Sunday, August 30, 2009


Hats off to Olney Reynolds and the Greenburgh Housing Authority for organizing a fantastic family day event today. The residents of the lower income housing felt special. The event was terrific. I was impressed with the renovations taking place and some of the beautiful flowers being planted in front of some of the apartments. The housing authority is moving in the right direction. I'm very pleased


Anonymous said... 1



Anonymous said... 2

maybe you should come by more often not only at election time. As far was what the housing authority owes . Why don't you clear the air on that ,some uninformed need info before they make un educated remarks

Anonymous said... 3

Yes it was a wonderful day . It was good to see all the elected and want to be elected offical there.
Hope this was not just a photo op

Anonymous said... 4
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Anonymous said... 5

Be assured that you were all being used. An event like this and the next ones that will be coming up is just to get votes.
Let's see what happens after November.
You will be just a dot on the Greenburgh map.

Anonymous said... 6

6:39 you may be right. About two years ago the whole town board made trips to GHA to see the negative things that were going on there headed up by Sonja Brown and a disgruntle resident , since that time the residents over there have not seen Sonja or anyone else from the town board .GHA had a beautification day in JUNE they did not show up for that. Sonja showed up but the residents were planting flowers. So many did not have time to talk. I guess it was too far from Election Day.

Anonymous said... 7

The police department did an excellent job at family day. They fingerprinted all the kids at family day so we (parents) have them on file in case needed. I think they were community affairs unit officers - that's what it said on their trailer. Thanks again and hats off to our men and women in b lue.

Anonymous said... 8

Isn't it funny you keep on picking on Sonya at every chance you get.
Is she running for reelection? No.

She has to tag along to show that she too represents the town .
She dosen't have to be in favor of what they do but she is on the board.
If she dosen't show up it's one story if she does it's another.

We all know what a show Feiner and company put out for votes.
We believed in him the first time but after the first time we had no choice to elect someone else.
We knew what we had good or bad but we didn't like what would be coming in because of this we have been stuck with the worse represenatives in Greenburghs' history.
We will have them again and again unless the county takes over or maybe there is some sort of savior in the wings that will come foward.
to save Greenburgh.
Getting back to Sonya she at least speaks her mind at town hall meetings and votes in a correct manner not like the others.
She does not pick sides,so give this lady a break if she didn't think that she could be doing good for not only her community but for all of Greenburgh she would have stayed at home instead of being opened to all your bad comments.

Anonymous said... 9

What has she done?

Anonymous said... 10

When you have four against one what can one do voice your opinion and hope for the best..

Anonymous said... 11

I just hope that Paul does not think that a free hamburger or Hot dog is going to make the residents who have lower incomes in this town feel special. There is a huge need for housing in this town ,that if they could get it then all people could feel special

Anonymous said... 12

Taxter Ridge awaits affordable development and fulfills the Court's order.
Remember Irvington, what goes around comes around.

Anonymous said... 13

Believe me that will only happen over Golds dead body.
He will never permit that to happen but above all Feiner would not let that happen to his best friend.

Anonymous said... 14

I will email Spano with the idea that Taxter is the most suitable property in Irvington.
One can build a few affordable buildings plus a great park for the children to enjoy.

Anonymous said... 15

Paul how many votes have you bought by forgetting the money that the Housing Authority owes the taxpayers for private greenburgh police protection.
We the taxpayers paid for this service in our taxes so why are we not reimbursed?

Anonymous said... 16

Glad to see that the affordable housing plan is moving ahead..

Good write up in the Scarsdale the way Feiner is trying to make a deal with villages and the county which is ridiculous.

Let's give an incentive to the villages so they will accept the proposal.
He is always ready to make deals that always seem to end up in a law suit.