Saturday, November 14, 2009


The members of the Town Board of the Town of Greenburgh will be meeting with the Village Board of Dobbs Ferry at 7:00PM on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, at Dobbs Ferry Village Hall, 112 Main Street, Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522. The Town Board will be meeting with the Village Board to discuss shared police services.

Westchester County’s First Annual ’Stache-Off, at the Music Conservatory of Westchester, will now take place Saturday, November 14 from 7-10PM. Open to all mustaches of Westchester, the ’Stache-Off features local men competing for “best in ‘stache”.
The event is presented by Jon Chattman, co-author of the recently released humor book SWEET ’STACHE: 50 Badass Mustaches and the Faces Who Sport Them and performances from some of the Conservatory’s ensembles and faculty (Nakia Verner, Irena Portenko, and Barbara Podgurski are among the talent lined up thus far) will precede the countywide mustache contest.
Guest of Honor: New York Mets Icon Wally Backman

Comedienne Sara Benincasa (Sirius Cosmo Radio) will emcee the event.

Guest judges:
Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner
News 12 anchor/reporter Tara Rosenblum
Jeff Lee - lead singer of the band Hard Drugs
Jessica Rozler and Andrea Lavinthal, co-authors of “The Hookup Handbook."

Admission is $12 ($15 at the door) or $20 (which includes a signed copy of the book).

Donations will go to the not-for-profit school’s scholarships and tuition assistance.
- Farmers Markets (Hastings Winter Market Schedule now listed)
- Fall Book Sale, Irvington Public Library
- The Sky Tonight: Meteor Showers, Andrus Planetarium, Hudson River Museum
- "Rumors" at Hastings High School Auditorium
- Dionne Warwick, The Paramount Center for the Arts
- Beausoleil & Iris Dement, Tarrytown Music Hall
- Lou's Blues, Pumpernickel Restaurant
- "La Traviata", part of the Film Festival at Irvington Town Hall Theater
- Alternative Gifts Market at Grace Episcopal Church, Hastings
- Meet the Artists Reception: Westchester Photographic Society Presents: “The Image Makers”, Greenburgh Public Library
- The Art of Cardboard: A Performance by Marcy B. Freedman: A Spoof with Educational Value! at Blue Door Gallery, Yonkers
- *Special Event* At the End of Slavery?, Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers
- Westchester County’s First Annual ’Stache-Off!
- Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood of "Whose Line is it Anyway?", Tarrytown Music Hall
- Gregg Allman, Paramount Center for the Arts, Peekskill
- Not Quite Dead at Pumpernickel Restaurant,
- "A Taste of the Paramount" at Paramount Center for the Arts,
- History in Every Bite: New York City's Place in the Food Chain, JCC on the Hudson
- Turkey Scavenger Hunt, Greenburgh Nature Center
- Mecca Bodega in Concert featuring Hammered Dulcimer and Shakuhachi Flute, Greenburgh Public Library web site with great info about our community!


Anonymous said... 1

Will Dobbs pay for services from Greenburgh Police or do they expect to get everything for nothing?

Anonymous said... 2

Why not consolidate all of the Greenburgh police departments.

I'm sure Hochberg would do a great job in the investigation.
So far he's hitting more striks than home runs with the fire dept.
I'm sure the other villages would love to save money.

Anonymous said... 3

Will Greenburgh pay for services ftom Dobbs Ferry or does Greenburgh expect to get everything for nothing?

Anonymous said... 4

Is this one of Rosenbergs ideas so his village people would get more free services.

Who pays for this-- the unincorporaed areas?
Have we not been screwed by the villages who carry Feiner to victory every time.
Why not have the state police take over all of Greenburgh ?

dear deluded on A vs, B budget said... 5

more free services?
the villages pay for all sorts of things that provide nothing of value as the town engineer

you would be wise to read rosenberg's scoba report which gives chapter and verse as to how the unincorporated areas get over on the villages mostly due to state law.

Disgruntled Greenburgher said... 6

What distresses me is that, once again, the Town Board is meeting in a place where there is no internet broadcast, no cable broadcast, no taping equipment and no "dial in democracy."
This isn't open government its open Pandora's box government. A supervisor who shoots from the lip, a town board that acts like the town's finances bored them to tears, legal counsel who desperately needs counseling, and a clerk who thinks she's Dick Clark - all hiding in plain sight.
Villages first! A succinct statement of priority, intent and purpose of this meeting.

Anonymous said... 7

Feiner someone on his side so the villages give him what he wants that is VOTES.

