Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Legislator Lois Bronz, a Democrat who has long represented Greenburgh on the Board of Legislators, is not seeking re-election, Politics on the Hudson has learned.

Bronz, 81, told colleagues yesterday after a committee meeting of her intentions. She is one of three legislators on the 17-member board who is a woman. She has also served as chairman of the board.

“She’s been doing a lot of great things,” Legislator Ken Jenkins, a Yonkers Democrat, said today of her tenure.

“She’s 81-years-old, she’s done her time,” Jenkins joked. “Thirty-two years is enough.”


Anonymous said... 1

32 years is an outrage

well tdycc -lets hope your lease is up soon too

Anonymous said... 2

Nothing against Bronz, but there really should be term limits. Maybe Mr. Feiner will run for this position?

Anonymous said... 3

32 years, wow......
Tell me how many people actually vote for that position?

Anonymous said... 4

Lois has served in different offices for 32 years.

Anonymous said... 5

I'm not having problems paying my mortgage it's the taxes that are killing me.

Why do we have to pay such a high school tax when the amount of children has been the same maybe even less than previous years.

The school and the rotten way that this town has been run is what most of the problems are.

We need a good audit of all the school systems and above all we need new representatives to run an honest government.
Coverups have got to go.

Anonymous said... 6

Dear 10:02 am-

Why don't you run for the school board and solve the problem yourself?

It is not as much fun as complaining, but you may be able to accomplish something.

Anonymous said... 7

32 years

ok - name some accomplishments?

Anonymous said... 8

Accomplishments nada.

The only thing that we are left with is a center that will be costing the taxpayers for many years to come.

Anonymous said... 9

did bronz vote to allow the sale of the property in the ardsley school district belonging to a spano crony for alleged board of elections use?

Anonymous said... 10

lets hope more retirements follow starting with ms juettner whose list of accomplishments are about as numerous as bronz's are

Anonymous said... 11

seems no one will really miss her
her last appearance at the town board was embarrassing

Anonymous said... 12

Lois and I have not always agreed on everything. However- she is a hard working and dedicated public official who led the way for many others. I think that the mean spirited criticisms of her are uncalled for.
The world is not always half empty, there is no need to hate. Or, always be angry. try being more constructive.

Anonymous said... 13

you make a good point but some people overstay their welcome and by doing so undo their legacy

paul - the tdycc is a very divisive department.

it is incredibly expensive and to keep asking the whole of unincorporated to pay for it when its used by one area of the town is wrong wrong wrong.

if fairview or parts of elmsford need it - let them pay for it - or let it be transferred to a not for profit agency like the Y

the rockefeller drug laws are finally being taken off the books

the tdycc has been around for about the same length of time and if it has not alleviated poverty in 40 years it never will.

time to rethink this - time to lead - not a time to pander.

Anonymous said... 14

In the long run, it will be more expensive for the town to close down the center. The services offered are a form of insurance and help keep crime relatively low.

Anonymous said... 15

To 9:25,

I really hope you were being sarcastic

Anonymous said... 16

Residents throughout the town of Greenburgh can and do use TDYCC aka Department of Community Resources, unlike the suggestions of some that it is used only by people residing in Fairview and North Elmsford. In the late 1960's the Town of Greenburgh received a federal grant under the Neighborhood Facilities Act to build a facility that would house the Fairview/Greenburgh Community Center. This action was an acknowledgment of the need to "level the playing field" of the under served communities of Fairview and North Elmsford. In those days, although there were recreational and social programs available for Greenburgh citizens, they were inaccessible and/or very costly for many residents of Fairview and North Elmsford, especially the children. In recent history, grants from New York State Division for Youth were provided to youth serving organizations to build, renovate or expand buildings. The primary purpose of those grants was to stem the wave of disenfranchised minority youth from entering the penal system. Greenburgh qualified and received such a grant and agreed to continue to provide operating costs. Thus, the Center was able to continue its mission to address the many challenges through the various educational, recreational and social programs. Now that the TDYCC is a department within the Town of Greenburgh, the Department of Community Resources, it has grown to provide programs and services town-wide. Those who suggest that the Center is divisive and is available to only people in the immediate community are misinformed. Many young people from a wide range of communities have passed through the doors of the Center, and have moved on to college and other institutions of higher learning because of the relevant programs and services available at the center. At a time when people are struggling to hold on to jobs and homes; at a time when schools are failing our young people; at a time when crime is on the rise; this is the time when the department of community resources is needed more than ever. Support of TDYCC are tax dollars wisely invested in a progressive community.

