC – Update

2:25 p.m. Dave Dwinell: Request to Town Board to Support Resolution re: Part T of Governor’s Proposed Budget

2:30 p.m. Greenburgh Housing Authority – Follow Up

Montrose Management - Rent Hikes (Mark Soja)

3:00 p.m. Village of Irvington – Larry Schopfer, Village Administrator

Re: Proposed East Irvington Fire District Agreement/Contract

3:30 p.m. Agenda Review (Incl.: Finneran Committee, New Residents Reception)

3:55 p.m. Membership: Budget Committee and Hartsdale Parking Committee

4:00 p.m. Westchester Credit Union – Update: Ray Wolff, Jim Nottingham, Sandra Miller

4:15 p.m. Library Board Interview – Tim Hayes

4:30 p.m. Library Board Interview – Calvin Thomas

4:45 p.m. Town Board and Legislator Tom Abinanti - Monthly Outreach Comments: Alyssa Jacobs

5:00 p.m. Executive Session - Personnel and Legal

5:25 p.m. Adjourn

7:30 p.m. East Irvington – Comprehensive Plan Meeting—Irvington Recreation Center

(Will be attended by some Board Members)

March 18, 2008 Work Session – Capital Budget Preparation

March 25, 2008 Work Session – Sunrise Assisted Living, Follow Up

Work Session Summary – Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Budget Amendments

The following budget amendments were agreed upon: 1. amend the 2008 budget to make changes consistent with the Bernstein decision; 2. appropriate $100,000 for the Fairview Fire District and; 3. reduce interest income in the 2008 budget A fund and B fund.

North Folk Bank

North Folk Bank is requesting a drive-thru that would come off the back of their building on Central Avenue. A referral to the Planning Board for a recommendation to the Town Board was granted.

Vehicle Procurement Policy and Green Building Standards

The Town Board has expressed a desire to implement some “green” measures in its fleet of vehicles. A plan presented by Nikki Coddington reviews types of considerations such as cost of the vehicles, type of fuel and life-cycle costs. A number of new police vehicles are “flex-fueled.” (E85 vehicles are fueled with a combination of ethanol and gasoline.) Nikki recommended that the Board make a decision regarding the kind of incentives that the Town wishes to adopt in order to encourage greater adherence to “green” priorities with respect to standards for commercial new construction .

Westchester County Department of Planning

A request was made to the Town Board to support a plan to develop affordable (work force) housing within former office space along the Route 119 corridor. The Board presented raised questions re: increasing the number of “affordable” units within the proposed “mixed-use” development (to include office and retail space as well as housing) and the possibility of a clause that would allow the Town to review the policy after a determined period of time. Next steps include developing a proposal review committee comprised of residents from Tarrytown, Irvington and Elmsford.

Distribution of Resolutions in Advance of Board Meetings to the Public and Possible Postings of Resolutions on the Website in Advance of Meetings

Consistent with new “Open Government” initiatives, the Town Clerk and the Town Board have agreed to develop a procedure that will make resolutions available to the public prior to the Board meetings.

Courts – Expanding the Audit of the Courts to Include 2006 and 2007

The costs of expanding the audit was discussed and it was decided that the Board will review the findings of the current audit before deciding to expand it to include years, 2006 and 2007.

TDYCC Search Committee

The Search Committee has met and is in the process of refining the job description for the Commissioner’s position and reviewing applications.

Work Session Summary – Tuesday, February 12, 2008 (Correction)

Please note, as a correction to the Work Session Summary for February 12, 2008, Town Court Justices, Sandra Foster, Arlene Gordon-Oliver and Doris Friedman were present at this Work Session to discuss the court audit. A unanimous decision was reached between the Board and the Justices for the Justices to meet with the auditors prior to reconvening with the Town Board.


We will also appoint members of a committee to review the Finneran Law, recent Appellate Court decision & to make recommendations re: amendments to Finneran Law. Amendment would require State Legislative approval.

To address overcrowding conditions at the court—we will be authorizing permission to solicit request for proposals for trailers to be used as additional space for the Greenburgh Town Court.

REMINDER: The kickoff meeting for the comprehensive plan will be held TOMORROW at 9:45 AM at Veteran Town Park. Help the town plan for the future by attending this important meeting. FREE BREAKFAST (DONATED) will be served to those who attend.


(this agenda and summary was prepared by Town Clerk Judith Beville)


Anonymous said... 1

Attention all Fairview Fire District residents. Vote NO on a proposed bond to build a new firehouse. Our taxes are going up too much we cant afford this. Vote NO on March 28, 2008.

Anonymous said... 2

Attention all Fairview Fire District residents. Vote NO on a proposed bond to build a new firehouse. Our taxes are going up too much we cant afford this. Vote NO on March 28, 2008.

Anonymous said... 3

Purchasing trailers for the court house is a fiscally prudent approach that can help the courts without overtaxing the taxpayers.

