Sunday, February 01, 2009

Week of February 1st: Miscellaneous

The purpose of this Miscellaneous topic is to discuss any town related issues you feel are important that are not addressed in other topics. Please post any issues you wish to discuss in the comments section of this post. Thanks!

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the blog, please contact me at ''. Thank you for your input.

-Marc Herman


Anonymous said... 1

once again we ask
if the tdycc is a townwide facility that also services villagers (albeit low income ones), why is it paid for by the B or TOV budget?

Anonymous said... 2

why has the town failed to get back the 1.8 million illegally given the valhalla school district?

Anonymous said... 3

TY 2 – 2/03/09 Resolution requesting the Town Board of the Town of Greenburgh authorization for aquatics personnel and members of the swim team to charter a bus from the White Plains Bus Company to attend the 22nd Annual Black History Month Invitational Swim Meet in Washington, D.C. (February 13, 14, and 15, 2009) at a cost not to exceed $2,975.00

Anonymous said... 4

Ditto 5:15 & 5:16. Please answer.

Anonymous said... 5

Dear hard working citizens of Greenburgh,

Bus to DC!?

If it hasn't been made clear to you yet here is another fine example of Paul's contempt for you.

Please use caution while bringing your trash to the curb. It's been hell out there these past few weeks. All for a very worthwhile purpose, I'm sure you'll agree.


To hell with you and yours though.


Paul Feiner said... 6

This proposed trip will be discussed at our work session on Tuesday. I would like to gather more information about the costs involved before any dollar amount is authorized.

Anonymous said... 7

use the library bus

Anonymous said... 8

to 2/01/2009 7:03 PM
What library bus?
Do you mean the new yellow school buses?
Or you want to send a check to refurbish the bookmobile?
Please send to :
Bernie Madoff
875 Madison Av.
NY, NY 10028

Anonymous said... 9

since this is not for everyone in the town, why not have whomever wants to go, pay their own way. This is a policy I feel will help in a budget crisis.

was a bus sent to washington when Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan got in I highly doubt it.

Anonymous said... 10

paul - where is the answer to the first two posts?

sad to see you and the rest of the gang can give millions away without any accountability

Anonymous said... 11

Questions for discussion at the work session:

re: "at no cost to the town"

Are the aquatics staff doing this on their own time? expenses coming from out of their pockets?

Is a bus ($2,975) paid by the town considered to be "at no cost to the town"?

Is this why the Town Board is holding an official Town Board meeting in Fairview?

Anonymous said... 12

Why in an "open government" would the Town deliberately hold meetings in venues which preclude broadcasts?

Anonymous said... 13

because the town board is laughing at you
until anon or hal samis gets on the board they will keep laughing

Anonymous said... 14

I searched for 4 other swim teams that are participating in the Black History Meet.

The abbreviated version of my findings:
1) The individual teams require registrations in excess of $400 per year to become a team member. (TDYCC Fee $294 and can be waived)

3) the individual teams require swimmers to pay additional entry fees for meets and they are responsible for their own lodging and meals and in most cases, transportation.(Atlanta Dolphins $99++ per night See below PDF)

4) Individual teams collect fees over and above initial team registration fees, held in escrow and used for meets. (transportation?) These fees are roughly an additional $300 per family.
5) A parent or designated adult must accompany each child to EVERY meet.

6) Parents of swimmers are required to contribute a set minimum amount of hours (DC WAVES 30 hours per season) to volunteer their services to the team.


8) The swim teams participating in the Black History Meet are sponsored by their respective cities or states and of thier respective Parks and Recreation Departments. Not local municipalities or local community centers.


these are inner city swim teams. It is mandatory that they pay up! It is mandatory that the families donate their time!
These kids aren't living in the "80th best place to live"

Paul, Sonja, Cora,( insert additional candidates)......
The jig is up! You can no longer attempt to hide the fact you are robbing us.

Every TOV should be outraged by this.

Who ever attends tomorrows meeting should print out copies from the websites I have listed and throw them at the board members, as I am unable to attend.

There is more if you google.

Anonymous said... 15

I'm not sure what your issue is -- the members of the F.A.S.T swim team have paid the town their dues and have also paid for their hotel rooms in Washington, D.C. The bus is for those not able to get to D.C. for the meet by car. The team has been able to get the bus paid for by the town for years. What is the problem?

Re; Mr. Samis' comments if the aquatics staff is doing this on their own time? expenses coming from out of their pockets? -- the expenses for the coaches are being paid for by the F.A.S.T swim team.

Anonymous said... 16

The bus is for those not able to get to D.C. for the meet by car. The team has been able to get the bus paid for by the town for years. What is the problem?

I ain't paying for your bus. Period. Can't get there? Car pool and return the years of money that's been ripped off of the tax payers. This is my issue.

We support Greenburgh Parks & Rec swim teams. We support Woodlands & Edgemont school swim teams. We support TDYCC swim teams.

What's wrong with this picture?

You TDYCC folks are out of your minds. Get a grip!

Anonymous said... 17

Show me the FAST registration forms for the event where it indicates what the fees are for participation.

Anonymous said... 18


Take up a collection in Fairview for the bus.

Anonymous said... 19

Dear 1:45,

Two questions on the exam. You only answered one. 50% is a failing grade.

You want to reschedule the make-up?
No problem. Is the aquatics staff doing this on their own time? When they are away, who is doing their job for them and how are their replacements being compensated? And, are the aquatic staff calling this time away, personal or sick days?

Anonymous said... 20

is freeview not fairview

town board approved the change at midnight on the inaugural bus

Anonymous said... 21

You 'ain't' paying for the bus. How educated of you. This is the least of what money has been ripped off from tax payers for years! I thought I supported the FAST swim team by paying a registration fee. Did you? Otherwise, how the heck are you supporting the team? The fees for the event have been paid for by the parents association dues...not by you.

You guys have serious problems. You need to get a life. Focus your energy on bigger things. What about the $$ given to the Valhalla school district. This is just one of many where the focus truly should be.

Anonymous said... 22

OK. I will not pay for your bus. Better?

How educated are you? Who the hell do you thinks pays for that pool that your team swims in?

Anonymous said... 23

Correction "thinks"

PS. If the tax payers didn't pay taxes (SUPPORT) to sustain a pool, your little swim team would be paying for pool time elsewhere.

Anonymous said... 24

You are more than welcome to swim in the pool as well. You sure have some anger management issues. I refuse to engage any further with you. I suggest you attend the town board meeting and speak to those in 'power' re; your concerns.

Anonymous said... 25

And the correct word is think.

Anonymous said... 26

2:24 aka Sucker!
Blame Paul and Sonja. It's because of them and the wide spread abuse of both members and employees of the TDYCC that this expense is questioned.

Tell them to cut the crap out (Xposure, free camp, free lunch, theft, Playland trips....) going on there so that you can have your bus.

If you are a parent of a swimmer, you can not deny that's what goes on at the center.
Does it make you feel good to know that you're a paying customer and your team will suffer because of the freeloaders?

Do something about it. Start demanding that the BS gets cut and that there are REQUIREMENTS for scholarships.

Anonymous said... 27

Under the State constitution, it is unconstitutional for a town to give a gift of town money to private individuals. Authorizing the town to charter and pay for a bus so that members of the aquatics staff and the swim team can attend a program in Washington, D.C. is a gift of public funds to pay for transportation to private individuals, which is unconstitutional. It is about as illegal an expenditure of public funds as there can be. Feiner and the town board members, who've apparently been allowing this expense to go on unchecked for years, should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said... 28

you must be kidding
they are laughing all the way to their re-election

greenburgh is a fiscal disaster but nero plays on (or swims on)

Anonymous said... 29

I'm confused. Is the swim team a private organization?

