Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The Greenburgh Town Board has appointed Victor Carosi as the new Commissioner of Public Works, replacing Al Regula who retired after over 34 years of service to the town. Butch Nanna was reappointed Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. Mr. Carosi has served as Director of Public Works and Village Engineer for the Village of Rye Brook since 1997. He is a past President of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers Westchester/Putnam Chapter. Mr. Carosi will start his service with the town on May 4th. Please welcome our new Commissioner. PAUL FEINER
The following are highlights of his background:
1997 – Present VILLAGE OF RYE BROOK, Rye Brook, N.Y.
A municipal government serving a community of approximately 10,000 residents.
Village Engineer & Director of Public Works
Provide direct supervision and management of the Building, Engineering and Highway / Public
Works departments for the Village of Rye Brook. Prepare and manage departmental operations
budget of over $4.2 million, inclusive of special maintenance accounts of $500,000, and annual
Capital Improvement program of $660,000. Have full responsibility for all engineering and public
works projects of the Village and report directly to the Village Administrator, Mayor and Village
Board of Trustees.
•Organize, direct and coordinate the activities of the Public Works Department, Building
Department and Engineering Department.
•Supervise a staff of twenty, including professional, office staff and public works employees.
•Formulate departmental policies and plan long-range programs.
•Prepare and submit annual operating budget for each department to the Village Administrator
and present same at annual budget meetings to the Village Board.
•Direct and provide general supervision to various departmental activities including: street and
sidewalk construction and maintenance; street cleaning and snow removal; sewer repair and
maintenance; street tree maintenance; Village compost operations; maintenance of Village
buildings and motor vehicle fleet; Planning Board business and activities.
•Supervise or undertake preparation of plans, specifications and contracts for construction,
maintenance, and materials procurement contracts.
•Inspect field operations and manage all public works contracts.
•Coordinate activities of multiple municipal boards and committees including the Planning Board
and the Environmental Conservation Committee.
•Make special studies and reports on a variety of subjects and activities as basis for
recommendations to the Village Mayor and Board of Trustees.
•Work closely with Village Administrator on wide ranging tasks and municipal activities.
•Provide technical support to all other municipal departments related to infrastructure and
facilities management.
•Extensive contact and coordination with other government officials, engineering and planning
consultants, and legal counsel on matters involving codes, public works, planning, labor and
public contracts, developments, and special studies.
•Attend bi-weekly Village Board of Trustees meetings, bi-weekly Planning Board meetings, and
special meetings and task forces.
Serving as the first Village Engineer for the Village of Rye Brook.
Provided direct daily support and engineering supervision for the construction of a new multi-purpose
sports athletic field. This $3.5 million dollar project includes artificial turf surface and an extensive
underground water detention system. Key problems resolved included coordinating the relining of several
hundred feet of high-pressure gas transmission line that crosses the field playing area and working with
poor subsurface soils and drainage problems. Proud to note this field hosted sporting events during the
2007 Empire Games.
Secured grant funding for storm drain improvement projects in the Village following damage from the
April 2007 storm.
Secured Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding in 2007 and 2002 for sidewalk and
streetscape improvements within selected areas of the Village. These improvements provided new
sidewalks, curbing, and trees to provide safer pedestrian movement within certain population centers of the
Provided general support and represented the Village through the construction of the Village’s first Fire
House. This facility, opened in 2004, provides accommodations for the Villages fire department with
sleeping quarters, day room and support areas. Two drive-through bays house the Village emergency
apparatus. The facility has a residential architectural look to blend with the character of the neighborhood.
Oversaw largest single development in the Village from inception to successful completion. Development
consisted of over 160 single-family homes, 40 town homes, a community center, a 162 room senior living
facility and a small retail center.
Established a work order system for Public Works to track daily activities of the department. Automated
the fuel dispensing system from hand written to a computerized recording system. Researched and
currently implementing a computer based system for managing the daily operations of the building and
public works. This software system, when implemented, will enable the recording and tracking of all
building, planning, and public works operations. The goal is accurate and accountable records
management of departmental work, establishment of on-line permits and work order requests, exchange of
information and forms, codes and procedures, and to compile extensive paper records and maps to digital
form. Developing municipal GIS system to map all infrastructure and enable use as tool for future
planning needs.
Implemented the Municipal Separate Storm System program (MS4) as outlined by the NYS DEC.
Implemented a roadway pavement management system to record, track, and assist with roadway condition
forecasting for with future pavement improvements. An important system function enables the
municipality to match a municipal-wide pavement condition rating against budgeting to assist with future
Capital needs.
1990 - 1997 WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS, Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Public Benefit Corporation, providing water service to approximately 15,000 customers through a
network of over 200 miles of distribution mains. Net sales (1997) of over $5 million and average
daily pumpage of 14 mg.
Supervisor of the Engineering Department engaged in the design, management, and construction of
new water mains. Oversee an annual expenditure of approximately $750,000 for water main
construction and rehabilitation. Provide direct supervision to Engineering Department of two full
time and several seasonal personnel. Direct operations of construction field crews on emergency
repair work.
•Design all water main installations and rehabilitation projects
•Prepare water main specifications and standards for competitive public bidding
•Manage field water main construction contracts
•Provide engineering for new water main construction
•Extensive interaction with consultants in their design of water systems for proposed
•Review and approve water systems for all proposed new developments
•Evaluate industrial and commercial water systems for conformance with backflow prevention
•Review and approve plans and specifications for the installation of backflow prevention devices
•Insure adequacy of customer water services and meters with domestic demands
•Approve and review residential and commercial fire sprinkler system hydraulics
•Design, supervise, and evaluate fire flow tests
Implemented a multi-year program for the rehabilitation of several miles of aging unlined,
turburculated water mains with new cement lining. Positive effect on community has encouraged
more funds to be appropriated to expand the cleaning and lining program in the distribution system.
Instituted program to update extensive original pen and ink maps and records to digital format leading
to Geographical Information System implementation to reduce labor needed to locate existing
underground facilities and improve customer interaction.
1988 - 1990 HYDROQUAL, Inc. Mahwah, NJ
An environmental science and engineering consulting firm
Engineer I
•Analysis of water quality data and conduct of process related field studies
•Field engineer for 8 week evaluation of UV disinfection process at a 15 mgd wastewater
treatment plant
•Test and evaluate experimental UV disinfection apparatus
•Coordinate activities for major study of floating refuse in New York Harbor
Automated data reduction process for a major water quality study of the Long Island Sound, and for a
CSO study on the New York City Jamaica Bay. Created master data files onto an HP 9000 system,
and developed routines to select, reduce and display data.
Monitored plant processes and performed field sampling and bacteriological analysis of data to
determine capacity of the UV disinfection system at a new wastewater treatment plant to assess
alternatives to bring plant into permitting compliance.
New York State Licensed Professional Engineer # 072510
Computer literate with basic office automation including word processing, spreadsheet applications,
email and AutoCAD design software.
Immediate Past-President New York State Society of Professional Engineers Westchester/Putnam
Chapter (Served 2-terms as President of the Chapter)
Westchester County Association of Public Works Administrators
National Society of Professional Engineers
Young Engineer of the Year 1998, New York State Society of Professional Engineers
Westchester/Putnam Chapter.
B.C.E., Civil Engineering, May 1988, Manhattan College
A.E.S., Engineering Science, May 1986, Westchester Community College

