Friday, April 10, 2009


On Wednesday, April 22nd (Earth Day), Greenburgh will be one of just 10 communities selected out of hundreds of participants nationwide to host an ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability Spotlight Conversation on Climate Action. The theme is Greening Greenburgh- thinking systematically and acting collaboratively.

Alll six Mayors from the villages are expected to attend, as well as Town Supervisor Paul Feiner and County Executive Andy Spano.

April 22nd Wednesday- EARTH DAY!

Time: Program 3-8pm

Place: Greenburgh Public Library, 300 Tarrytown Rd, Elmsford

Moderators: Robert Funicello Westchester County Environmental Project Director & Deann Cartwright Greenburgh’s Conservation Outreach Coordinator

Confirmed speakers: County Executive Andy Spano Board Member ICLEI, Tria Case Executive Director for the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) located at Bronx Community College, Kristin Marcell Special Projects Coordinator NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program, Edna Sussman serves on the NYC Panel of Climate Change, John Rice- Sustainable Design Engineer, Tom Abinanti Chair Westchester County Board of Legislators Committee on Environment & Energy, Elyssa Rothe Westchester/Bronx Energy $mart Communities Coordinator, Greenburgh’s Climate Action Task Force

The band Solar Punch will be welcoming guests. They use solar energy and music to help spread positive ideas about renewable energy, environmental awareness and climate action

The program is sponsored by (ICLEI) Local Governments for Sustainability USA, the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, AmericaSpeaks and Earth Day Network.


Anonymous said... 1

How about suggesting a windmill farm on the Taxter Ridge property to help the residents get cheaper electric power.
Pretty soon we will go back to using candles if the electic rates keep going up.
Con edison charges just as much for the amount used as the delivery charges plus all the taxes. This is a matter that you should be taking up since most of the homes are all electric and cannot make a change over because the expenses would be too much.
Concentrate on the residents and their needs especially in today economy.

Won't pass the Gold Standard said... 2

Danny Gold won't allow it. Taxter Ridge was purchased at his insistence. He simply won't allow Feiner to do anything with that property.

Anonymous said... 3

Danny Gold is not paying for that property.
If this is the only solution to help the residents of Greenburgh and surrounding areas it should be taken into consideration.
The hell with Danny Gold.

If this is feasible go to it.
We the users of Con Edison need help in getting some electricity that will save us some money.

If we cannot turn to our local government officials to whom must we go.
Danny Gold enjoyed a big back yard at the expense of all Westchester,and the state of New york residents.
If this is a solution to our high bills at this point with many out of work this plan should be at least studied.

Anonymous said... 4

Electric prices are going thru the roof.
How about looking into the windmill farms for Westchester .

Anonymous said... 5

Someone has to start to help the home owners concerning the high monthly bills from Con Edison

The charges of delivery and taxes are higher than the actual usage.
Something is very wrong.
Paul you as the supervisor should take charge of this expense that we all have.Windmills would be the answer.
The escalating cost of electricity is getting at of hand.
We all have to depend on this company for their service.
The other companies charge much more tha Con Edison.

We who have all electric homes need help.

Did you ever look into New York State to furnish us electricity.
I do think some municipal building have their service.

How about Paul we need your input with the right people to start saving the residents some money.

Anonymous said... 6

Chinese drywall poses potential risks
AP IMPACT: Chinese drywall imported during housing boom causes corrosion, possible health risk

Paul can you find out if any of this drywall was used at the Greenburgh Library


Anonymous said... 7

Check into the windmill farms. We do need lower utility bills .
Con Edison is knoking the hell out of us.

The telephone service is not as bad up to now.
Con Edison not only charges for usage but if you read the back of the bill we are being charged for delivery plus a few extras plus the tax.
There is no way that we the public can fight this company alone.
You may say there are other companies offering the same service but you will be paying more because con ed will hike the extra charges so you will be paying more.
It is not a good idea to have one company delivering services.
How about checking into the company that takes care of public buildings .I do not remember the name but I'm sure you energy coordinator knows.

Anonymous said... 8

How much would you like to bet that there will NEVER be a windmill farm at Taxter Ridge??? Danny Gold likes his big backyard just the way it is.

Anonymous said... 9

Maybe there is some one in county or state government who has had enough of Paul Feiner and his dear friend Gold will look into this matter for us.
It seems it is not what you kn ow but who you know ,,Right Gold.

Anonymous said... 10

Let's see if the energy coordinator is a friend of Gold or will she persue the matter of windmills to help the public.
If she was given the responsibility to check for energy sources this should be first on her agenda.
Windmills or another company that would service all of us not only municipal buildings
Who died and left Gold in charge of Westchester and especially Greenburgh.
Does he pay all our taxes,
I do think the public has to have a say as to what happens to this dump.
Feiner you insisted on this purchase not for parkland because it would never happen a dump is a dump but you made a very close friend of your a little richer and above all very happy.

Paul Feiner said... 11

From: Salvatore Coco
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:18 PM
To: Michael Lepre; Chris Pearson; Greg Chiapperino
Cc: Paul Feiner; Angelo Nanna; Timothy Lewis
Subject: RE: library construction


United States Gypsum was the manufacturer for the drywall.


From: Michael Lepre []
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:08 PM
To: Salvatore Coco; Chris Pearson; Greg Chiapperino
Cc: Paul Feiner; Angelo Nanna; Timothy Lewis
Subject: FW: library construction

Please review this e-mail, and respond to Supervisor Feiner. Thank you.