Anonymous said... 30

I would be angry if the town approved the swim team's request. We should not be funding optional services at all, and especially not optional travel expenses for a neighborhood swim team.

Anonymous said... 31

" ... more detailed statement which I will post when I receive ..."

Mr. Feiner: We are still awaiting the official statement regarding the town's neglect to install two stop signs (and two stop ahead signs and two stop lines) on Ardsley Road at the "Hail Mary" intersection of Sprain Road.

Anonymous said... 32

The individuals on the swim team are private individuals. Having the town pay for their bus trip to Washington is a gift of public money to private individuals. It is illegal to fund that expense.

Anonymous said... 33

It is illegal to fund that "expense."

Ah, good to hear that because I feared that the town would have just given them the cash to be nice or something. Tis not the season for optional expenses.

Anonymous said... 34

how about a free bus to A/C

Anonymous said... 35


Anonymous said... 36

Why are you shouting 6:15?

Anonymous said... 37

The individuals on the swim team are private individuals. Having the town pay for their bus trip to Washington is a gift of public money to private individuals. It is illegal to fund that expense.

What in the Sam Hell Bobby?

Maybe it's me but this makes no sense. Isn't every person a private individual? If not, when are they not a private individual?

Doesn't some public money pay for the team expenses?
I give up.

Anonymous said... 38

Please read the blog post below from the Commissioner of the TDYCC indicating that the FAST team is a revenue producing team and actually makes money for the town. The parents of FAST contributed towards the bus.

Anonymous said... 39

Dear Mr. Feiner,
Could you please tell me why at the corner of Dobbs Ferry Road and the Sprain Brook Parkway. The NYS DOT is using the area as A WASTE TRANSFER site. First they dumped Black top and now they are stockpiling wood. It looks terrible and is an eye sore. Has anyone questioned this? Could you do something please. Thank you for your time. Mr Cinque

Anonymous said... 40

The FAST Swim Teams children pay to use the TDYCC Pool.

Where is the $20,000 owed the Town from Silver Streaks private rental? She (Gay Silverman) made two payments ($3000) and that's been it! She owes 23,400.

Let's collect that money first before we criticize a team that has 90 members. Over ninety children are off the streets growing up with structure, exercising and developing character.

In 2007-2008 the FAST Team generated over $24,000 in program fees. The fees for the DC trip are paid for by the Parents-hotel, food, coach's rooms, travel etc... The only thing the Town pays for is the bus which is included in the fee.
The Town pays for the football and the basketball teams. They are all town sponsored programs. NOT The Silver Streaks a private rental that wants to put up advertisement for their team on town property. Silver Streaks swimmers pay Gay Silverman $1,795 per swimmer and she has yet to pay her bill.
Get real and stop the pork barrel on the Town residents will private rentals that don't pay

Anonymous said... 41

Know your facts first - there are TWO swim teams at the TDYCC. One program is sponsored by the Town of Greenburgh -that's the FAST Swim Team. They pay fees at the tune of $20,000 approximately in the past three years.

The PRIVATE RENATL swim team at TDYCC is Silver Streaks and they don't pay. The town IS OWED money and Silver Streaks has yet to pay--she's a Paul Feiner "politically connected friend along with Sonja Brown and the Fake orange head Valerie Whitehead - They all gotta' go.

Anonymous said... 42

Simple questions, simple answer. Simple simons waiting for someone to authorize the answer.

Are the aquatics personnel going to DC on their own time?

Will they leave a hole in the aquatics staffing while they are away?

Will it cost the Town money to fill this hole during their absence?

If it truly costs the Town nothing, let someone answer these questions. The longer you evade them, the more suspicious readers become.

Because if you won't answer then I recommend that the trip be cancelled until the Xposure kids can make enough in the stock market to pay for this and similar junkets.

And I'm sure that no one, in these harsh economic times of fiscal crisis, would be stupid enough to book a bus before the Town Board approved the Resolution to pay for it.

Not so stupid as not to monopolize the Town Board meeting's public comment segment tomorrow. If you live in Fairview, you probably already got your invitation (command).

Oh, did I forget? 2009 is an election year...

Anonymous said... 43

To 6:15 - This is a blog for town matters, not county matters.

Anonymous said... 44

Paul I saw you on tv talking about eliminating waist inside of county government. This is a great idea, but you should take your own advice in your own town. I work in one of the departments and have pointed out plenty of waist, and I guess when you blow the whistle you get sh!t work, this is a fact, and also a reason most of your own town employees wont speak up. Why don't you send something out to your own town employees looking for waist before you go to the county and look for waist.

Ever here the saying "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house." Well not only do you live in a glass house but you are throwing boulders.

And if you don't want to contact your own employees maybe some of the employees should contact Nita Lowey to let her know of the waist in greenburgh government versus county government.

Anonymous said... 45

3.9 million dollar TDYCC/Yosemite (aka Yo's Might) budget -eliminating part time thieves + Lanza gifts - uncollected Silver Streaks payments + TDYCC resident & non-resident camp fee increases - free camp lunch & transportation for any camper + additional salary Robinson - elimination of Aquatics director + revenues from FAST -elimination of 2 maintenance workers + combining maintenance with Parks & Rec - salaries paid to Xposure kids + cutting hours at Yo's Might pool -not using one of the 2 existing TDYCC busses to take FAST to DC + charging $5 per lunch at inauguration party - renting big screen TV for inauguration party + more Lanza money - 3rd manager (Whitehead) +50% of fees required from program registrants collected - Bill Carter and Paul Feiner practical accounting practices or lack there of....


8.3% TDYCC Budget cut.


Got it?

Anonymous said... 46

New in published Spring/Summer activity Guide
Summer Camp:

Parks & Recs (aka Hartsdale)
$590 per child
$590 Second child
$210 Transportation
$105 Transportation add. child
$313 Extended Day
No lunch offered free or otherwise.
10% discount for families enrolling 3 or more children.

$420 **Early Registration (??? New)
$470 Regular Registration
$420 Each additional child.
$150 Extended day
$0 Transportation
$0 Transportation each add child
$0 Lunch

3 kids per family enrolled in camp with transportation, extended day & lunch, discounts- scenario:
Parks & Rec total costs=
* $3,222.00
TDYCC total costs=

Park & Rec campers families pay
$1,512.00 more than TDYCC families.
Almost DOUBLE what TDYCC families pay and they can freely not pay anything at all!

* Lunch costs calculated at $3 per meal per child for a Parks & Rec Camper. Far less than TDYCC spends per meal per child at camp.

** Nifty little item and discount slipped in after town meeting regarding camp fees.

Do not be fooled by Paul's and Sonja's BS.

Paul Feiner 1/6/09 "We need to bring Park & Recreation camp fees in-line with the centers"

Anonymous said... 47

The town bus cannot be used for the Washington,D.C. trip because, if a bus is traveling across state lines it must have a bathroom. When the FAST families paid the fee for the team it was understood that the cost of the bus to Washington was included in the fee. To take the bus away at such a late hour would be shameful. The FAST families have taken time off work, made hotel reservations and scheduled tours of the Capital. Having gone on this trip in the past I have seen what it does for all the children and adults. The swim meet is called The Annual Black History swim meet, but it is for everyone. This trip brings together, blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, and indians. This is what Greenburgh is all about.