Greenburgh: Named by MONEY MAGAZINE in 2008 as “ONE OF THE BEST PLACES TO LIVE” IN AMERICA (#80)

JOB E MAIL LIST---I am trying to help unemployed Greenburgh residents find work. If your company/business has any job openings please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com. If you are out of work and want to be advised of job openings please advise.


hal samis said... 1

Mr. Feiner,

Thank you for posting his resume.

It would be most useful to let taxpayers know what Mr. Carosi's compensation package is.

Anonymous said... 2

Congradulations Mr. Carosi,
I do hope the first order of business on your agenda will be to stop the curbside garbage pickups.
I'm sick and tired of picking up my neighbors garbage plus all the pails that are rolling arround in the roadways and down different driveways.

I don't know where and how some households can have six to seven pails curbside almost every day.

I do hope that when you do start in May you will drive arround the areas where pickups were made along the side of the homes.

Many of us have difficult driveways that if we cannot find help to bring up the bags we are stuck with the garbage.

We have pails rolling all over the place but the town dosen't care.
I do think that since you are coming from Rye Brook you can see what has to be done to restore our town to cleanliness because at the moment our roadways are worse than some of the city streets..

Anonymous said... 3

Rye Brook has a private sanitation company,guess who

Anonymous said... 4

Wecome to the 80th best town in Westchester.

Anonymous said... 5

Do not give presenations to ECC.

dayenu said... 6

and with a mighty outstretched hand, the ecc lifted its people out of bondage and into the promised land of the village of edgemont.

next year said... 7

amen - next year in edgemont!

hal samis said... 8

Plenty of time and desire to delete. Little time to answer a reasonable question: What is Mr. Carosi's compensation package.
"Package" refers to sick days, holidays, vacation days, perks, additional pay AND salary.