From: Paul Feiner
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:29 PM

This was on my blog. Has this kind of construction been used at the library? Are there any safety risks? PAUL
Chinese drywall poses potential risks
AP IMPACT: Chinese drywall imported during housing boom causes corrosion, possible health risk

Paul can you find out if any of this drywall was used at the Greenburgh Library

4/11/2009 5:57 PM

Anonymous said... 12

Is Sal authorized to make this statement? We don't want Mr. Lewis to come back at us at a future date and tell us that the Gypsum WAS IN FACT made in China and Sal was not authorized to make the statement that it was not.

Jim Lasser said... 13

"United States Gypsum" is the name of a corporation.
This is not a meaningful answer to the question "Where was the gypsum manufactured."
This is an example of a "lawyer's truth". The statement is literally true, but has no relevance to the question asked. The assumption of the responder is that you are either not worthy of his respect, or that you will hear what you want to hear, or that you are not smart enough to realize that you have not received an answer to your question - or all of the above.
Mr. Feiner, what is the answer to the question which was asked? At least show enough respect for your constituients to answer a direct question - or admit that you do not know and then try to get the answer.
Much of the anger and frustration with Town government is anchored in the attitude displayed by the Supervisor in this exchange. A simple question in plain English is evaded - and for no good reason. The answer will not change the course of history - and if the gypsum board WAS manufactured in China, the situation may, or may not, require remediation. To be consistently disrespectful of questioners is NOT a hallmark of open government - neither is deleting comments critical of the way in which governmental officials conduct their relations with the public.
Please try to conduct yourself with a modicum of respect for us - the public.
Please present direct answers to direct questions.
Please understand that criticism of particular act or instance of conduct is not criticism of character; unless your sense of guilt forces you to choose to interpret as such.

Anonymous said... 14

Knauf USG Systems is the legal entity of a manufacturer of cement board systems under the name AQUAPANEL.

Knauf USG Systems was established in 2002. The company is a joint venture between Knauf GmbH and USG, both suppliers of systems and building materials on a worldwide basis. Knauf USG Systems is based in Iserlohn, Germany. The management team is based in Dortmund, Germany.

Knauf USG Systems has manufacturing facilities in Iserlohn, Germany and Volos, Greece. The latter plant in Volos was opened in August 2007. Both manufacture cement board systems under the name AQUAPANEL.

Anonymous said... 15

Drywall Update: US Companies Coming Up Rotten, Too
February 26th, 2009 · No Comments
The Chinese drywall problem in Florida (USA) not only refuses to go away (and I suspect that it won’t any time soon, since it continues to generate lawsuits), but it has just gotten a bit more convoluted. The latest twist has two US drywall manufacturers being included in upcoming suits. The National Law Journal (NLJ) just reported that a home built for George and Brenda Brinku in Fort Myers, FL is presenting the same problems as many other homes in the state, though the Brinkus’ home doesn’t have Chinese drywall. Or at least they were told that it didn’t. Their drywall came from National Gypsum. The Brinkus plan to file their suit tomorrow, and USG, another major US manufacturer of drywall, is said to be included in a class action suit that has yet to be filed.

Though there will, no doubt, be many questions asked concerning the US drywall, currently the speculation is that these companies may have bought Chinese drywall and relabeled it as their own. Both USG and National Gypsum deny that this happened. According to the article in the NLJ

Anonymous said... 16

All Posts Tagged With: "Salvatore Coco"

Greenburgh Public Library: Green Architecture in Westchester County (Video)
Greenburgh, New York opened its new library to the public back in December and I think you’ll agree that the architecture is pretty intriguing. Although Midtown-based Beatty, Harvey & Associates Architects incorporated a variety of sustainable design elements, which are detailed after the jump, the town opted not to pursue a formal LEED certification.

Salvatore Coco ????????????

Anonymous said... 17

What is a LEED certification???????

Anonymous said... 18

LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building project meets the highest green building and performance measures. All certified projects receive a LEED plaque, which is the nationally recognized symbol demonstrating that a building is environmentally responsible, profitable and a healthy place to live and work.
There are both environmental and financial benefits to earning LEED certification.

LEED-certified buildings:

Lower operating costs and increased asset value.
Reduce waste sent to landfills.
Conserve energy and water.
Healthier and safer for occupants.
Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Qualify for tax rebates, zoning allowances and other incentives in hundreds of cities.
Demonstrate an owner's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Anonymous said... 19

I guess our monster of a library does not qualify for this LEEDS.
How can it operate if it does not meet all the criteria?

Anonymous said... 20

LEED-certified buildings:

Lower operating costs and increased asset value.
Reduce waste sent to landfills.
Conserve energy and water.
Healthier and safer for occupants.
Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Qualify for tax rebates, zoning allowances and other incentives in hundreds of cities.
Demonstrate an owner's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Commercial buildings as defined by standard building codes are eligible for certification under the LEED for New Construction, LEED for Existing Buildings, LEED for Commercial Interiors, LEED for Retail, LEED for Schools and LEED for Core & Shell rating systems. Building types include – but are not limited to – offices, retail and service establishments, institutional buildings (e.g., libraries, schools, museums and religious institutions), hotels and residential buildings of four or more habitable stories.

If you are unsure whether your building project is a candidate for LEED certification, review the LEED Rating System Checklist that applies to your project to tally a potential point total. Your project is a viable candidate for certification if it meets all prerequisites and can achieve the minimum number of points necessary to earn the Certified level

Anonymous said... 21

the town opted not to pursue a formal LEED certification.

WHY NOT PAUL ????????

Anonymous said... 22

Chinese drywall !!!!!!!!!!