Anonymous said... 48

If the bus was paid for by way of checks sent to the town, let them have the funds. I don't understand why the money transacts this way. More Feiner shell game accounting.

From what I understand, FAST families carry their own weight financially. No handouts there. not a situation like 10:14 points out.

Give the team the funds that the town collected from them for the bus and Mr. Feiner, get your financial sheet together.

Anonymous said... 49

It is illegal for the town to give town revenues to any individuals or group of individuals for any purpose, including bus fare to Washington. Feiner knows this. Several years ago he agreed to give the Mayfair Knollwood Civic Association $100,000 a year out of town revenues received from the WestHELP rent. However, he was soon advised that giving town revenues to a group of private individuals, like a civic association, is not only illegal -- it's unconstitutional -- and the money was never paid.

There's no difference between the town using town revenues to give a group of kids free bus fare for a trip to DC, even for a worthy cause, and the town using town revenues to give the Mayfair Knollwood Civic Association a gift of $100K a year.

Both expenditures are unconstitutional.

Anonymous said... 50

Mr or Ms. 10:45, The town collected money from these families for the purpose of paying for the bus. If anything is illegal or unconstitutional about this is in not returning the money and withholding it.

I do not understand why the town and not the center collected it in the 1st place.

Anonymous said... 51

what is needed is a referendum on the tdycc - its increasingly clear its a throwback to another era that is racially polarizing.

let the voters decide if it should continue in its present form or it should be sold or closed.

the blog posts here are very disturbing and may warrant civil rights intervention by the justice department.

Anonymous said... 52

10:45. I feel your intentions are good but your logic in this case does not make sense. How is a TDYCC swimmer different then a TDYCC camper or the same as Mayfair Knollwood?

Please explain.

The TDYCC swimmers are looking to use thier own money and even if they were looking for public funds for the bus, why would they be different that free transportation provided by public funds to others at TDYCC?

Anonymous said... 53

the blog posts here are very disturbing and may warrant civil rights intervention by the justice department.


Anonymous said... 54

Before these posts are removed by Paul, please send this link to all of your neighbors. If they do not attend or watch meetings, you should encourage them to read this blog for a real eye opener.

Anonymous said... 55

W-2's, W-2's, where are you?????

Anonymous said... 56

When is the town going to furnish W-2's to their employees. They are supposed to be sent out by Jan 31!!!!

Anonymous said... 57

W-2's are delayed while Town attempts legitimate accounting function.

Anonymous said... 58

$420 **Early Registration (??? New)

Nowhere does it state the definition of "Early Registration"

Anonymous said... 59

There is no evidence that the money paid by swim team members was to include payment for a bus to Washington, D.C. Nor does the Town (or TDYCC for that matter) maintain a separate account for the swim team to hold such money so that it would be available to pay for the bus. That is why the Town is being asked now to pay for the bus - out of town revenues.

A blogger asks why do those attending the TDYCC camps get free bus transportation, but those participating on a TDYCC swim team do not. The answer is that no one should be getting free bus transportation. Such gifts of town revenues are simply not legal.

However, the constitution does provide an exception for "the aid, care and support of the needy as authorized by law." If the campers at TDYCC were shown to be needy, and the state legislature permitted the town to give these children free bus transportation, the use of such money for that purpose would be legal.

The same would be true of the swim team -- but only if it could be shown that these children are needy, and that the state legislature authorized the town to use its money for that purpose.

Here, there's no demonstration that the kids who want to go on the bus trip to DC are needy; nor is there any state law authorizing the town to use town revenues for that purpose.

The Town, of course, has been violating these prohibitions for years -- all at the expense of the rest of unincorporated Greenburgh which hasn't seemed to notice until now. That, however, doesn't make what the Town has done any less illegal.

Anonymous said... 60

Ok Gottcha. So it's arbitrary as to who is needy as there are no set polices in determining this at the center.

Go to page 15 of the Towns online program guide and you will see that to register for the FAST swim program a fee of $240.00 is paid to the center and a separate check in the amount of $55.00 is to be made out to the Town of Greenburgh.

Again, I do not understand why the town is collecting this money except to keep the bus money separate as the town has deemed the swim team "not needy"?

This whole transaction smells fishy.

Anonymous said... 61

Sonja Brown "We don't want to make it look like a Parks & Rec camp."

Anonymous said... 62

sonja must be not too bright.

to justify that the tdycc is paid for solely by unincorporated, it has to look like its a recreation facility covered by the finneran law.

someone please call the justice department and close this divisive and racially polarizing place down.

Anonymous said... 63

Aaahhhh. Sonja.

Supervisors Goals 1999
Release Date: December 09, 2002
1. Habitat for Humanity: Turn over property at 77 Riverdale Ave. to Habitat for Humanity. Affordable home to go to resident of unincorporated Greenburgh/Fairview. Goal Accomplished

GREENBURGH HOUSE - Riverdale Avenue, Greenburgh
Recently, Sonja Brown moved into her completed home to celebrate her New Year with her great family. This home, a former crack house, is on 77 Riverdale Avenue and is just beautiful. What was once a home strewn with crack viles, now shows the toys of her children, beautiful carpet and smiling faces. God Bless you Sonja and your family.

Anonymous said... 64

Where are the w-2's???????????????????

Anonymous said... 65

where are the millions from valhalla they spent like drunken sailors on cruise trips??

Anonymous said... 66

I thought the already spent some of the money while drunk on cruise ships. No?

Anonymous said... 67

Wow, so many shady financial matters! And why in the world would different neighborhoods be charged different summer camp fees?! Looks like Mr. Feiner and his department managers have a lot of explaining to do.

Anonymous said... 68

Sonja Brown: "What I don't want to get into a hole where people can't distinguish between parks & recs and Theodore Young Community Center. This is the issue. It's going to be a very big problem if we are going to try to make Theodore Young look like Parks & Recs"

Dear Sonja,

Why would this be such a big problem?

Anonymous said... 69

W-2 's ?

Anonymous said... 70

I watched the original 1/6 meeting and just re-watched it again. There was no discussion about TDYCC camp fees @ $420 or even @ $470. The fee discussed was $475. There was no discussion about early registration discounts.

I can not find the resolution at the town website. Where is it?

Anonymous said... 71

Hold the phone. According to information available at the towns website, there is no adopted resolution.

TB 2008 1223 TY-1 ** held over to 1/6/09 Special Meeting **
There is a a proposal, subject to further discussion, to match TDYCC base camp fees to those shown in PR-1, with scholarships offered for those who cannot afford to pay, non-residents paying double resident fees so residents would no longer subsidize non-residents, and TDYCC campers having transportation from/to camp, lunch, and an extended camp day included in the base fee, at no additional cost. A resolution is not available at this time.

Can someone please explain how the new rates can be published without an adopted resolution?

Anonymous said... 72

Dear P Leavey -
Welcome to Greenburgh - the first town in NY State to utilize the Virtual Town Board Resolution.
The use of a VTBR creates legislation without the need for bothesome public hearings and that other red tape stuff.
No resolution? No problem - just imagine a VTBR! A better idea? No, a Feiner one!

Anonymous said... 73

I like the idea of VTBR but I'd like to go one step further. I would like to see a Simms Town Board or VTB.

We would create virtual people who, when they work hard and we are pleased, are awarded values to create the virtual government hierarchy. The virtual town supervisor’s vote counts 1 ½ times the virtual town counsel’s. We put forth issues and we assign each VTBM (virtual town board member) a different side of an issue. Right from our Lazy Boys we get to pick (click) our VTBM guy/gal who in turn casts our virtual vote on the issue. Votes can be cast 24 hours a day. Outcomes are then posted on the WWW.