Paul Feiner said... 9

Mr. Carosi is receiving $141,500 ($4000 more than Al Regula made). However, he will not have access to a town car for overnight use. He is receiving the same benefits as all other departments -- no additional sick time, no additional vacation time.

Anonymous said... 10

How come Mr. Nanna was reappointed Deputy Commissioner of Public Works? Am I missing something or did he not resign along with Mr. Regula?

Paul Feiner said... 11

Mr.Nanna announced his retirement in December of last year. He had served the town for over 34 years and did a great job. We asked MR. Nanna to unretire --to help the new commissioner have a smooth transition. This is a very important dept and it makes sense to have continuity. Mr. Nanna will be given additional responsibilities during the next two years. I believe that the transition to a new commissioner will be smooth and that the services residents receive will continue to be great.

Anonymous said... 12



$141,500 why????????

because because because said... 13

because of the wonderful things he does

its nice to know the wizard of greenburgh

Paul Feiner said... 14

the town previously gave the commissioner of public works with a car for overnight use. Commissioner Carosi will drive his own car to work and will not take the car home. That's the reason for the $4000 increase. Most people feel that the value of having a municipal vehicle is about $5000. So-- the town comes out ahead.

hal samis said... 15

But that doesn't mean the new DPW won't use a Town Car once he arrives at work -- just not for overnight use. That Regula was given a town car to drive over the bridge to whereever he lives in NY?NJ? was always a waste of taxpayer's money.
No one, including Kapica -- another long distance traveler -- should be given wheels just to get to and from work.

Thus making a mistake as the baseline for a new hire is an example of the even greater fool theory.

hal samis said... 16

Things we love to hate department,

The town is paying the Deputy DPW nearly $20,000 more so that the new DPW Commissioner earning only $4,000 than the old Commissioner will have "a smooth transition".

And part of this smooth transition will have been made even easier by the elimination of back door garbage pick-up.

Any more of this smooth transitioning and the Town will be bankrupt.

Anonymous said... 17


Although Mr. Carosi appears to be a great hire, your reasoning that the town saved money on the hire is just incredible. All over the nation, public officials are accepting lower salaries, not negotiating higher than posted salaries.

Just another reason that our taxes our so high. Can't you ever say no.

Anonymous said... 18

How much do the superintendents of schools make in Greenburgh?
How much do the fire chiefs earn?
Compare their salaries to the commissioner of public works.
$141,000 is not $200,000 and perks!
The town is getting a good deal.

Anonymous said... 19

This is the most current survey of range of Public Works salaries by Public Works magazine.

EPA Region 2 (NJ,NY) Director of public works

Less than 5,000 people $65,001 - $70,000

5,001-10,000 people
$45,001 - $50,000

10,001-25,000 people $90,001 - $95,000

50,001-100,000 people $90,001 - $95,000

250,001-500,000 people $120,001 - $125,000

More than 1 million people
$135,001 - $140,000

Anonymous said... 20

Jeesh - I entered the wrong career. With my fancy ivy league education i make barely more than the DPW chief. (and i get really high taxes and terrible schools to go with it!). Hartsdale - what a bargain!

Anonymous said... 21

Hal - in my line of work (contract negotiation), we call Greenburgh's technique "negotiating against yourself."

GIS mapping services said... 22

Thanks for sharing informative post.
Remote sensing services

Anonymous said... 23

Feiner Fuzzy Math

The former TDYCC after-school program was costing us more money than Xposure. We save money!!
(There should be no town funded education programs)

We are raising the camp fees! This reduces our budget!
(love this one. I can’t even comment)

We are only raising town taxes by 7.7% . Last year we thought it was going to be more like 17-20% Yay! We have been fiscally prudent!
(hahahaha! You raided the fund balance. That would be OUR money.)

The new Commish of Public Works is only getting paid $141,000! We are getting a good deal! No car for him. We come out AHEAD!
( bwaaaaaaahahah!)

Anonymous said... 24

How Did Luxury Perks become more Important than Services to Taxpayers?

In a time of tax increases, is it really necessary to shower staff with Luxury perks such as cars? There are 22 cars given to employees times the $5,000 mentioned here,which comes to $110,000.00!
HUH? It becomes confusing because Paul was against cars for staff back in 1992 when he first ran for office. Now the Town gives out more cars than ever.

Why not follow other Cities and Towns example by putting these perks on ebay?

hal samis said... 25

Silly me, I suspect that the new DPW has accepted this job because it pays a lot more than Ryebrook.
Even more without the $4000 bump.

