Tuesday, May 05, 2009


The recent decision by cablevision to remove 14 channels from the Family Cable package (popular with low income seniors and families) has motivated constituents to contact me –requesting that action be taken on behalf of consumers.
Unfortunately, federal law prevents local governments from regulating the cable industry. Cable TV companies have the ability to charge customers rates they want. Cable companies have the discretion to eliminate channels. Local governments can’t do anything about this.
I would like to encourage the Congress to consider legislation that would re-regulate the cable TV industry. I believe that local governments should have more control over rates, program modifications.
Thank you for your consideration.


Anonymous said... 1

I just wish that all of Unincorporated Greenburgh could have cable choice. Verizon still doesn't offer service in my neighborhood despite town approval a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said... 2

Paul you cannot oversee your own employees how the hell do you think
that you can oversee the regulations concerning cable.
Try to do your job rather than staying on the blog to see what should and what should not be deleted.

Anonymous said... 3

Forget cable TV! FiOS TV with its fiber-optic power will transform the way you watch TV or HDTV

Jennifer Walford said... 4

To file a complaint against a cable company contact the New York State Public Service Commission http://www.dps.state.ny.us/. For those interested in the ongoing battle to diversify cable TV check out this interesting article from bNET '05 http://tinyurl.com/d3mgeb

Anonymous said... 5

Not that it would ever be allowed, but I don't think that it's wise to let local governments - Greenburgh or any municipality - regulate cable tv channels.

Anonymous said... 6

Local governments do regulate cable companies. They are supposed to do it through the franchise agreements negotiated with the providers.
Sadly, the cable franchise agreement with Cablevision lapsed some time ago and while the Town is "renegotiating" Cablevision is acting just like a for profit company. What a surprise! Verizon, having a terrific "me too" contract doesn't need to do anything different, because without a Cablevision contract, there is no one to "me too."
Welcome to the wonderful world of political hackery...

Anonymous said... 7

What has happened to the government channels for Greenburgh.
There is nothing on the tube all day long .One cannot see what is going on with work sessions ,zoning meeting and planning meetings.
We have verizon as our cable co,
Have you signed the contract or do you need som professional help to have all programs televised.

Anonymous said... 8

This is who to contact at the State:


Office of the Attorney General
Public Integrity Bureau

Phone: (212) 416-8090

Email: public.integrity@oag.state.ny.us

PIB Hotline:
If you wish to report allegations of government wrongdoing, please call the New York State Public Integrity Hotline: 1-800-428-9072. Calls will be kept confidential.

Anonymous said... 9


Requirements; None
Experience required; none
Pay; What we feel like paying you
Competition; None
Interview; None required
Job Description; Doesn't exist
Extra Hours for stipend tasks; none, staff maintain their present work schedule(work same hours, get extra pay)
Cost to Taxpayers; Over 116,000
How to be considered; Kiss up Baby, Kiss up!
Those interested should call

ed krauss said... 10

10:00AM, I hope you don't get deleted becaus telling the truth will do that to you.

Anonymous said... 11

Thank you Ed

The Paul of 1992 would have had the consideration of at least answering the issue of stipends.
But if it gets deleted, we'll just keep on putting it back up.

Anonymous said... 12

How can local government regulate cable especially in Greenburgh when they cannot check the problems that have existed for four days.
Maybe Feiner has someone black out the channels so residents can not see or hear the latest promises and problems which will cost us money.
Remember most of the increases whether the taxes or salaries is always held behind closed doors.
Check into what is wrong this time.
This happens too many times .It must be resolved .
Verizon has said the problem is at the Greenburgh end.

Anonymous said... 13

How can local government regulate cable especially in Greenburgh when they cannot check the problems that have existed for four days.
Maybe Feiner has someone black out the channels so residents can not see or hear the latest promises and problems which will cost us money.
Remember most of the increases whether the taxes or salaries is always held behind closed doors.
Check into what is wrong this time.
This happens too many times .It must be resolved .
Verizon has said the problem is at the Greenburgh end.