Voila! The people have spoken! No nonsense!

Anonymous said... 74

One of the best parts of a VBTR is that because it is virtual, it can say whatever you want it to - no words to get in the way of your meaning.

Anonymous said... 75

I think we need a Rethinking Greenburgh group more than a Rethinking Westchester group. More importantly, I wish the supervisor would spend more time on his job responsibilities.

Anonymous said... 76

Q: When will we receive our W-2's?
A: ??????????????????????

Anonymous said... 77

Dear Lies @10:41,

I must correct your figures. Your line under TDYCC "$150 Extended day" is incorrect. This is another program that kicks in to fill the gap between when camp sessions end in August until school begins. It is not extended day for campers. Another error in your calculation is the omission of the Parks & Rec campers “Early Drop-off” fee. That fee is $72.00 per child.
The brochure does not give any information for TDYCC campers who participate in either the early drop off program or the extended day program. I know that these programs are in place. I will assume that they are @ no charge. Using my assumption and using your scenario of families registering 3 children, the totals should be:

P& R totals: *$3,416.00
*Added Early dropoff- +$194.00
($72.00 per child x3=$ 216.00 less 10% discount)

TDYCC Total: **$1,305.00
**removal of Bridge Program -$405.00 450x3-10% discount)

A difference of $2,111.00

Parks & Rec camp fees for 3 children are $2,111.00 higher than TDYCC’s. In other words P & R fees are 62% higher. Equitable?

I would also like to point out that according to the Activity Guide, in order to apply for P&R camp, families must comply with very stringent requirements. Unicards, medical records, full payment at time of application, strict deadlines……are clearly outlined. The Activity Guide does not request or place any requirements for applications to the TDYCC camps. Not even a valid unicard which is proof of residency.

Other glaring anomalies: TDYCC does not state how many weeks or what time of the day the camp operates. TDYCC Camp: “Activities began the end of June and run through most of August”. Does this mean the TDYCC camp begins earlier and ends later than P & R’s? P & R camps run from June 30-August 10. (6 weeks) Generally P& R’s camps run from 9am-3:45pm.

FYI- At the 1/6/09 meeting William Carter said that the actual TDYCC 2007 cost per camper was $1,260. Although Jerry did not give the actual cost per P & R camper, I know that it is less. Using Carters numbers, if each camper in this family actually pays the published amounts, the town will be contributing $2,475 to this TDYCC family.

This does not seem fair at all. It certainly does not fulfill the effort of the town to make camp fees equitable. I’m astounded by this charade.

Again, I ask, can someone please explain how the new camp rates can be published without an adopted resolution?

Anonymous said... 78

you did not go far enough - the tdycc is a charade.

close it or sell it - stop funding it.

Anonymous said... 79

I learned something new this morning. I live in Manor Woods and was very surprised as I walked to the train to observe two men I had never seen before walking from property to property with large trash bags and picking through the recyclables to take out bottles. They were not city employees. I called the police later to ask if this was acceptable and was told that once the trash is placed curbside it becomes public property and the actions of these two men was prefectly legitimate. That was a surprise!

Anonymous said... 80

This was sent to the Town Clerk, Judith Beville last night following the Town Board meeting. Councilman Kevin Morgan was to answer my questions sent in early January. Ms Beville has just sent me a copy of an email to the various parties in which she proposes a meeting with them so that as Records Access Officer she can get to the bottom of this matter. For this I thank her.

Last night's email.
"No one can say that the opportunity to answer these questions need have been a last minute (dating from January 12) throwing together of something hoping to pass as an answer. However given the accompanying
answer that indeed Mr. Regula is on the job, not only full time but
also working extra uncompensated hours, then it would seem reasonable for the public (I do represent others) to be given accurate answers and not some variant of balderdash. Specifically, the question was asked (see below) when is completion of the work anticipated? Mr. Morgan answered that this is answered on the punchlist -- it is not as you can
verify yourself. Furthermore, A FOIL request was made for the
punchlist: not for the punchlist of selected contractors, not for a
punchlist missing a page of information, not for a punchlist which makes no reference to still on-order furniture or items of technology which are part of the project. Mr, Morgan gave the impression that I had obtained the holy grail which should be enough to satisfy me; instead I have been given an edited and truncated version which does not fulfill my objective of being able to accurately assess the status
of the project. Furthermore, Mr. Morgan assured the public that the
project is not over budget; a fact that neither he nor Mr. Regula are
able to attest to and thus Mr. Morgan has given inaccurate information to the public.

Ms. Beville, as Town Clerk and Records Access Officer, you are in the best position to vouch for the accuracy of Mr. Morgan's comments based upon information which you have obtained in processing my FOIL requests and attending Town Board work sessions. I cannot believe that you can idly sit by and hear "answers" being presented which you know to be incorrect. Since the answering of questions is a function initiated and maintained by your department, since you, like other elected officials, have taken an oath upon assuming this office, I would call upon you to set the record straight and either give Mr. Morgan the opportunity to correct his "answers" or for you to do so as his Agent or the public's Agent. A FOIL request for a specific item is not satisfied by the failure to obtain the requested document. I don't hold you responsible for not providing information not in your possession, but if the Departments cannot or choose not to comply, then there is another course of action to take. Thus, if there is no punchlist for either the geothermal and hvac contractors, let the proper parties attest that no such list exists. If the proper parties also want to disavow any knowledge of furniture or technology not yet arrived or installed, then let them so attest. If no one has a handle
on the project, let them so attest. If they need more time to locate such documents as may be currently misplaced, let them so
What is not acceptable is the departments concerned hoping that this will all go away.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 5:11 pm
Subject: Questions (including Library Punch list)

It it my understanding that the Library expansion project's
Construction Manager, Triton is no longer on the job. It is also my
understanding that with the resignation of Al Regula, there is no one (with requisite knowledge) currently employed by either the Town or the Library Boards who is charged with the responsibility of seeing the project through to completion.

Despite the holding of a Grand Opening in December, both the Town Board and the Library are aware that by no measure is the Library completed and that there is a substantial list of things remaining to be done, either already underway or still to be started.
Items that are still within the funding cap and are "essentials" which are apart from a separate list of items characterized as promised by the Referendum but not forthcoming due to budgetary constraints.

I am talking about basics not controversies.

So the question remains, who is in charge? A perfectly legitimate

Getting past that, does a current punch list exist and what does it

Someone has to know what work remains to be done and who is going to do it and when it is going to be finished.
It is my further understanding that most of this work is covered by existing bids and issued purchase orders so that payment is not necessarily the issue.

Therefore: Consider these as questions seeking an answer at Wednesday's Town Board meeting...

What remains to be done?
When is the completion of work anticipated?
Who is going to sign off on the work?
Has the entire remaining budget been expended or committed?

If these answers exist on paper (one hopes that they do and that the responsible parties are not flying blind) please identify the documents that I need to file a FOIL request in order to obtain.

Anonymous said... 81

Dear seniors, disabled and others,

I would like to extend my thanks on behalf of all of the Fairview’s campers and their families. It is through your generosity and sacrifice that the town was able to subsidize approximately $500,000 in camp programs, lunch and transportation so that the kiddies had a never ending, fun, Summer experience in 2008. Again, through your kindness, we are told that you will continue to provide the same level camp services to our families again this year despite having to pay higher taxes and having to dip into the fund balance to do so. Super!!

