Monday, May 18, 2009


The Greenburgh police department has an excellent reputation of catching the bad guys! Today-- the police dept made a significant arrest.
Hat's off to the police dept for doing a great job!

I am pleased to advise you that our detectives today arrested Daniel S. Barnes, age 35, of the Bronx, New York for the knife point robbery of the store manager of the Buy Buy Baby store located at 1019 S. Central Avenue in Scarsdale. Barnes was charged with Robbery 1st degree, a Class B felony. He was arraigned before Judge Friedman and remanded to the Westchester County Jail without bail. Barnes became a suspect early in the investigation and when it was discovered that he had an outstanding warrant for Probation Violation, our detectives asked officers from the Westchester County department of Probation to bring him to Greenburgh Police Headquarters after they arrested him on that charge. County Probation did so and after he was interviewed by our detectives, he was arrested and charged with the robbery. Chief Kapica


Anonymous said... 1

While most towns pay the highest salary and overtime rates to police officers, Cortlandt's top earners were department heads in law, engineering, public works and finance. Cortlandt disbanded its police force in 1998, contracting for protection from the state and county at a cost of $600,000 last year.

Anonymous said... 2

The most significant arrest Greenburgh Police could make would be the Supervisor. He could be charged with impersonating a public official and numerous counts of theft and malfeasance.
How about it Chief Kapica - show some backbone and do the right thing.

Anonymous said... 3

How many arrests were made on the Hudson River with the waste of money Greenburgh PD Marine unit???????

WHAT A WASTE!!!!!!!! of MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said... 4

Greenburgh cops are doing a great job!

Anonymous said... 5

Yes they do a great job if you see them.