He will make life as easy as possible for them while making us miserable and getting more and more into debt.

Anonymous said... 8

Paul, Has Rosenberg ordered this action? I find it hard to believe that you are doing anything in Dobbs Ferry without the expressed consent and approval of Herb.

Anonymous said... 9

Possibly this could be the publicity stunt that Rosenberg needs to reach local prominance again????

Anonymous said... 10

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the idiocy of these bloggers.

Anonymous said... 11

Why is the Town Board holding its meeting with the Dobbs Ferry Village Board now when there are so many unanswered questions about the Town's 2010 budget?

Why for example, does the Town Board think its more important right now to hold talks about consolidating police services with Dobbs Ferry -- which no one in Dobbs Ferry really wanted the last time the subject came up -- when the Town Board refuses even to discuss consolidating the Town's two separate recreation departments, each with its own set of highly paid commissioners? This is costing unincorporated area taxpayers millions of dollars annually in waste and duplication, but Feiner thinks it's more important to have this discussion with Dobbs Ferry -- Why?

Why is it important for the Town Board to spend an evening right now with the Village Board of Dobbs Ferry and not with the residents of unincorporated Greenburgh when it is the residents of unincorporated Greenburgh who are facing a 6.9% tax hike, when Dobbs and all the other villages had tax hikes this year of 2.9% or less?

Why is it important for the Town Board to waste an evening with the Village Board of Dobbs Ferry, instead of working on cutting town spending, when Feiner's budget for 2010 is based on revenues from the one-time-only sale of town surplus property that may not generate much money at all?

Why did Feiner schedule this meeting instead of scheduling a town board meeting to answer the questions that Feiner and the other town board members couldn't answer at the meeting held to discuss the budget at the library last week?

Why did Feiner schedule this meeting in Dobbs Ferry instead of explaining to taxpayers in unincorporated Greenburgh how it came to be that there was a $171,000 increase in "personal services" for the TDYCC over the approved 2009 budget that was never authorized, approved or discussed?

These are just some of the many unanswered questions that taxpayers in unincorporated Greenburgh are asking right now.

Warning to Dobbs Ferry: Shared services may make sense in this economy, but sharing services with a Feienr-led Town of Greenburgh brings with its a host of problems that will surely outweigh any savings.

Anonymous said... 12

Because herb white lie rosenberg wanted it so.

hal samis said... 13

Let's pretend that this meeting is ending by the time I stop typing. What will have been concluded? My guess is that Feiner will find money to fund a new study to study the Police consolidation studies that have been previously funded and studied. Hello, Pace, are you listening? Santa Claus is coming your way.

Anonymous said... 14

Why are a few people always so ANGRY?

Anonymous said... 15

6:35, it is because they have no life. Let's make something up (that Dobbs Ferry will get free services) and run with it. It doesn't matter that it is not true. Whatever Feiner suggests, a core group of people are against it. And 10:09, the vilages didn't carry Feiner to victory. No one in incorporated had the balls to run against him.

Anonymous said... 16

Why should anyone from any of the Villages really want the job? Paul may be a nuisance, but his tax hikes don't hurt the Village taxpayers much. He doesn't control any of the land use decisions in the Villages. The Villages get better police and sanitation services. What's to be gained? Unincorporated Greenburgh taxpayers might be wise to try and find someone from a Village to support, even if some of their views might not be to their liking. In the meantime, nothing will change except taxes will keep going up.

Anonymous said... 17

Rosenberg back in action you have got to be kidding.
He was thrown off the bench there is no way he can get back into politics.
He can voice his opinion all he wants but we know he's full of hot air.
Yes Feiner will make it easy for the villages so long as he get to keep his seat.
What will be coming up next Paul,which village needs assistance

Anonymous said... 18

6.9 % tax increase + Reserve Fund Drawdown for TOV (assuming 2.5 M in auction property sales- Keep dreaming! )vs. 2.9% for the villages

Thanks Paul

Anonymous said... 19

Maybe the Greenburgh PD Navy can assist Dobbs Ferry PD

Anonymous said... 20

Maybe the Greenburgh PD Navy can assist Dobbs Ferry PD

Anonymous said... 21

don't you guys have anything better to do than complaint non stop about nothing?

Anonymous said... 22

Mean Spirited Comments and Blogging
Trolls. Flamers. Meanies. Vicious. Not Nice. Unkind. Rude. Inconsiderate. Nasty. Whining. Bitching. Moaning. Bastards.