We will be sending out certificates of appreciation to you c/o Burk Rehabilitation Center as we know that many of you are recovering from some nasty falls you took this year taking your trash to the curb.

Many thanks & get well soon!
Fairview Parent

Anonymous said... 82

dear freeview parent:
thank you. your letter was redirected to our new home in georgia as we can no longer afford greenburgh's taxes.

good luck - maybe the town board will bond your summer program obligations.

yours truly
fomer greenburgher

Anonymous said... 83

Dear Former Greenburgher,

Have fun down in Georgia. My family is from GA. I grew up there. Nice place but we moved up here to take advantage of the free services Greenburgh gives us. We can't get anything like this in Georgia! We can't get anything like this in any state in this country. Lords no! We are blessed to be now living here in Greenburgh. Hee hee.

Enjoy those peaches!

Former Georgian

Anonymous said... 84

The commentary from some residents is so immature. People are going to stop reading the blog if you stoop to silly talk.

Anonymous said... 85

please define "silly talk"
or do you live in freeview?

Anonymous said... 86

Someone has to take a closer look at what is paid for the camps at tdycc. If the camper's families can pay the fees they should pay the same fees as the other town camps. No one benefits from a free ride. Not the ones getting the free ride or the ones giving the free ride. If we continue to give handouts people will never learn to achieve their best. They will just become lazy and wait to see what else they can get for free. What are we teaching the youths of Greenburgh? If the families truly cannot afford to pay for these camps then the children should go on schalorship. However, if these chilren are coming into camp with $100 dollar sneakers and electronic devices costing 100's of dollars then they can afford something and they should pay.

Anonymous said... 87

As children attend summer camps based on their school districts, I feel bad for the Hartsdale area residents who live outside of the Ardsley and Edgemont school districts. Why should they be required to pay more than residents of the northern portion of the Greenburgh School District? The community center's special status as not part of the parks/rec department causes so many problems.

Anonymous said... 88


Anonymous said... 89


Anonymous said... 90


Anonymous said... 91


Anonymous said... 92


Anonymous said... 93


Anonymous said... 94


Anonymous said... 95

JANUARY ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said... 96

31st ??????????????????????????????

Anonymous said... 97

Have'nt you heard the US Post Office will now be working only 5 days a week. Your W-2 will not be delivered. Till next week. Big budget cut

Anonymous said... 98

It ia amazing how Sonja who chairs the afforadble housing committee . Never has a question and just sits and allows others to handle the affordable issue for the town of greenburgh.
Does she ever have anything to say . The few questions that she does ask are bearly answered

Anonymous said... 99

Why is that all comments on what is going on at Manhatten ave are deleted, No matter how we ask the question .Where is the tax money for those building.
How did this slip by there is nothing afforable about $2500 dollars a month for rent.
Where was the town board in this?
Why are greenburgh working resident being pushed out so that section 8 from anywhere can move in. ALL TAX FREE

Anonymous said... 100

You no as per law W2's are supposed to be sent no later than 1/31. As employees why haven't we been given an email or a memo as to why we do not have our W2's?
When we ask when we are expected to get them, we are given attitude and smart-a-- answers that "hopefully" we will get them Friday!
Are you serious..Friday 2/6/09!

Anonymous said... 101

Where is the CSEA Contract?

Anonymous said... 102

To the person asking for your W2. Shut up and call the town.

The deadline to send these out was extended to 2/15 for this year. Why? I don't know, but you can call the town instead of clogging up the blog.

Anonymous said... 103

Changes in Federal regulation has forced W-2s to be delayed. I do not know how it affects Greenburgh employees. The national extension for issuing W-2's is now 2/16.

Anonymous said... 104

10:51 You obviously do not work for the Town and/or do not care...nice

Anonymous said... 105

I sent emails to all board members this morning asking for explanations regarding the discrepancies in the camp fees and about the missing resolution.

Let's see if I get an answer.

Anonymous said... 106

sonja brown
eddie mae barnes

meet the new boss
same as the old boss

Anonymous said... 107

Dear Pat: I just read your e mail. Earlier this year I asked that all camp fees for both programs be the same. The commissioners of both the parks dept and TDYCC felt that we should equalize the fees over a two year period. There will be a significant increase in 2009 and in 2010 both camp fees will be the same. They expressed a concern that if the TDYCC camp fees go up too much in one year we could see a significant reduction in enrollment and revenues.

Anonymous said... 108

Dear 10:51


Anonymous said... 109

Dear Paul, Francis, Sonja, Kevin & Diana,

Below are 2 comments pulled from Paul's blog. The second is a comment that I left. Please read them so that you may answer questions that I have on this issue.
(edited to include my comment only)

p. leavy said..........

Dear Lies @10:41,

I must correct your figures. Your line under TDYCC "$150 Extended day" is incorrect. This is another program that kicks in to fill the gap between when camp sessions end in August until school begins. It is not extended day for campers. Another error in your calculation is the omission of the Parks & Rec campers “Early Drop-off” fee. That fee is $72.00 per child.
The brochure does not give any information for TDYCC campers who participate in either the early drop off prog ram or the extended day program. I know that these programs are in place. I will assume that they are @ no charge. Using my assumption and using your scenario of families registering 3 children, the totals should be:

P& R totals: *$3,416.00
*Added Early dropoff- +$194.00=2 0
($72.00 per child x3=$ 216.00 less 10% discount)

TDYCC Total: **$1,305.00
**removal of Bridge Program -$405.00 450x3-10% discount)

A difference of $2,111.00

Parks & Rec camp fees for 3 children are $2,111.00 higher than TDYCC’s. In other words P & R fees are ***62% higher. Equitable?

Typo. The actual number is 262% of what TDYCC is charged for 3 campers.

I would also like to point out that according to the Activity Guide, in order to apply for P&R camp, families must comply with very stringent requirements. Unicards, medical records, full payment at time of application, strict deadlines……are clearly outlined. The Activity Guide does not request or place any requirements for applications to the TDYCC camps. Not even a valid unicard which is proof of residency.

Other glaring anomalies: TDYCC does not state how many weeks or what time of the day the camp operates. TDYCC Camp: “Activities began the end of June and run through most of August”. Does this mean the TDYCC camp begins earlier and ends later than P & R’s? P &a mp; R camps run from June 30-August 10. (6 weeks) Generally P& R’s camps run from 9am-3:45pm.

FYI- At the 1/6/09 meeting William Carter said that the actual TDYCC 2007 cost per camper was $1,260. Although Jerry did not give the actual cost per P & R camper, I know that it is less. Using Carters numbers, if each camper20in this family actually pays the published amounts, the town will be contributing $2,475 to this TDYCC family.

This does not seem fair at all. It certainly does not fulfill the effort of the town to make camp fees equitable. I’m astounded by this charade.

Again, I ask, can someone please explain how the new camp rates can be published without an adopted resolution?

I would like to know:

1) How is it that you feel that these new TDYCC camp fees make them more equitable to Parks & Rec's camp fees?
3) The published TDYCC camp fees are different from those discussed at the 1/6/09 meeting. Why?
2) Where is the adopted resolution regarding camp fees? I can not find it anywhere. If there is no resolution, how can these new fees be made public?


Patricia McGuire-Leavy

I have advised the commissioner of the TDYCC that camp fees that were agreed to at the Town Board meeting are the fees that are to be charged. The Town Board is the governing body that approves the fees.

We decided, after much discussion, to equalize the fees of both camps over a two year period of time. In 2010 both camps will be charging the same fees.