What I don't understand is how the Town can afford to pony up for Mr Carosi and Nanna (neither person do I have any issue with) while the Town cannot afford to pay minor increases (in dollars) to the much lower paid CSEA workers who carry out the directives of management. I must also point out that the Town already collected taxes based on giving them a raise in 2008 (still not done) and taxpayers dug into their wallets with this assumption in mind.

What happened to this money meant for increases? It went to the Arts Council, the Sculpture Curator, Private Tennis Lessons etc.

At the same time, why are some jobs in this harsh economy so underpaid while others are not.
DPW gets huge increases for new and not so new blood. Comptroller, Police Chief, TDYCC Director, even my good friend Madden, all get promoted to the pay
grade of the vacant position. In the case of the Library Director, once one of the most liberal pay boosters, the Library Director is way, way below the pay level of her predecessor.

So, I ask, if times are so tough and people are out of work (witness this blog), why is the Town paying new DPW hires such increases (either as rehires or to please come here).

Supposedly the DPW job got easier with the new software from the Assessor's office, the elimination of back door pickup and the Library is mostly over. And, the old Comptroller and now the new Comptroller were/are charged with implementing all sorts of efficiency programs.

This doesn't seem like the right time to be handing out increases, especially while the patient CSEA staffers get screwed.

The DPW head doesn't get a car to drive to work. Big deal.

Anonymous said... 26

Excuse my ignorance: does this DPW post cover all of Greenburgh of just TOV?

Anonymous said... 27

The Town Board made the correct decision. They hired a qualified commissioner. They retained the services of a competent deputy. The public works department is an important department. We need to be able to rely on good service.

Anonymous said... 28


Who in their right mind would take a non-civil service protected job in Gburgh unless he was getting a large raise and/or iron clad contract? Just look at the parade of comptrollers, attorneys, etc marching in and out of the door.

Anonymous said... 29

There is only 2 ways to look at this; we underpaid Al or are overpaying Carosi. Period.

Anonymous said... 30

Commissioners in other large localities earn more than they do in Greenburgh.

Anonymous said... 31

Name one -- and if you say White Plains, I will say there they have better services.

Anonymous said... 32

Paul deleted my posting from 11 A.M. this morning questioning the duplication of services in Greenburgh! I feel like I've made the big-time!

Feiner censoring important facts said... 33

The following is the comment from 11 a.m. that Paul Feiner deleted this afternoon from his blog. The information posted questions the supervisor's judgment in agreeing to substantially higher salaries this year for the DPW commissioner and his deputy at a time when the CSEA staff has received no increases for 2008 or 2009. Feiner's decision to delete this comment is laughable and makes a mockery of open government.

Here is what he deleted:

Interesting information. From the Village of Rye Brook 2009 - 2010 preliminary budget (available on line at www.ryebrook.org), on page 30, the position of Village Engineer / DPW is shown as $108,892, the same as 2008 - 2009. I calculate that without the car, Mr. Carosi is looking at a 26.8% increase. With the car allowance, 30.3%

CSEA and Teamsters - what are you looking at? 0%. Way to go Town Board. Reward the "newcomer" and the heck with your loyal employees who haven't jumped ship. At least not yet.

As to the "cost" of giving Mr. Carosi a vehicle from the Town's fleet, it is virtually zero - the insurance is already paid, the car is paid for or in existing debt service, so just the cost of fuel for his commuting - can't be $4,000 a year. Another great "financial" decision by the chief fiscal officer.

4/02/2009 11:02 AM

stupid tov said... 34

the town is overpaying
the town dpw provides some services to the villages
guess what - the villages figured out they could do it better and maybe cheaper - thats what you get when you give the library site away to the tov and you let folks on the finneran committee speak for the tov

you ticked off the villages, united them and now they are walking. elmsford library is the beginning.

thus less for tov dpw to do.

Anonymous said... 35

2:40 well put. Greenburgh = phone company they try and suck you in with a great deal, but if you have been with the company for a while they give you nothing worth wild after that. Im sure when the economy turns around a good amount of the town employees will find a new phone company to go to.

john malone said... 36

Can someone please tell me, who the Greenburgh Council of Civic Associations represent?

about the gcca and finneran said... 37

gcca - 8 people at best
thats about how many show up to their meetings

ecc - lets be candid - edgemont has no political power at this moment

hartsdale - that placed died a long time ago

the villages - all they want is for feiner to stay away
when he messes up - they look to themselves when he does -

greenburgh - is so over - how else can you explain 18 years of diana juettner, a villager who is the town board liaison to the library and parks and rec

what a farce!!

finneran committee - what a bunch of angry small minded unneighborly boors

Anonymous said... 38

Unneigborly = people who wont pay taxes for all and then let all use facilities.

finneran committee and the tov said... 39

unneighborly - use facilities and land free of charge and dont pay taxes or offer to share

Anonymous said... 40


The villages can get the Town Board to do whatever they want, there is no need to get consensus from Finnerman committe. The problem, plain and simple, is that the court said the Finnerman law which allowed certain costs to be charged to the B budget was constitutional only because it afforded the TOV with the protection of the "restricted use" -- ie the people that dont pay cant use. Take away the resticted use and the inference is the court would rule that costs get charged to the A budget.

So Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ardsley, the other villages are not willing to support you. Blame the Finnerman committee all you want, but the villages could go to the town and say pass whatever we want. They arent willing to. Grow up.

Anonymous said... 41

Vic, your first jobs should be to get somebody to fix the leak ,get the parking lot lights running again and to put a flag pole at the new Library.

Anonymous said... 42

I sure hope their is not a leak at the new library. If so the contractor should not be paid in full.

Anonymous said... 43

Eliminating curb side service should have eliminated many more jobs at the sanitation department. Now we here that you still have summer help people working and they will be brought on full time. You are going backwards instead of forwards. Mr. Carosi, we hope you are not as blind as the existing heads.

tov - led by angry nobodies said... 44

the finneran committee is a bunch of petty ante angry people of little accomplishment who wrote a law that everyone laughed at and that is going nowhere

tov - enjoy watching you pools fall further into disrepair

in fact you will enjoy them less as the budget will require they be closed more often

Anonymous said... 45

Dear Mr. Ardsely,

The Town Council can pass whatever law they want, they do not need the Finnerman Committe's input. Take it up with them. The problem is that by eliminating the "restricted use" and allowing vilage residents in, the run afoul of the court decision allowing parks and recs to be charged to B budget only. The villages, other than Ardsley, wont risk that.

Why dont you write what YOUR proposal is, and ask the Town to pass it?

Anonymous said... 46

Where did all this stuff about the Finneran Committee come from? What about the Council of Greenburgh Civic Associations? I haven't read anything about it and I didn't hear anything said at any Town Board meeting.

Information, please!

Anonymous said... 47

Alright, since we have no misc. thread --

I just got my tax bill -- am I the only one who would sell my house in a minute if I were offered the appraised value?

Anonymous said... 48


I'd be high tailng it right on outta here.

Anonymous said... 49

We all received high appraisals.

I have a shack and my taxes went higher by one thousand dollars.
We were assesed higher blindly because this assessor wanted to show her boss Feiner that she is on the ball.

How could homes be assessed higher when homes prices have declined throughout the US.

This could only happen in the best town in Westchester.

gcca should close its doors said... 50

you mean all 8 people who show up at their meetings/

the gcca is a problem creator not a solver

greenburgh has too many civic associations

thats one of the reasons greenburgh is a mess

the finneran committee is just another group of wanna bees who everyone in power is laughing at

Anonymous said... 51

Greenburgh is not a mess becuase of civic associations. They have no legal authority. Greenburgh is a mess becuase Paul has catered to special interest groups.

Anonymous said... 52

Now that you have $124.000.00 dollars from Greenburgh Housing Anthority what are you going to do with it ? Will it pay for the new commissioner or what?

Anonymous said... 53

Anonymous can suggest that Greenburgh is a mess. That doesn't make it so.

Anonymous said... 54

oPaul what is written on this blog
and deletted by you has to be the truth so here it is again.

Money saved by curbside pickups is being used to pay the raises of the new hire,deputy DPW ,and the new comptroller.

This law was put into effect to lower our taxes .So you all lied .

Now getting back to what happened to kolesar,wrong move so now its up to the new comptroller to tell us the residents all about the written findings that were to be presented at a work session.

If this is not done he is a guilty as the board for witholding important info concerning how and why our tax dollars are spent and above all what happens to monies collected.

Keep erasing and we will keep writing.

2 more years said... 55

glad to hear you think the finneran committee is out of touch

2 more years!

Anonymous said... 56

If Paul thinks the Finnerman committee is out of touch he can introduce whatever legislation he wants and the Paulettes will pass it. Not certain what your 2 more years means, Paul has all the votes right now.

Anonymous said... 57

Seems like a bloated resume

Sewer Repair Baltimore MD said... 58

This is a very important dept and it makes sense to have continuity. Sewer Repair Baltimore MD

Daniel Biggs said... 59

It is a very essential information,
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