Where there are humans, you will find humans who seem to have more than their share of these personality traits. Blogging is no exception.

Even the most non-controversial blogs, like this one, is the target of the blogging thug, mean spirited bloggers and commenters who just have to say nasty things when they can, for whatever reason they want to revel in.

Accusations run from just mean comments to outright lies about you and your blog.

I’m not talking about rip-roaring debates or enthusiastic arguments. I’m talking about old fashion meanness.

It often begins with mean comments on your posts. They can start off as just “not nice” and if they don’t get a response, or they do, the comments can become more aggressive. The mean blogger may actually write their mean attitude about you and your blog on their blog. Many of these mean people encourage others to feel the same way as they do, thus seeking validation for their mean spirits. And trust me, they find them. People are always willing to go along with negative energy. It often feels like negative energy attracts more negative energy faster and easier, than positive attracts positive.

Where there is negative energy in abundance, gangs form. If enough of a gang is formed, they will support each other to target your blog with more viciousness. Group meanness is even more fun because of the team spirit.

Fortunately, mean spirits don’t last very long. Unless they have a lot of energy and motivation behind them, they tend to fizzle out. Most mean spirited folks get their thrills by just making nasty comments and the occasional mean blog post.

Sometimes the mean spirits are self-generated. People read something, make a lot of assumptions, and slap back. Because someone has an opinion and writes it on their blog, some assume the opinion is a fact not an opinion. Once they cool down and gain a little perspective, they often realize their mistake and back off.

Not all, however. Immediately recognizing that there has been a misunderstanding, the recipient can get stressed wondering if the person realized later that they were off base, or if they ever will realize it. We worry about how to react, whether or not to respond, and what will happen if we do, or if we don’t. Recipients of negative comments and blogs worry about how far the mean folks will go to make their nasty feelings known. Mean spirited comments and bloggers take a lot of fun away from the fun spirit of blogging.

Anonymous said... 23

I guess 11:49 wants a group hug.

Anonymous said... 24

*sings Kumbaya*

Anonymous said... 25

11:49 sounds like Herb writting but this time he refueses to post his name.

Anonymous said... 26

Herbie can't resist to write about his beloved village. He just does not want to engage Samis in writing. Samis makes him look so bad and also knows too much.

Feiner needs to update blogsite/emails said... 27

Paul last night my wife and I went to Katonah (some of our family lives there) which had there yearly chili night at the Fire dpartment.For $5.00 children ,$10.00 adults, all you can eat and $10.00 per quart to go chili this was a great fund raiser. Soft drinks were free and they had salad, bread,hot dogs,ice cream, cookies coffee and tea. Draft beer was sold for $1.00 per glass.Local boy scouts in uniform acted as Bus Boys to clean the tables.It was great to see the children exploring the fire equipment in the garage and a good time was had by the huge residents turn out. PAUL AND THE LOCAL FIRE DEPARIMENTS WHY CAN'T GREENBURGH DO THIS AT A NUMBER OF FIRE HOUSES DURING THE YEAR? IT WOULD BE EDUCTIONAL,SOCIAL, AND A GREAT WAY TO BRING IN MUCH NEEDED $$$$$$. By the way talikng $$$$$ when we got off exit 4 of 287 and saw the library lit up like a XMAS tree at 8:30PM on a
Saturday evening what a great way to save $$$ and be green.

Anonymous said... 28

The sodas were free.......
Who donated the sodas?
That might have to go to their board of ethics.....

Did you stop at the library to see if DPW were working inside?
Can it be that when is dark and you need to work inside a building you need lights....Just a silly thing to do.

feiner needs to updateblogsite/emails said... 29

To 9:47AM The sodas were part of the admision charge that I stated to enter the event. As for the library lights even if DPW was cleaning they do not have to have on every single light in the building on. The lights on Saturday amd Sunday nights have been reported by other peoole as well.

rosenberg makes sense said... 30

once again we see the attacks on rosenberg

rosenberg has been right on every issue
and unlike the two bit leaders of unincorporated greenburgh, rosenberg gets results.

now lets work together and stop nonsense like the arts council and nutrition programs that feed other towns.

Anonymous said... 31

If Rosenberg is always right why was he tossed out of his office by the voters?

hal samis said... 32

hal samis said...
Not to be negative but excuse me Herb; I don't get what you "mean". Why don't YOU open your blind and let the sun shine in.
You are one of participants in the Age of Egregious.