I will ask the Town Clerk if she can send you any written documentation.


Just so I understand you correctly:

1) The Town Board can approve camp fees without public comment, prior public knowledge or without adopted resolution.
2) The Town Board does not recognize the difference in services or monetary value of services offered to individual camps/campers when determining camp and extended day camp fees.
3) The Town Board refers to TDYCC base camp fee to included all pre-camp sessions, day camp, after camp programs, lunch and transportation.
4) The Town Board refers to Parks & Rec base camps fees to included activities M-F for 6 weeks starting in June, 9-3:45pm.Transportation, Early Drop-off, Extended day, lunch and transportation are the financial responsibility of the individual Parks & Rec camp families.
4) The Town Board expects TDYCC Summer Camps fees to be the same as Parks & Rec by the year 2010.
5) The Town Board understands that camp application criteria is inconsistent between the two camps in many areas and where by no proof of residency is required by TDYCC.

Do I understand this correctly?

Patricia McGuire-Leavy

Anonymous said... 110

Paul and Mr. Carter:
If is agreed that camp fees are to be the same, then what plausible justification is there for Greenburgh to operate two separate (but presumably equal) de facto racially segregated summer camps? This is especially insane when you consider that the Town Rec camp for little kids operates out of the Jackson School which is no more than one mile from TDYCC. Why can't all the kids meet and play in one program?

Anonymous said... 111

"Why can't all the kids meet and play in one program?" EXACTLY!

Anonymous said... 112

why indeed is there a tdycc
and why is it paid for by the B budget?

sonya barnes - do you have an answer?

Anonymous said... 113

Anon @ 11:37

Good questions. I can only surmise by the lack of answers to my own questions that there are 2 reasons that the kids can't meet in the playground.
1) Money
2) no desire to for a conjoined meet.

Very, very sad state of affairs in this town.

Anonymous said... 114

Release Date: December 21, 2008


Town of Greenburgh
Work Session Agenda of the Greenburgh Town Board
Tuesday – December 23, 2008 – 2:00pm
(All Work Sessions are Televised Live on Cablevision Channel 76, Verizon 32 and are streamed live. Work Sessions and Town Board Meetings will be aired each Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 7:02am and 4:45pm. Each segment will run for approximately 6 to 7 hours, depending upon the length of the two meetings.)
2:00p.m. Sidewalk Sales: (Planning & Building)

Currently, permit fees are not charged for these sale days. We believe the Town could realize significant revenue if the Town Board offers the weekend sidewalk sale days each weekend from Palm Sunday weekend through Thanksgiving weekend and applies a fee of $25 for each weekend a business participates. If a business participates in every weekend, one week at a time, the amount for the entire season will be $600. There could be an offer that if a business wants to apply for all of the weekends at the beginning of the year, the fee for that business for all of the weekends from Palm Sunday through Thanksgiving will be $500. the Building Department will monitor the businesses to ensure if they have sidewalk displays they have their permit and if not they either secure the permit or receive the violations stated in 240-7(B)(4). I see nothing in this law to prevent the Town Board from acting on this proposal. Additionally, the law sunsets each December 31 so it’s not something that can’t be adjusted if there is abuse. Given the economic times we and the businesses are in I think it’s worth experimenting with.
2:15p.m Taxi Insurance Fees – Town Attorney
3:00p.m. Parks & Rec – TDYCC Summer Camp Fees
EXPLANATION: Summer camp fees at the TDYCC and Parks Dept are different. Currently camp fees at the parks dept are significantly higher than the TDYCC. We will discuss changing the fee structure so that the fees for both camps are the same or close to the same. The town will continue our policy of offering scholarships to any camper who meets scholarship criteria and is facing financial hardships. No one will be denied camp experiences because of inability to pay.
3:30p.m. Executive Session - Legal
5:30p.m. Adjourn
The Town Board approved the WESTHAB workforce housing zone change at last nights Town Board meeting and also approved the 2009 budget.

Anonymous said... 115


Release Date: December 21, 2008


Town of Greenburgh
Work Session Agenda of the Greenburgh Town Board
Tuesday – December 23, 2008 – 2:00pm
(All Work Sessions are Televised Live on Cablevision Channel 76, Verizon 32 and are streamed live. Work Sessions and Town Board Meetings will be aired each Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 7:02am and 4:45pm. Each segment will run for approximately 6 to 7 hours, depending upon the length of the two meetings.)
2:00p.m. Sidewalk Sales: (Planning & Building)

Currently, permit fees are not charged for these sale days. We believe the Town could realize significant revenue if the Town Board offers the weekend sidewalk sale days each weekend from Palm Sunday weekend through Thanksgiving weekend and applies a fee of $25 for each weekend a business participates. If a business participates in every weekend, one week at a time, the amount for the entire season will be $600. There could be an offer that if a business wants to apply for all of the weekends at the beginning of the year, the fee for that business for all of the weekends from Palm Sunday through Thanksgiving will be $500. the Building Department will monitor the businesses to ensure if they have sidewalk displays they have their permit and if not they either secure the permit or receive the violations stated in 240-7(B)(4). I see nothing in this law to prevent the Town Board from acting on this proposal. Additionally, the law sunsets each December 31 so it’s not something that can’t be adjusted if there is abuse. Given the economic times we and the businesses are in I think it’s worth experimenting with.
2:15p.m Taxi Insurance Fees – Town Attorney
3:00p.m. Parks & Rec – TDYCC Summer Camp Fees
EXPLANATION: Summer camp fees at the TDYCC and Parks Dept are different. Currently camp fees at the parks dept are significantly higher than the TDYCC. We will discuss changing the fee structure so that the fees for both camps are the same or close to the same. The town will continue our policy of offering scholarships to any camper who meets scholarship criteria and is facing financial hardships. No one will be denied camp experiences because of inability to pay.
3:30p.m. Executive Session - Legal
5:30p.m. Adjourn
The Town Board approved the WESTHAB workforce housing zone change at last nights Town Board meeting and also approved the 2009 budget.

Anonymous said... 116

Answers to my questions listed in comment @10:05 email to town board:

Fees for non residents are being increased to $1200 for nonresidents of unincorporated Greenburgh. This is a significant jump. I will advise the commissioner and deputy commissioner of the importance of requiring proof of residency. The fees will be the same for both camps in 2010. We will also have to review lunch/transportation costs. I believe that families who can afford to pay for lunch/transportation should be required to pay for these extra costs. I will be asking the commissioner/deputy to give this their attention—especially during these difficult budget times. PAUL FEINER
Good afternoon Patricia,

The adopted resolution is attached for your convenience. It is not an official "stamped" copy, which is available from the Town Clerk's office, but it is the resolution as adopted on January 6, 2009 at a public meeting following considerable discussion on this issue at several work sessions.

The fees are being adjusted to reduce the substantial taxpayer subsidy that had existed even for those who could afford to pay the camp fee. During tough budget times, subsidizing those who need not be subsidized reduces the amount of money available to subsidize those who truly need it, and limits the number of programs that can be offered. At the request of the Commissioner of Community Resources, the reduction in subsidy is being phased in. In the same resolution, the Town reaffirmed its policy of not depriving anyone of a camp experience because of inability to pay.

Regarding a difference in published fees and what the board adopted, more information is needed regarding the publication referenced. It could be the publication was prepared prior to 1/6/09. Thank you for taking the time to comment and ask questions regarding this matter.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 3:54 pm
Subject: Re: Summer camp fees

I have combined my responses to Paul & Francis into one email for efficiency.