Anonymous said... 17

progressive community?


disenfranchised minority youth?

oh yes - i recall these buzzwords from the 1960s.

ms perry - wake up - its 2009 - barack obama is the president.

its a farce to claim that this facility serves in any meaningful way residents outside its immediate area.

this facility's budget has grown like topsy into a nearly 4 million dollar a year den of patronage and corruption. barbara perry skirts every legitimate criticism and dregs up the past to justify what cannot be justified. thats why her response is filled with blather.

the tdycc remains a divisive, expensive and largely ineffective department of town government. no other town is westchester has such a "separate but equal" facility (outside of perhaps some school systems).

if the tdycc is so valuable - lets put its existence up to a vote.

Anonymous said... 18

Interesting how all the people who want to close down the TDYCC are anonymous! Maybe it is the same person writing over and over again

Anonymous said... 19

To anonymous 6:42. Perhaps the blather to which you speak sounds reminiscent of the 60's jargon because those so called "buzz words" are relevant to our world today. When U.S. jail and prison populations consist of more than 90% African American and Latino men, women and children, there are systemic problems.....even in the age of Obama. I agree that no other town in Westchester has a community center that rivals TDYCC, however, I disagree with your "separate but equal". The facility has never been separate. It is only separate to those who choose, for the wrong reasons, not to participate in the various programs. TDYCC offers equal access to programs and activities to residents who otherwise would have been shut out of many town wide programs and services.Our town made a decision more than 30 years ago to address some of the social ills of the Greenburgh community by entering into an agreement with the Federal Government to provide operating funds to erect a multi-purpose facility in an area whose residents did not receive its fair share. When the center opened its doors, hundreds of people throughout the town participated. Among those who use and enjoy the Center are: Asian, Latino, European, Native and African Americans. All age groups are represented throughout the week. Indeed we do have an African American family in the White House, but this does not mean that racism does not exist in our country. A call to close the center is short sighted and will have a devastating impact on the entire town. It takes more tax dollars to incarcerate citizens than to provide services, and educate them. There are now more African American and Latino youth in our prison industrial complex than those attending college. Now go figure. The Community Center is an important asset to the whole Greenburgh Community. It is a model that can bring communities together and in the long run is cost effective. As with any department within the town, improvements can be made. We must work toward that end and not spend time and energy working for its demise.

Anonymous said... 20

Okay, let's say the community center is important. Still, it is not an appropriate municipal function. It should be its own nonprofit organization or a branch of the Y, not an expense of the township.

Anonymous said... 21

well said
poverty alleviation is not a function of town government

Anonymous said... 22

This town, including Fairview, is no where near poverty stricken. Of course, there are those in need living here and our town should assist, but there is no blight here.

4 million dollars is wasteful and could be put to better use for those REALLY in need. Enough with this 1960's throwback nonsense! Greenburgh has stepped up to the plate to thwart segregation and was successful when it was crucial! No one here is discriminated against as a whole but discrimination of many kinds against many does still exist in our society. it is not the responsibility of Greenburgh to wash it from the face of the earth TDYCC only serves to perpetuate segregation and keep people down!

Anonymous said... 23

so true
tdycc is divsive and sepaeatist

Anonymous said... 24

I think it's rather racist to insinuate that minority youth are all such hopeless cases that they will end up in prison but for the services provided by the Center. I thought pre-ordination went out with the Puritans. No one is arguing that all the services provided are worthless, but instead that the Center should be either (1) folded into the Town Rec or other existing Departments (so as not to remain an independent, unaccountable patronage fiefdom); or (2) handed over to the YMCA or other non-profit independent social-service organizations with long-experience operating community multi-service centers.

Anonymous said... 25

paul - your silence in the face to these excellent posts on the tdycc is glaring.

no other town has such a facility - it is not solving anything - it is divisive and separatist

Anonymous said... 26

I think it's rather racist to insinuate that minority youth are all such hopeless cases that they will end up in prison but for the services provided by the Center.

My thoughts exactly.....