11/15/2009 1:00 PM

Anonymous said... 33

11:49 cut and pasted that comment from the following link:
originally written in March 2006.
Either Lorelle Van Fossen, who writes a site about blogging, posts to this obscure blog, or 11:49 is a plagiarizer.

Anonymous said... 34

Who says that Rosenberg was tossed out of office by the voters. Or anybody. Where does all this stuff come from. Do you guys sit around and make all this stuff up just to keep yourselves busy.

Anonymous said... 35

the comments on this site are ridiculous. Nonsense does not create good government.

Anonymous said... 36

People who always complain probably have inferiority complexes. It's the bully mentality--they can give but can't take.
Mental health 101!

Anonymous said... 37

I wonder whether Paul Feiner enjoys reading this garbage. It probably makes him feel good to know that he has fools like these nutty conspiracy buffs around because they are no threat to him.

Anonymous said... 38

Did anyone else notice in today's Journal News that Greenburgh was one of 3 communities to vote for Spano (incl. W.P., and Mt. Vernon)?

Anonymous said... 39

According to SeeThroughNy payroll, The Village of Elmsford pays their Police Dept 1.85 million to protect their Village from 4/1/08 - 3/30/09. I'm sure by consolidating the Town could do it much cheaper. Has anyone ever did a cost study about Police consolidation?

Anonymous said... 40

I think Alan Hochberg (the next town bd member-careful Sonja )should head an independent and objective commission along with the usual lackeys with a predetermined conclusion and some smoke and mirrors

Anonymous said... 41

Consolidating with elmsford probably makes more sence than doing it with dobbs ferry

Anonymous said... 42

edgemont fire tax only going up - 1.5%
Greenburgh tax going up at double digits and the police chief criticizing the fire district
edgemont bank and 7-11 robbed 3x in 2 months - PRICELESS.

Maybe the police chief should worry about the police dept.

Maybe Paul you should ride around with the chief some more. Show how well you are protecting the edgemont citizens.

Anonymous said... 43

The 7-Eleven was robbed again in Edgemont yesterday, the third time in less than five weeks. Thanks for cutting the police budget Paul! You should deploy Detective Double Dip to the corner of Central Avenue and Mt. Joy in order to at least earn his double dipping pay status. Just think how Rosenberg would be screaming if this happened in Dobbs Ferry.

hal samis said... 44

Didn't we just pay for a study on "police sharing" with one of the villages. Wasn't the result, nada?

And don't forget that the home invasion this summer still remains open despite one of the culprits being caught fleeing the scene.

Oh yes, this capture was the result of the combined efforts of the Greenburgh Police, the Hastings Police, the Yonkers Police, the State Police and a NYC helicopter.

Good turnout, lots of overtime.

Two to three felons still at large.

And the piece de resistance is that a child called the Police while the break-in was in progress.

From Humpty Dumpty, "all the kings horses and all the king's men..."

Meanwhile in Journal News land, we get two stories a week ago that the Police may be closing in on another robbery.

Or not.

But yes, Kapica's Police are definitely the go-to source for Fire District consolidation.

Anonymous said... 45

Please send the Art Council director,1 of our 2 Park Dept Directors along with the Town Nutrition workers when they get back from Eastchester and Mt Pleasant over to 7-11 on Central Ave and have them provide some security

Anonymous said... 46

I think we need to change the law regarding the villages - they shouldn't be voting in our Supervisor. He has no jurisdiction whatsover over the villages other than to raise their taxes. They should want to be separate. The other advantage they receive at our expense is guaranteed payment upfront of their taxes - yup - we subsidize that whether we collect it or not. Even a 10% increase in their taxes amounts to an average of $30 or so per year so they really don't care. They kill us by voting for our Town government. This is absurd!

Anonymous said... 47

It costs nearly $8,000 per month to provide electricity to the library and nearly the same to provide electricity to Town Hall. Does anyone ever turn off the lights? I asked for comparables to other departments who are billed by PASNY through the Town. Ironically, larger facilities are paying less than half. Something is wrong here. Either the meters are wrong (unlikely) or these 2 newer facilities are not very "green" at all.

taxation but no representation? said... 48

dear absurd
your complaints are not new but they have been rejected by the courts most notably in a key case decided in 1971.

so you would have villagers pay town taxes but have no representation on the town board?

btw, it takes three board members to increase taxes. so you cannot single out the supervisor.