I have not inquired about non-resident camp fees as I am trying to keep an apples to apples comparison so to not muddy the waters, but you insist. It's very frustrating. However, since you bring non-resident fees up, the TDYCC fee is $1180 not $1200. It's common knowledge that camp was freely given away to non-residents in previous years. This amounts to how many TOV taxpayers dollars? So the "significant jump" really means no Elmsford campers, or Elmsford campers at resident rates or rates waived, unless proof of residency is required in the same manner as it is required from Parks & Rec.


Thank you for providing me with the resolution. It is not available at the town website.

Regarding the published fees; on 2/1/09 the Fall & Winter Guide was still available at the town website. On 2/3/09 the new Spring/Summer Guide was up, so it was first listed on either 2/2 or 2/3/09, well after the resolution of 1/6/09.

Please review the new guide as the TDYCC camp rates are different than both discussed and resolved. Also, there is no mention of the new discounts offered for early registration or multiple siblings in the resolution but they are stated in the Guide. Please refer to page 18 of the new guide. FYI- Park's & Rec camp gives a 10% (camp only) discount when 3 or more in one family have registered.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Community Resources summer camp fee in 2010 for residents of the unincorporated area of the Town of Greenburgh will be the same as the base camp fee for residents set for 2010 summer camp at the Department of Parks and Recreation; and

“will be the same as the base camp fee for residents set for 2010 summer camp at the Department of Parks and Recreation; This is where what will be offered by DCR will differ from what Parks & Rec offers to its campers. In other words DCR full day camp translates into 5 separate services and P & R’s base camp translates into 1 service.

Who is this fooling?

WHEREAS, the Town Board is desirous of ensuring funds are available for needed programs and for subsidizing residents of the unincorporated area who cannot afford to pay the full amount for camp, and therefore, wants to eliminate taxpayer subsidy of non-residents and reduce the subsidy for those who are financially capable of paying more toward to the actual cost of the camp, consistent with a similar fee policy approved by the Town Board for summer camp at the Department of Parks and Recreation; and

I am far from satisfied with the outcome of the towns attempt to equalize rates of these two camps as this is clearly not the case now nor will it be year 2010. TDYCC campers receive 5 services for $420 and Parks & Rec campers can receive the same services for $1339.00. In the year 2010 TDYCC camp fees will be $590 and Park & Rec families will pay even more than the current $1339 for the same services as Parks & Rec is sure to raise rates down the line. I’m confident that Park’s & Rec “ Day Camp” fees will not increase to keep TDYCC “base camp fees” at their lowest while making up the difference by raising fees for P & R early drop-off, extended day camp & transportation fees, creating a greater disparity.

Nowhere in the above resolution do I see a reduction of subsidy for taxpayers. I do not see equity. I continue to be disappointed and angered by the attempt to deceive the tax payers of unincorporated Greenburgh.

Patricia McGuire-Leavy

Anonymous said... 117

The town seems to be making major changes- equalizing the rates for camps. This is good.

Anonymous said... 118

*waves to Paul @ 9:26*

Anonymous said... 119

Paul forgets to tell us how many freebees the taxpayers have to pay for.

Give us some true answers once in a while.
You have given away the barn with all the cows to the center.
How can you live with yourself ?
Do you think that you can keep doing this to the residentds of this town?????
Tell me Paul what would happen if every household would hold back their taxes????
We are not getting what we the other part of town is paying for since all the monies is thrown in the centers pockets.

Anonymous said... 120

If rates are to be equalized then, once again, the Town Board owes the taxpayers an explanation of why it maintains duplicative services in the form of two seperate summer camps for children from the same town and school district. Paul, do you dare to defend this insane waste of money?

Anonymous said... 121

My four year old went to the Town camp last summer. In the emails presented by P. Leavy, the Town Board has admitted that it has arbitrarily charged residents different amounts for the supposedly same services (i.e, summer camps) without regard to income or other extenuating factors. I wonder if there is potential for a class action suit here.

Anonymous said... 122

Equalizing the rates is COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS.
The cost per child ACTUALLY PAID BY EACH PARENT should be equal.
The rest of it is all lies and evasions.
How about it Mr. Feiner? Do you have the guts to make the each parent pay the same as every other parent?

Anonymous said... 123

I think the problem with the American media is that it’s full of Americans who overestimate the importance of American micro-politics, and so, consciously or subconsciously, undertake every damn story as a public-opinion-shaping framing [or] counter-framing exercise and eventually forget how to report the obvious interpretation of events.

Anonymous said... 124

The TDYCC camp has served many children over the years. Some of the children come from single parent households. Others are on very low incomes. The camp provides an important need.

Anonymous said... 125

Audit: Greenburgh school district overcharged taxpayers
By Dwight R. Worley
The Journal News • February 6, 2009

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GREENBURGH - School officials overcharged taxpayers by about $1.2 million last school year by not using available surplus funds to lower taxes, according to a state audit.

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said yesterday that the Greenburgh school district should have used excess funds in its unreserved fund balance to reduce taxes or pay off debt in the 2007-08 fiscal year.

The district's fund balance of $2.8 million in June 2007 exceeded the amount allowed under state law by $1.2 million, according to the audit, which covered July 2007-July 2008 and details other fiscal and business lapses.

"Officials need to watch every taxpayer dime," DiNapoli said yesterday in a statement. "That means reducing excessive surpluses and giving the money back to taxpayers or reducing debt whenever possible. Now more than ever, school districts must make the best use of tax dollars and adhere to the law prohibiting excessive surpluses."

The audit also found the district lax in its financial safeguards and business practices.

Auditors found that the district improperly placed $2 million in surplus funds from the 2006-07 fiscal year into a tax certiorari reserve fund established in October 2007. The fund is used to pay tax certiorari claims - requests by taxpayers for reduced property assessments.

The district also procured $250,000 in professional services without using competitive bidding, overpaid teaching assistants by about $35,000 and violated state education law by failing to ensure background checks were performed for employees of outside contractors who had direct contact with students, according to the audit.

Payroll and treasury employees were not properly supervised, and duties were not adequately segregate in the offices, "creating an atmosphere where moneys could be lost or stolen," according to the audit. Computerized data and hardware also was not properly secured, the audit said.

To read the audit, visit

Anonymous said... 126

The school district is independent of the town. the town government has no control over school district financing.

Anonymous said... 127

Google: Psychology Today: Is the glass a half full?
Optimism/Pessimism Test
47 questions, 20 min

Is your glass half-full or half-empty? On those days when nothing in your life seems to be going right, it can be really tough to see the silver lining among all those clouds. However, it's during these times when the ability to see the good in even the worst situations is so important. An optimistic attitude benefits not only your mental health, but your physical well-being as well

The Optimism/Pessimism Test is made up of two types of questions: scenarios and self-assessment. For each scenario, answer according to how you would most likely behave in a similar situation. For the self-assessment questions, indicate the extent to which you agree with the given statements. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as possible.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Snapshot Report with an introduction, a graph and a personalized interpretation for one of your test scores. You will then have the option to purchase the full results.

Anonymous said... 128

DiNapoli: Greenburgh CSD #7 Could Have Used Over a Million Dollars in Excessive Surplus to Reduce Taxes
Surplus Exceeded Amount Allowed by Law
Greenburgh Central School District #7 could have used $1.2 million of its budget surplus to reduce taxes or pay off debt in the 2007-08 school year, according to an audit released by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli. The surplus, otherwise known as the unreserved, unappropriated fund balance, reached $2.8 million by June 2007, which was in excess of the amount allowed by Real Property Tax Law by about $1.2 million. The total surplus for that year reached $2.8 million. The audit covered the period July 2007 to July 2008.