Anonymous said... 4

Awesome! Transparency in government at it's best. Love this info.

Anonymous said... 5

I have to congratulate the board in making a great decision in naming Kolesar comptroller.
This is the first thing that you did that was right
The first thing on his agenda should be to listen to the ruling of the State comptroller on the Westhelp money which was to be used town wide.
Fairview fire dept.already received some money that should be taken into consideration
Good luck Kolesar.We knew that you were the man for this job and we know that you will not let the residents down.
It's going to be a tough job but we hope you could straighten out the previous wrong doings .

Anonymous said... 6

Kolesar will be tough on spending. GOOD NEWS, TAXPAYERS. Good choice!

Anonymous said... 7

The state comptroller said that the money should be used town wide.
If this is not done the Attorney Generals office will be notified of more illegal goings on.
Why can't you follow the laws that the State of new york comptrollers office quoted to you in their decision.
How could you try to enforce laws when you do not follow laws of the state.
Bad business Feiner.
You're leaving yourselves opened for further investigations.
Do you really want this?
Try to follow the ruling since many have voiced their opinion as to which way this money should be granted.

Anonymous said... 8

Kolesar for the next comptroller great news.
The first thing on your agenda should be the money from Westhelp divided town wide.
The state comptroller made that ruling and by law it should be followed.
Welcome abroad,we know that we will be in good hands.

Anonymous said... 9

Watching and attending meetings in Ardsley many of us knew that you were the best qualified for this position.
Thank you for any help that you can give us to have good book keeping.

Anonymous said... 10

Kolesar --hope you're new nick name will be scissors. CUT,CUT,CUT.

Anonymous said... 11

Why should Fairview FD respond to Westhelp for free. It cost money for fuel,training,supplies and manpower.Lets do what someone else said, move Westhelp to Edgemont.

Anonymous said... 12

When you move Westhelp to Edgemont will the $100,000 go to the Greenville Fire District and the $650,000 to the Edgemont School District? If so, bring them here tomorrow! If not, stop bitching and try to find something constructive to do with your excess energy.

Anonymous said... 13

Kolesar is an outstanding choice!
Just remember when he makes a decision you don't like (and inevitably he will), you were all praising his honesty and incorruptibility at the beginning.

Anonymous said... 14

Regardless of what is said the town must not proceed with the granting of money to Fairview dept.since the comptrollers office said that in doing so the town board is breaking the law.
FAirview has already received some money which should be deducted when the law is followed as per the comptrollers office.
The services rendered by the comptrollers office of the State of New York are paid through our tax money.
When they make a decision the town should follow what their findings are.
Too bad if you dont like what they found but you want others to abide by the laws but you think that you are above the laws.

Anonymous said... 15

Does Kolesar have an email? I want him to address?

1. Payments from the "Trust Fund" If there is not a trust agreement, then payments must be for Town Wide purposes. No payments for SAT classes.

2. What are going to do to control overtime and excess costs? There are a lot of things in the town budget which are nice but we just cant afford. There are classes at parks and recs with one or two participants. Who is monitoring this? Same for police? There is a drug and alchohol task force. Everyone agrees town wide, cooperation with village drug task force is a good idea. But now apparently it covers teenage drinking parties (like in Irvington). The village police can handle that. Some of these things are nice, but are just too costly, whether they are in A or B budget.

Anonymous said... 16

Dear Anonymous 3/8 2:03PM,

Since the Town's email address protocol seems to be first initial of first name and full last name @, I'll make an educated guess that Kolesar's email address is or will be

I don't know whether it has been established yet and even if it has is it open for mail.

Anonymous said... 17

Kolesar will advise the Town Board. Ultimately, the budget decisions are the Town Boards to make.

Anonymous said... 18

He has to sign financial statements and budget. Any inappropriate payments and it is his head. He is on warning. No I didnt know.

Anonymous said... 19

Kolesar may not yet understand the difference between a comptroller and an advisor.

Anonymous said... 20

The usual anti-village terrorists are getting ready. They have learned nothing from their misadventure in the Bernstein litigation.

Anonymous said... 21

"Terrorists" - lets not get overdramatic.

I anticipate more complaints filed with the state comptroller, and yes, at some point, I anticipate the state AG getting involved if the Town continues to give funds to schools, fire districts, etc. for no, or an illusory, Town wide purpose.

And while I understand Bernstein is appealing, I am not dissappointed with the court result. If Villagers can no longer use TOV parks, the maintenance and capital costs should not increase as much.

Anonymous said... 22

I would be interested in seeing the incremental maintenance and capital costs that result from the invited use of TOV facilities by a handful of village residents. I would bet that there are no incremental costs, other than the printing of additional unicards for which money is received.