Anonymous said... 49

I live in Elmsford. I would gladly not vote in the Town elections if I am not taxed by the Town. Where do I sign?

dear elmsforder said... 50

you have already done the best you can do by incorporating in 1910.

so your town taxes are about $100 or so. this gets you animal control, road striping and few other town services. of course you have to pay for the town board and the arts council and the nutrition program that feeds other towns, but hey, thats feinerville and sheehanigans for you.

if you want to sign something, sign a petition for term limits for town board members.

George Washington said... 51

Elmsford in 1910
Edgemont in 2010 Go!

Anonymous said... 52

Who said anything about taxing them and then not giving them representation? My statement was to not tax them and thus not allow them to vote for our Supervisor & Town Board. The villages are costing the Town way too much. And yes, I agree with term limits. There should be term limits for not just the Town Board but also the Supervisor. Don't forget that Feiner ran on that platform - he was Mr. I Believe in Term Limits when he ran against Tony Veteran - his biggest hoohah was that Veteran was in office too long. With Feiner's current term Feiner will have surpassed Mr. Veteran's stay. Ain't that a hoot!

Anonymous said... 53

Does anyone know how to start the ball rolling for institutuing term limits? Let's stop sitting on our hands.

Anonymous said... 54

Paul, stop the police camp, cops in ambulances and wasting our money on tech rescue. If you take all of those officers and put them on the street, maybe just maybe they will solve or prevent some of these crimes. How many cops work inside at deak jobs on a weekday ????????????????? Get them on the street. Why don't you look into the State Police and County PD taking over and close the police dept. I bet the crimes would be the same for a lot less money. Lets here an answer. Stop worring about the fire depts and the County Goverment and worry about what you are in charge of.
Merge the Parks and Rec with TDYCC, privitize sanitation and close the PD

unincorporated free loading on villages said... 55

the villages are subsidizing the unincorporated areas of the town

the villages pay for the town board and dozens of employees at town hall who provide nearly no services to the villages by the town board's own admission.

what does the town engineer or the arts council do for the villages? nothing yet the villages pay for these positions.

the unincorporated taxpayers are lucky to have the villages around to pay millions in taxes for which they get little in return.

if the villages were smart they would leave greenburgh and form a new town - rivertown.

Go, Get Out! said... 56

I say good riddao the Villages! Don't let thedoor hit you in the a** on the way out! Please elect Herbie Rosenberg as your first Supervisor!

free at last said... 57

would be glad to leave the sinking ship called feinerville and run by sheehanigans and captain double dip.

Anonymous said... 58

Feinerville? I prefer Feinerstan or Paulistine myself.

Trading Places said... 59

How about a trade. We wil give you the Arts Counselor and some excess food from our "profitable " Nutrition program for 1 police officer to be placed near 7-11 to prevent the weekly robberies.
Greenburgh has its priorities.

village idiots said... 60

the villages are subsidizing the unincorporated areas of the town

Well thank you so very much! Oh and thanks for voting Feiner in term after term after term.......

subsidy is mandated by state not feiner said... 61

the subsidy has nothing to do with feiner
state law requires the villages to pay for many services it doesnt need or uses sparingly.

if the river villages were smart they would leave greenburgh and create their own town.

then there would be no arts council, nutrition program or town engineer or any of the other unnecesary services the villages pay for but do not use.

what say you village official????

Anonymous said... 62

To 9:34am on 11-17-09

You have a legitimate concern about "stop the cops in ambulances". Do the edgemont residents know that the cop in the ambulance is assigned to cover edgemont along with one other cop in a car. So when that cop is doing ambulance calls in other parts of town, you only have one cop in edgemont. My understanding from talking to some of the cops in town is that the ambulance cop can be tied up on ems calls for several hours during the course of his 8 hr shift. So edgemont loses half of its police protection for a large portion of the day. I wonder if we should be getting some type of tax credit for all the times that ambulance is up in the fairview/white plains part of town?
As far as the police camp, well it's nothing more than free babysitting for some of the kids in fairview, and my understanding is that several of the kids in previous camps have become very familiar with the criminal justice system and not in a good way. I'm not sure but i believe most of the cops assigned to that during the summer are on overtime, so yes lets get rid of it, waste of time and resources, put those cops on the road.
Tech Rescue, let the FD's do it, they already have it why are we duplicating? Waste of time and money. However those cops have regular assignments it's not like there sitting around waiting for a tech rescue job, they are cops that are on the road already, I think 1 or 2 might have assignments inside, doing computer stuff, he could be replaced with a civilian, put him on the road.