“Officials need to watch every taxpayer dime,” DiNapoli said. “That means reducing excessive surpluses and giving the money back to taxpayers or reducing debt whenever possible. Now more than ever, school districts must make the best use of tax dollars and adhere to the law prohibiting excessive surpluses.”

DiNapoli’s audit also found that the district:

inappropriately placed surplus moneys of nearly $2 million from the 2006-07 fiscal year in a tax certiorari reserve fund established in October 2007 for the purpose of paying for the settlement of tax certiorari cases of the preceding year’s tax roll;
procured approximately $250,000 in professional services from seven vendors without using requests for proposals (RFPs) or soliciting competitive quotes;
did not adequately segregate duties in the payroll function and the treasurer’s office, or provide proper supervision, creating an atmosphere where moneys could be lost or stolen;
overpaid 68 teaching assistants approximately $35,000;
did not ensure that procedures for obtaining background checks were performed for employees of outside contractors who have direct contact with students, in violation of state education law; and
did not develop adequate security measures to protect computerized data and hardware, making equipment and computer files – which contain personal and confidential data –vulnerable to damage, alteration or theft.
DiNapoli recommended that district officials:

more closely monitor the unreserved, unappropriated fund balance to ensure that it is within the limit required by law, as it should be used to reduce taxes or properly retained or reserved under provisions of law;
ensure that, when placing moneys in tax certiorari reserves, officials consider the amount which might reasonably be needed to meet expenses for judgments or claims arising from the tax roll in the year the moneys are deposited. They should also ensure that reserve funds are established in a timely manner;
develop written policies and procedures and individual job descriptions for the treasurer and payroll functions;
either segregate the incompatible duties in the treasurer’s office and payroll processing, or implement compensating controls;
take the necessary steps to recover the overpayments made to teaching assistants;
develop a procedure to ensure that steps are taken to obtain required background checks that are conducted on employees of outside contractors; and
ensure that all computer servers are adequately secured. These controls should include the use of a locked door to which only authorized personnel have keys.
District officials generally agreed with DiNapoli’s recommendations and indicated they planned to initiate, or have already taken, corrective action. Click here to view the audit.

School District Accountability
In order to improve accountability of the state’s schools, DiNapoli’s office will audit all of New York’s 834 school districts, Board of Cooperative Educational Services and charter schools by 2010. The State Comptroller’s office has completed 550 school audits and approximately 180 school audits are currently underway.


Anonymous said... 129

Link to report:

Can the school district be held liable? Can residents bring an action against the school district?

Anonymous said... 130

Greenburgh Central. What a disgrace. Another bunch of self-serving crooks.

Anonymous said... 131

Just to let you know - this is no different from what the Town of Greenburgh has done. The Town surplus (which is being used in election years to significantly moderate tax increases) has also OVERCHARGED taxpayer. A surplus, whether in the School District or the Town budget, is the result of collecting more taxes than were necessary to fund the expenses.
The only difference is that School District surpluses are limited to a maximum of 2% of their budgets while the Town is free to fleece the taxpayers of as much excess taxes as they can get away with.
Feiner - grow up and stop distracting people from your demonstrated incompetence.

Anonymous said... 132

Dear 9:14

LMB Left Mouse Button
LMB Local Master Browser
LMB Lois McMaster Bujold (science-fiction author)
LMB Large-Mouth Bass
LMB Lifetime Maximum Benefit
LMB Latin Music Booking
LMB Linear Momentum Balance
LMB Low Maintenance Battery
LMB London Millennium Bridge
LMB Low Memory Block
LMB Linear Memory Block

You pick

Anonymous said... 133

Understood about the town carrying forward revenues, but towns do operates under different law and guidelines.
What the town can do is to withold funds in name of taxpayers. The question is will they do it.
School districts are binded to do not exceed certain levels and if they do the town is guide it to act in representation of taxpayers.
Here we go, another year, to turndown the proposed budget by
GC-7 manipulators.

We should send them copies of the song "One more time".

Anonymous said... 134

The town has no statutory authority to take action against the school district.

Anonymous said... 135

To 3:46 ... The exact same can be said for the Hartsdale camp. It makes no sense for the town to sponsor two separate summer camps.

Anonymous said... 136

Hartsdale? You mean that magical place of puppies and rainbows? The place where all are so wealthy tax money freely poors in the town and school district to help the faux needy?

The Hartsdale where all mortgage payments are current, everyone can afford health care, no one works, everyone is well fed, child care is free?

That Hartsdale? Why should they be treated fairly?

Anonymous said... 137

yes hartsdale
the place that continues to re-elect feiner and juettner
the place where francis sheehanigans lives

Anonymous said... 138

the salaries of the town board are paid for by the villages
when are the town board members going to hold a meeting in a village to explain why A budget money is going to fund nutrition programs for other towns, why they want to give the westhab money to valhalla and who will pay for any judgment against the town in the fortress bible case?

further - what are the town board's plans on revising the finneran law?

Anonymous said... 139

waves to mike k

Anonymous said... 140

I won't ask the blogger who keeps giving "waves" to people, but what the hell does it mean?

Anonymous said... 141

Interesting to read the Anon 3:01 blogger.

Yes, the villages pay a large amount of the expenses for the TOV and get nothing in return. The villages didn't complain until some TOV people (like the superlawyer) went too far. The TOV coplainers pretend that the TOV is paying expenses for stuff given the villages but the opposite is true. It is the villages which are subsidizing the TOV. The law ought to be changed.

Anonymous said... 142

What specific services do the villages receive from Greenburgh? I'm surprised they opt to remain associated with Greenburgh.

Anonymous said... 143

wave = hello to someone who thinks he's being anonymous, i.e. Feiner doesn't understand that we know when he posts as anonymous; it's sort of funny.

Anonymous said... 144

Hello. I'm the original *waves to Paul @ XXXX* blogger and others have adapted it to identify other anonymous bloggers as well.

It's just a "flag" or wave" to those anons who are clearly identifiable like Paul or in the case above, another blogger believes the comment at 3:01 to be written by Mike K.

Sometimes it's just so silly that Paul blogs anonymously,one must point it out and wave hello to him.

Anonymous said... 145

thanks 5:03. you beat me to it. :)

Anonymous said... 146

I absolutely did not write the comment at 3:01 PM

Anonymous said... 147

5:09, most of greeenburgh gets nothing from the Town. Only Fairview.

Anonymous said... 148

waves to bob b

Anonymous said... 149

i wrote 3:01 and im not mike kolesar
so how about paul and co - you sent to fairview - why not ardsley?

we want to hear about the valhalla money, finneran, the library giveaway, and the nutrition programs

when is the meeting?

Anonymous said... 150

you went to fairview that is
why not ardsley or another village?
waiting to hear from paul and co?

Anonymous said... 151

I guess that the "wavers" think that they are so smart that they can identify bloggers. Sometimes it's possible, like when Bob Bernstein tries to hide. But I am sure that most of the time they are wrong. There is a difference between the message and the messenger.

Anonymous said... 152

It is always evident when Pauls blogs anonymously and it is beyond dumb for him to do so. Message, messenger.......our supervisor should always identify himself.

Anonymous said... 153

Feiner may or may not be commenting anonymously on the blog. Kolesar may or may not be commenting anonymously on the blog. Bernstein may or may not be commenting on the blog. Bock may or may not be commenting anonymously on the blog. Who cares?