The only place where I see the possibility of significant incremental costs is in the TDYCC. And if I read correctly, the TDYCC is exempt from the Finneran Law restictions and has to admit villagers because it received federal funding. Can an honest person please answer that.

Anonymous said... 23

a "handful"?

We have the first responders, the handicapped and Ardsley wants in (supported by Juettner). Already Ardsley accounts for many in the Tennis program.

And Feiner's solution is to handpick a commtittee to study amending Finnerman. But as with SCOBA, he refueses to put any unincorporated neighborhood or civic leaders on the committee. This may very well result in any recommendation not having sufficient support for the state to pass it.

Anonymous said... 24

Since a new law suit was put in place by Bernstein,no one can make any changes until there is a ruling.
Stop beating your heads against the walls as to what has to be done to get the bubble for next year,it will not happen.

Anonymous said... 25

how despicable to put up a keep out sign to first responders and those with handicapped children.

how do you people sleep at night?

your dislike of feiner and company is irrational.

let review:9 elections, 9 victories, the last by a landslide.

with opposition like you, no wonder he keeps winning.

Anonymous said... 26

Anon 11:47 still thinks that the civic associations run things. Really it is Preiser, Wielk, McNally and Bernstein who pretend that they are the civic associations. No more, especially when they want to stifle the town's recreational program. They intimidated the old Town Board, but they won't do it with the present Town Board. They have been sounding more and more hysterical just because they no longer rule.

Anon 11:53 is wrong. He is making the same mistake of believing Bernstein. Bernstein said that no amendment can be made while he appeals, but that just shows how important Bernstein thinks he is. Do you think that Bernstein has the power to hold up the world? No, if the town and the villages agree on an amendment, it will pass. Brodsky isn't so dumb as to let this small group of haters destroy the town's recreation programs. They shout, but they convince only each other.

And what new lawsuit are you talking about anyway? Do you have inside inforrmation that Bernstein is starting a new lawsuit?

Anonymous said... 27

First responders and volunteer firemen and the handicapped are a very small handful. Maybe a couple of dozen, barely even a handful.

Ardsley would like to have some memberships in the pool. Maybe 150. I think that isn't more than a handful. It is unlikely that they would overwhelm the 42,000 population of unincorporated Greenburgh.

Don't be so anal-retentive.

Anonymous said... 28

I think that amount of memberships would clearly overcrowd the already overcrowded Veterans, on a Saturday in July.

The program wont be destroyed.

Anonymous said... 29

150 Ardsley members? What percent of Veterans would then be villagers? including first repsonders etc.

Anonymous said... 30

Last I heard, more than 40,000 residents of unincorporated Greenburgh were eligible to use the pool. That seems a little more than 150 to me.

But who cares. Where I swim they don't ask for passports. And everybody is happy.

Anonymous said... 31

if letting some villagers in doesnt work the town board has the right to go back to the old ways.

thats all the town board wants. simple.

those who oppose this have another agenda - oppose whatever feiner is in favor of.

thats not a policy, thats bankruptcy.

Anonymous said... 32

All I want is people who are taxed for a facility are those that have the right to use it. Seems to work just fine in every municipality I know, whether Town, Village, City.

Anonymous said... 33

Mr. 2:02 -- where do swim that people either dont have memberships or have to show residency?

Anonymous said... 34


If a pool is so important to first responders and handicapped, why doesnt dobbs ferry take a portion? They have a pool. Ardsley has an indoor pool, they could take some too. Whey not? Why does unincorporated have to do it all.

Anonymous said... 35

First of all do you think Brodsky or Cousins give a dam as to what happens here in Greenburgh,Have you forgotten election is over with for both of them ,
They will talk turkey when they need votes.
Yes Bernstein anounced at Wednesday town board meeting that he started another law suit that very same day.
It was also stated in the Scarsdale Inquirer.
I do think that things have to be put on hold this time arround.
sorry to burst your bubble.

Anonymous said... 36

Comptroller Kolesar that is music to my ears.
Mike just remember you have to follow what the State Comptroller ruled as far as Westhelp goes.
We have to obey the written word that they returned to the town board that the donations they made were illegal.
That money should be spread townwide.
Fairview already received some money and is looking for 200,000.00 this time arround.
WRONG ||||||||||||

Anonymous said... 37

people he is just a figure head, wasting another 100K. If you think he's going to change politics as usual, how wrong you are!
The town has been running fine without a Comptroller, its just more waste by Paul!

Anonymous said... 38

Does anyone know the names of each civic association president? And how many associations there are in Town? All I ever hear from, are Edgemont and Beaverhill. Are there anymore out there? Oh yeah ! I forgot Broadview.

Anonymous said... 39

The town with the last three comptrollers has put us in the mess that we are in now.
Poor management of books and funds.
He is a good managerial comptroller that is needed to put Greenburgh on the right path.
Some time ago someone commented that since Giesella retired the town started going downhill.