As far as having county or state take over, well my understanding is they dont want to touch that with a ten foot pole, Greenburgh is way to busy. It's not like we are a small town, that state or county can put a couple of cops on the road and cover it all like up north in Cortlandt or in some communities in dutchess county and orange county

I don't often come on this blog due to overwhelming amount of uninformed comments and childish behavior, however I do remember posting on this blog sometime last year and commenting on how eliminating an entire street crime unit would affect the quality of life in town and it would directly have an impact on crime, many people said it would not happen and I was overreacting when I said it would only be a matter of time before we were no different than mount vernon or yonkers as far as crime was concerned. I would like to hear from them now as the crime has increased and see if they still feel the same way, how money have we legitimately saved on our tax bill? Was it worth the few bucks? I don't know about you but I no longer forget to close my door and I actually use my alarm now. My car has an alarm now and I look over my shoulder walking my dog. Was it all worth it? I'm no politician nor do I aspire to be, I understand there are tough decisions to be made, however I do NOT want to sacrifice my peace of mind over a few bucks and the very last place to cut is police, you cut police you open pandoras box, I think we have already started opening the box, is there anyone in town hall smart enough to figure this out or is it time to get real politicians?

Anonymous said... 63

Cortlandt is a Town also, and their crime did not go up when the State and County police depts took over. Paul at least look into it!!!

Anonymous said... 64

At the very least, we should speak to the State authorities about a possible takeover of police protection for the Town. What is the harm?

Anonymous said... 65

At the very least, we should speak to the State authorities about a possible takeover of police for the Town.

Anonymous said... 66

Yeah Paul, go talk to the state and then spend 100,000 for a study that will tell you what most people already now, that state taking over won't work, but go ahead do the study its only money, oh but don't raise my taxes to do the study

Anonymous said... 67

It will work and save money at the same time! The Town of Cortlant and the Town of Somers are covered by State Police. We have so many officers inside and not on the road. we need to stop tech rescue and cops driving ambulances. WE don't need to pay overtime to patrol Central ave. at 3am. Hopefully the new Police Chief will look into this waste of moneyand waste of manpower.

Anonymous said... 68

11/20/2009 12:44 AM
You seem to think that many police officers work inside, how many do you think their are? Do yo think they are just taking space and not working? Not all police work involves patroling Central Ave.

hal samis said... 69

But isn't there a simple answer to the question:

How many Police officers work inside Police Headquarters.

Why can't anyone get this answered?

Anonymous said... 70

Hal, does it really matter, whatevr the answer is, you wont be happy, whatever there jobs are inside i'm sure in your litle mind you feel a civilian can do it, but the bottom line is, no one who works inside is sitting on there buts doing nothing, and those are jobs that need to be done by police officers just like in other pd's

Anonymous said... 71

How come we dont have regular paramedics and emts on an ambulance, why are our ambulances staffed by cops, is that normal? what is the rational? Does the town save money? What would it cost to do what other towns/cities do with the ambulances. Is it one of those things where "we have done it this way for years" or is it a cost thing? Can Mr Feiner be a bit more specific with this, maybe he can shed some light on the cost advantage of cops in ambulances vs regular emts and paramedics. I read an earlier post where someone said we lose police protection every time that cop is on an ambulance call, is that true Mr Feiner?

Anonymous said... 72

How come we dont have regular paramedics and emts on an ambulance, why are our ambulances staffed by cops, is that normal? what is the rational? Does the town save money? What would it cost to do what other towns/cities do with the ambulances. Is it one of those things where "we have done it this way for years" or is it a cost thing? Can Mr Feiner be a bit more specific with this, maybe he can shed some light on the cost advantage of cops in ambulances vs regular emts and paramedics. I read an earlier post where someone said we lose police protection every time that cop is on an ambulance call, is that true Mr Feiner?

Anonymous said... 73

Dear 5:58,

Samis would criticize ANTHING from ANONE. I don't think there is a happy bone in his body. He, as well as a few others, thrill at the fact that they can criticize EVERYTHING regardless of any good that is being done. THere are constant conspiracy theories that these few constantly dwell upon and NEVER CEASE. It's a shame they have not learned how be civil or conduct themselves in any public forum. I grow weary of their incessant need to grand stand. I was hoping that we would find the name Hal Samis on many write ins during this past election. But I guess not .... WHO would vote for him besides him and his small fan club.

Anonymous said... 74


How did you find out how many write in votes one received.
We asked and many of us did not receive an answer.

If you did get a total The writer musy be Feiner or some members on the board.
I don't know where your informant was checking But in my household three votes were for Hal.

Anonymous said... 75

You can find the write-ins online.

Anonymous said... 76
