Friday, October 16, 2009


Robert Gilson advised of job opening: human resources assistant. Initially a temporary position ($20-22 per hour). Could lead to full time employment in the $50 k range. They should contact


Anonymous said... 1

The Town is crying poverty again - Continually raising taxes, nickel and diming expenses.
Why do I see several Town of Greenburgh trucks (Suburbans) on the Taconic heading north? How many "take home" vehicles does the Town give to the employees.

Anonymous said... 2

what is the latest on the planned shop rite in midway?

Michael Kolesar said... 3

To Anonymous 10/17 10:14 AM:

As Town Comptroller, i created a vehicle log book that was supposed to be in each non-major ( i.e. no garbage trucks, front end loaders, etc.) vehicle. The log was supposed to be completed each day by entering for that day, the mileage at the start of the day and the mileage at the end of the day. Department Heads / supervisors were supposed to review these logs at least once a month to compare the odometer redaings with the log books and the Comptroller's office would spot check. Like to bet this hasn't happened since I departed? There were only about 10 vehicles authorized to be taken home at night. Have any vehicle ID's?

Maybe just another area where the Town is not in compliance with the law ( hint - IRS code).

Anonymous said... 4

The shop rite proposal almost was approved this week. But Michelle McNally raised some concerns so the vote was postponed.
No wonder why businesses don't want to deal with Greenburgh. Self appointed civic leaders try to delay or stop everything.

Anonymous said... 5

McNally supported the Shop Rite proposal, as did the ECC. The Zoning Board decided to grant the variances provided certain conditions were met, and simply took the time to get its decision written, as it normally does, so that it may be approved at its next meeting. McNally is also not some "self-appointed" civic leader. She was duly elected as an at large director and as its vice president at the ECC's annual meeting, which was open to all Edgemont residents. McNally's position on the Shop Rite matter was the subject of several discussions that took place at ECC meetings.

Anonymous said... 6

Michelle McNally is a concerned resident who spends considerable time volunteering to keep her neighborhood a good place to live in. She is a valuable asset.

Anonymous said... 7

Edgemont schools could see a 9% reduction in state assistance if todays Journal News story is accurate. Michele and the ECC should support revenue generators that do not add more students to our schools. She should not try to slow down approvals. We need the ratables.

Anonymous said... 8

Anon at 11:22 doesn't realize how little state aid the Edgemont school district actually receives. A nine percent reduction, while unfortunate, does not translate into much money, and is certainly no reason for Edgemont's civic leaders suddenly to stop looking at projects which may impact Edgemont and its residents. The irony here, though, is that the Shop Rite project is one that the ECC and McNally supported, and that any delay in winning approval is due not to McNally but to the town's Zoning Board wanting to issue a written decision that gets it right. Why would anyone have a problem with that?

Anonymous said... 9

I see in today's Journal News that the White Plains and Yonkers public housing received grants for solar and geo thermal technology. Did Greenburgh even apply? Our managmeent is incompenent and constantly wastes money.

feiner needs to update emails blogsite said... 10

Isn't it nice that our town supervisor (Part time employment agent) has updated us on the Shop Rite in Midway NOT LOL

Anonymous said... 11

Update what ? Lucky he knows how to get to the office

Anonymous said... 12

Update what ? Lucky he knows how to get to the office

Anonymous said... 13

We'd probably be better off if he didn't know how to get to his office.
BTW, I hope there is a police officer courageous enough to ticket the Supervisor for texting while driving - he was doing it again the other day.
Just another law he "doesn't believe in" so he flouts it.

Anonymous said... 14

Feiner has announced that he feels the no texting law while driving is illegal and will not follow it. He urges Bernstein to take him to court.

Anonymous said... 15

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse...another 2 years with Bozo and Clowns

Anonymous said... 16

When the Supervisor has an accident because he was texting while driving, will the Town's insurance cover the settlement or will the costs go to the TOV budget?